Monday, December 30, 2019

Dark are the Shadows 12/30/2019

Dark are the Shadows
Ms. Hunter Ash

A BTVS/Dark Shadows Crossover

rating: PG13
pairings: Xander/Anya, Willow/Tara, Giles/Angelique

# # #

Buffy hesitated to move as Glory made a show of looking around the living room.

“So, this is where the Slayer eats, sleeps, and…doesn’t dust? Oh, look at this photo, so cute!”

Glory picked up a photo in a frame and showed it to Buffy and set it back down. “I can’t even stand it. Personally, I need more space, but uh, this is good for you, right? It’s so quaint.”

While the super-powered woman rambled, Buffy turned to the fireplace and picked up the poker. When she turned around Glory was right in front of her.

Glory sighed as she took the poker from Buffy.

“Buffy, if I wanted to fight, you would be able to tell that by being dead already. So play nice, little girl,” she said as she sat down in a chair.

“What do you want?” Buffy demanded.

“The key, why else do you think I’d come here? See, I think you know where it is and that’s a good thing,” Glory said as she pointed the poker at Buffy.

“I’m glad you think so,” Buffy said.

“Well, it’s the only thing keeping you alive right now. Because you may be tiny queen in the vampire world but to me, you’re a bug. You should get down on your knees and worship me!”

Buffy’s eyes widened as Dawn trotted down the stairs without looking around. The young teen hesitated when she saw Buffy’s expression.

“Oh big deal, stronger than humans, right?” Glory ranted. “Who isn’t? I could crush the life form you as easy as you’d break a nail. But I need the key.”

Dawn swallowed and started back for the stairs.


Dawn froze.

“Come here a sec!” Glory called.

“Leave her out of this,” Buffy said urgently.

“I’m not asking twice,” Glory warned.

“This is between you and me,” Buffy protested.

“No, this is between me and my key. You just happen to be the thing in the way.”

Dawn moved around into Glory’s eyeline. “And you are just the darling-est thing I ever did see in my life. What’s your name, honey?”

“Dawn,” the girl responded.

“Dawn? Did you know your sister took my key, Dawnie? And she won’t give it back! I bet you know where she put it, don’t you?”

“She doesn’t know a thing,” Buffy said.

“I know some stuff!” Dawn protested. Who the hell was the woman?

“I bet she takes your stuff all the time without asking, doesn’t she? Where’s my key, Dawn?”

“Go upstairs, Dawn,” Buffy ordered.

“You’re always talking about stuff I’m not supposed to hear. I’m going to figure it out, you know,” Dawn warned.

“Upstairs now!”

“Oh, I like her, she’s sassy,” Glory declared and then grew serious. “And I’ll kill her. I’ll kill your mom. I’ll kill your friends and I’ll make you watch when I do.”

Buffy’s jaw clenched.

Glory stood up. “Obviously this is a one-time deal. Next time we meet, something you love dies a bloody death. You know you can’t take me. You know you can’t stop me.”

The hell god dropped the poker on the floor and walked out the door.

“Oh God,” Buffy whispered. She ran to the stairs and saw Quentin holding Dawn with a hand over her mouth. “Good call.”

# # ##

Giles slipped out of the bed he was sharing with Angelique and slipped on a pair of jeans and went downstairs and pulled the cloth away from the mirror.

“I still know a bit of magic…” he mumbled. “Mirror, cast your reflection away from this room. Show me another, show me Nicholas Blair… where Nicholas Blair is…”

Giles smiled and sat down as Blair and Tom Jennings came into view.

“I told you we should keep an eye on that insane hell god,” Nicholas said. “What? Oh yes, almost sunrise, isn’t it? Well, tonight you can feed from the witch again, just don’t change her yet. Too bad Glory didn’t kill the Slayer tonight when she had the chance. Yes, go! Go to sleep.”

Giles blinked and covered the mirror. Buffy? Buffy had a run in with Glory? Quentin and Dawn were with her.


Giles looked up and smiled at Joyce. “Just wanted to see if Nicholas was up to anything before grabbing a couple of hours sleep.” He looked down at his bare chest and feet. “I, uh, didn’t think anyone was awake.”

Joyce chuckled. “I can see that. Oh, I hear the Jeep.”

“Good,” Giles said. He sighed with relief when Buffy opened the door and she was followed by Dawn and Quentin. “Nicholas mentioned to Tom that you had a run in with Glory. I was worried.”

“Yeah,” Buffy said. “She showed up at the house and threatened to kill everyone around me if I don’t give her the key.”

“What the hell is the thing, anyway?” Dawn asked.

“I’m not telling,” Buffy said. “Uh, interesting lack of clothes, Giles. Damn, you’re kinda furry.”

“Yes, well, I’m going back to bed for a few hours,” Giles said. “Let’s hope she doesn’t find this place. I’m glad you’re all are okay.”

“Love you too, Dad,” Buffy said with a smile.

# # # #

Buffy smiled as Giles adjusted his tie at the courthouse later that day. “You look good, Giles.”

“Too thin, too pale, I know,” he said but smiled. “I may keep the beard.”

“I like the goatee, that looks really good on you,” Buffy commented. “On Nicholas it… looks like he’s being a villain. On you it looks… dangerous.”

“Interesting,” Giles said and his smile widened as Joyce and Dawn walked down the hall from the ladies room. “Hullo.”

“Hi,” Joyce said and accepted his hand.

Buffy thought how odd it was that he was marrying her mom while sleeping with Angelique but…it would keep the Council from suspecting who his actual bedmate was and her mom and Giles were fairly comfortable around each other.

As long as Buffy and Dawn weren’t teasing them.

“Are you two ready?” Buffy asked. “Maybe you guys can do a ceremony with the best man and everything later.”

“Make at sunset and make it a three-way,” Dawn suggested.

“A what?” Giles stammered.

“You’re kinda marrying Mom… spiritually or something and Angelique….”

“Let’s go inside and see the judge,” Joyce said quickly.

“I’ve got the camera and Dawn has the birdseed,” Buffy said with a grin.

In twenty minutes, Joyce Summers and Rupert Giles were married and outside the courthouse Buffy and Dawn threw birdseed at the couple and then hugged them both tightly.

“Let’s go move some of your stuff in that’ll fool immigration and the Council,” Buffy suggested.

“I agree,” Giles said. “Quentin will probably be here tomorrow morning. I’ll open the shop and wait for them.”

“Such joy shall be had by all,” Buffy predicted. “Not.”

# # # #

// Barnabas! Barnabas! //

The vampire struggled to focus.

// I’m… here. //

// Thank gods // Willow sent. // Blair said you were fading quickly into madness from the hunger //

// It’s… difficult. I’m injured and… delirious. How long…? //

Had he dreamed about the strange man and woman? Was it a vision? Was it an actual spiritual trip where he had been given a choice?

// Tonight is the fifth night since they grabbed you. Barnabas…please try to hang on // Willow begged.

// I chose to be here. Here, right now. I’ll hang on… just… if you are here when they break open the wall get any humans out of my reach… I won’t have control. // Barnabas warned.

// Okay. They’ll find us! I know they will. // Willow sent to the vampire.

// Hard… // Barnabas let his mind begin to wander again. Anything to ignore the pain.

// Barnabas? // Willow bit her lip and touched the newly reopened wounds. She felt as weak as a kitten but she had to get free and get help for both of them! She reached under her pillow and pulled out a small piece of metal from the cot and began working at the lock on the shackle.

# # #

Angelique smiled when she opened her eyes to find Giles waiting with a mug of blood. “Good evening,” she said. “How did things go? Are you a married man, Rupert?”

“Legally, yes,” Giles said. “Emotionally… I’m fond of Joyce and things might have developed a couple of years ago but that passed us by, my love. Are you really going to be all right with this?”

“Yes,” Angelique said with a smile. “I’m not as jealous as I once was and I don’t feel like you’re leading me on and putting me aside.”

“Like Barnabas did?”

“That’s how I saw it and he admitted it,” Angelique said and took the mug from the Watcher. “You need to sleep tonight or you’re going to be a mess when your potential boss gets here in the morning.”

“I’m afraid you’re right,” Giles agreed. “I’ve been getting short periods of sleep here and there but that’s not really restful in the long run.”

“We have to find Barnabas and Willow soon,” Angelique added. “If Tom Jennings is feeding on her regularly it won’t be long before…”

“She dies and becomes a vampire,” Giles finished and the vampire witch nodded.

“With Nicholas and Tom Jennings to guide her,” she added.

“Sod that,” Giles muttered. “What about finding Roxanne? You’re close to Barnabas and he’s the one that turned her.”

“We can give that a try,” Angelique said after a moment. “How can she find him if we can’t? Tara is also a vampire because of him.”

“I don’t know,” Giles admitted. “Julia suggested it and didn’t really know why she suggested it.”

“Interesting. Let us try it.”

# # # #

Buffy watched as Giles slept on the sofa while Tara and Angelique worked to try and find their family members or Roxanne.

She glanced over as Quentin walked up beside her.

“He’s not getting enough sleep,” Buffy said softly.

“Which is why I slipped him some herbs in his tea that are slightly…well, they’re light sedatives,” Angelique said. “He won’t wake up if you carry him up to the bedroom.”

“That was underhanded,” Buffy said with a frown.

“But necessary and he had mentioned that he had to get some sleep but that his mind won’t slow down,” Angelique said. “I suspect that happens a lot.”

“Yeah, he often falls asleep on his sofa,” Buffy said. “When will he wake up?”

“Around 8am,” Angelique responded. “Give or take an hour. Enough time for him to drop by your house to coordinate with your mother over any messages he received, to brush his teeth and open the shop while waiting for your Watchers.”

“Don’t make a habit of it,” Buffy said after a moment.

Angelique chuckled softly and turned back to her mirror.

Nicholas stepped back into the shadows of the upper landing on the 2nd floor. He calmly walked to the end of the hall and down the back stairs to rejoin Tom at Nicholas’ car.

“Well?” Tom demanded.

“There are times when it’s good to be me,” Nicholas declared. “They are as lost as ever. With company coming tomorrow they’ll be even more confused and off balance. Soon, Tom, very soon and you will have all the blood you want.”

“Good,” the vampire muttered.

# # # #

Dawn smiled as Joyce grabbed Giles’ arm and handed the Watcher his car keys. It was just so…domestic! Maybe Angelique would go away and not come back… She wouldn’t mind if her mom and Giles made it a real marriage.

“Buffy said she and Quentin would be at the Magic Box shortly,” Joyce told her ‘husband.’

“Good, Travers said they would be there shortly after I open the shop,” Giles said. “See you this evening.”

“Just be careful,” Joyce urged.

Ten minutes later Giles was setting up the Magic Box for the day, getting the till ready, sorting through the mail and turning on lights that would highlight the crystals and other objects for sale. He dialed Buffy’s number and smiled when she answered quickly.

“Hullo, it’s Giles,” he said. “I thought I’d give you a heads-up. Quentin Travers sent a rough outline of the review they want to do and I’m afraid its bad.”

“We’ll be there in 2 minutes,” Buffy replied.

Giles hung up the phone and took a sip of tea and smiled when Buffy and Quentin Collins walked in. “Hullo, sorry to bear bad news but you should know what to expect. I had Dawn print this out.”

Buffy took the paper and frowned as she looked over it. “Council history? What classification is a Lei-Ach demon? Testing on various forms of combat… what’s this one?”

Giles glanced over her shoulder. “A form of Japanese fighting.”

“Have you taught that?”

“Some of it, yes,” Giles said. “Without the Japanese words.”

“Latin? They want me to translate Latin?”

Giles nodded.

“Okay, I’m going to read this while we go pick up breakfast,” Buffy said. “We’ll bring you back food. Mom said you didn’t eat this morning.”

Giles chuckled. “Should I just wave a white flag? With three Summers women watching me like a hawk I’ll put on weight soon enough!”

Buffy smiled and hugged him. “We’ll be back in about 30.”

Ten minutes later Giles glanced up from the accounting books and saw Quentin Travers and four other Watchers enter the store. Giles frowned as one of them turned the OPEN sign to CLOSED and locked the door.

“What the hell?”

“They’re going to investigate your items to see if you’re contributing to the darkness surrounding this town,” Travers said. “It will remain closed until we’re done with our review of the shop, your job performance and review of the Slayer’s abilities.”

“There’s several items that could be dangerous here,” a Watcher called over to Travers.

“Get the hell away from my items unless you intend on buying something,” Giles snapped. “I had assumed we were going to discuss things.”

Travers nodded at the round table in the store, “Let’s discuss things.”

Giles glanced at the Watchers. “You all stand around and look somber.”

The one-time Watcher rolled his eyes. “Good job.”

“You used to respect us, Giles. You used to be one of us,” Travers scolded.

“You used to pay me. If you recall, firing me was not my idea.”

“Touche,” Travers said. “But you were on the inside once. You know what sort of resources we command. We’ve discovered information about this creature, your Glory. Some of it is clearly vital and the rest merely extremely disturbing. And it won’t be handed over until we’re convinced that you and your Slayer are prepared for it, thus the review.”

“I’m not having you put her through another one of your insane tests,” Giles said as he leaned over the table.

“It’s not a test, it’s a check of her methods. We need to know this information is safe.”

“Of course, you can trust her, you’re being ridiculous,” Giles grumbled.

“We’ll see. Now where are those misfits that aid you?”

“My partner is off on a buying trip, Xander is working, Willow and Tara are out of town researching for a university paper Willow is working on and… hmm, who else?”

“Mrs. Summers and Buffy’s sister,” Travers said.

“I can have her and Xander come over but you are not speaking to Dawn,” Giles said firmly.


“American teenage girls aren’t especially… forthcoming when it comes to their older sisters,” Giles said. “They’ve all been under incredible stress. Joyce is undergoing treatment for a tumor in her brain. The girls have been worried and, in spite of that, Buffy has continued with her duties.”

“Very well, we’ll decide after talking with Mrs. Summers,” Travers said and Giles went to the phone.

# # # #

Buffy hesitated and then opened the door to the Magic Box with her key and stepped inside with Quentin.

“Hi, we brought Giles breakfast, Mom said he didn’t eat this morning,” she said cheerfully. She resisted laughing at Travers’ confused expression and she could tell by the smirk in Giles’ eyes that he hadn’t told the Council of his recent nuptials.

“Your mother knows that Rupert didn’t have breakfast?” Travers asked as Quentin Collins unpacked the Styrofoam boxes of food from a bag.

“Well, duh,” Buffy said. “She did manage to get his socks to match.”

Travers looked at Giles with a look of surprise. “You… spend much time with Mrs. Summers?”

“Well, yes, actually,” Giles said calmly and held up his hand, showing off the gold band on his finger. “We decided to make it official.”

“You… married your Slayer’s mother?” one of the Watchers questioned.

“Well, did you want me to marry my Slayer?” Giles asked and Buffy dropped a stack of napkins.


“Sorry,” Giles said with a laugh. “Ask your boss, he recognized my feelings for Buffy as that of a father, after all.”

“This is most irregular!” the lone female Watcher exclaimed. “Field Watchers don’t get married until they retire from the field!”

“Need I point out that I’m not officially a Watcher?” Giles countered.

“When will her mother… your wife and step daughter arrive?” Travers asked.

“Mom and Dawnie?” Buffy asked.

“The Council wants to talk to them and all your friends,” Giles said.

“You gotta be kidding!”

“And we are also curious as to who the tall gentleman is,” another Watcher said.

“Quentin Collins, I’m in California on business,” the immortal responded easily. “Rupert is acquainted with some of my family through mutual interests and I came over from the Bay area to meet him and I’m finding Buffy’s company very enticing.”

“What is your business, Mr. Collins?” Travers asked. “And what sort of mutual interests? This is something of a private conversation.”

“The occult and supernatural happenings,” Quentin answered calmly. “My family and I are considering expanding our business to the west coast and I’m investigating the pros and cons. We are in the fish canning business and processing of fresh caught fish in Maine.”

“The occult?” Travers asked with a frown.

“Yes, my cousin is psychic and has had many experiences,” Quentin said. “She knows a Dr. Adam Spektor who knows Rupert and the ball rolls downhill. There aren’t a lot of people that one can take seriously in the community, after all. That’s about the extent of our conversation, Mr. ….?”

“Travers, Quentin Travers,” the other man said. “We have many questions for friends of Rupert and Buffy.”

“And I have a fondness for keeping my private life private,” Quentin said firmly. “I don’t discuss vampires, werewolves, curses, the Leviathan, Old Gods and ghosts very often with strangers.”

“Leviathans? You’ve had experience with the Leviathans?” the woman with Travers asked, her eyes widening.

“Yes,” Quentin said. He glanced at Giles and the Englishman nodded ever so slightly. “That was one of the main reasons for coming to California.”

“I was sent a Naga box from my friend Dr. Adam Spektor who specializes in the occult but was going out of the country,” Giles said. “A sorcerer and witch were working to open a gate that would allow the Leviathan to enter our world and eventually blast the gate open for the Old Ones. With help from Quentin, Buffy’s strength and intelligence and my research we were able to thwart them.”

“What happened to the sorcerer and witch?” Watcher #3 asked.

“The witch was also a vampire and I staked her,” Giles said. “After she had bitten me twice.”

“And you managed to stake her?” Travers asked.

“Yes,” Giles said. “The sorcerer apparently pissed off his master, he disappeared in flames.”

“And my boyfriend, a Green Beret soldier, was killed,” Buffy added.

“And the box?” Watcher #3 asked anxiously.

“Destroyed on the altar, the only place it could be destroyed,” Giles said.

“The only place?” Watcher 3 repeated.

“What, you don’t know that? Well then, you probably didn’t know about the prophecy book that only those in the hive mind with the Leviathan can read, right?” Giles asked and Buffy worked hard at not smiling. “Hmm, I thought you always had more information than us.”

“Enough,” Travers said firmly. “We’ll discuss the Leviathan later. Right now, we are dealing with the review.”

“No, we aren’t,” Buffy said firmly.

“Buffy, I can sense your resistance and I don’t blame you,” Travers said. “I don’t believe that your Watcher has reminded you lately of the resolute status of the players in our little game. The Council fights evil. The Slayer is the instrument by which we fight. The Council remains, the Slayers change, it’s been that way from the beginning.”

“Well, that’s a very comforting, bloodless way of looking at it, isn’t it?” Giles said scornfully.

“Rupert, let me talk to Buffy because I think she’ll understand me. Glory is stronger than you. She’s a more powerful instrument, if you will. We can help you. We have information that will help. Pass the review and we give it to you without reservation. Fail the review, either through incompetence, or by resisting our recommendations…”

Giles moved from around the counter quickly. “Resisting your recommendations? She fails if we don’t do whatever you say! How much under your thumb do you think we are?”

“How much to you want our help?” Travers asked.

Two of the Watchers grabbed Giles as he started towards Travers. “She’s not your bloody instrument and you have no right to do any of this!”

“I understand you think this is unfair,” Travers said easily. “But there are factors which should motivate you to go along with the review. Now, I don’t want to do this but obviously we could shut this place down permanently.”

“You can’t do that, you don’t have that kind of power,” Buffy protested.

“Of course we do, and a great deal more. In fact, if you insist on fighting us, we’ll arrange to have Rupert deported, marriage or not. Never to set foot in this country again. Now perhaps you’re used to idle threats and sloppy discipline, Miss Summers, but you’re dealing with grownups now. Am I making myself clear?”

Buffy frowned.

# # # #

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Dark are the Shadows - 12/22/2019

Happy Holidays to everyone! I'm posting early because my internet is beyond sporadic right now.  We were offline for four days so far.  Hope everyone's holidays are wonderful!

# # #

Dark are the Shadows
by Ms Hunter Ash

a BTVS/Dark Shadows crossover soap opera

rating: PG13
pairings: Buffy/Quentin; Xander/Anya; Willow/Tara; Giles/Angelique

# ## #

Buffy frowned when she and Joyce walked back into the mansion and saw Giles pacing with a scowl on his face and everyone except Tara and Angelique watched the Watcher.

“What’s going on?” Buffy asked.

“He got a call and he’s been all growly ever since,” Anya answered.


The Englishman stopped and looked at his Slayer. “The Council wants to come here, a delegation as Quentin put it.”

“Why?” Buffy asked.

“To conduct a review of us,” Giles said. “Of you and me, in particular, and the store. They have answers about Glory and won’t give us the information unless we pass their tests and reviews.”

“Why?” Joyce asked.

“Because Glory is so powerful and we, apparently, are just bumbling along and have been lucky thus far and they aren’t sure if they should trust the information to us,” Giles answered.

“Tell them to go to hell,” Xander said loudly.

“There were… threats,” Giles said.

“What kind of threats?” Joyce demanded.

Giles glanced away. “My green card,” he responded. “They can have me deported by the end of a day.”

“And from what you’ve said about your Council they aren’t going to look favorably on vampires being around,” Quentin ventured and Giles shook his head.

“I don’t want them here, Giles!” Buffy protested. “They nearly got me and Mom killed on my birthday and they almost killed me after Faith woke up!”

“Then Interpol and MI-6 will have me out of the country in days with enough criminal charges to ensure I can never return,” Giles said.

“What do we do?” Anya asked.

“Jump through their hoops,” Giles suggested. “We don’t let them near this place and tell them that Anya is on a buying trip, she can stay here as a day guard for Angelique and Tara. Willow and Tara are out of town together doing research for a paper for university… Joyce is not up to interviews due to her treatments.”

“That eliminates most everyone from their interviews,” Quentin noted. “I’ll stay here with Xander and Anya. I don’t need them prying into my history.”

“You are quick on your feet, Rupert,” Joyce said with a smile. “I don’t like this, however. You two shouldn’t have to jump through hoops so that they can have control over the Slayer again.”

“No, we shouldn’t,” Buffy said thoughtfully.

“If they find out Rupert was a vampire and isn’t recovered yet…” Quentin said.

“I’ve recovered,” Giles protested.

“No, you haven’t,” Buffy said with a shake of her head. “You’re too thin, too pale, can’t see in bright sunlight and the wounds on your neck haven’t healed totally yet.”

“They can’t find out about what happened with the Leviathans,” Tara said as she stood up. “I need to stop for a moment.”

“We can’t keep them from Giles,” Buffy said. “They’ll know we’re keeping everyone out of their hands as it is.”

“She’s right,” Angelique agreed. “I need a moment as well. What about getting Rupert a tan and trim his beard a bit. The wounds are easily explained, he is a hunter, a vampire got too close and bit him before Buffy killed the vampire.”

“That would help,” Anya agreed. “He can touch holy objects and casts a reflection so they may not realize he’s kind of part vampire.”

Giles blinked. “What? I…I know I’m connected to Angelique but… what?”

“What?” Anya repeated. “You’re not totally human anymore. That other werewolf said so.”

“Quentin?” Buffy turned to her potential boyfriend and the tall man rammed his hands into his jeans and shrugged.

“I get the same thing as Thomas did,” he said a moment later.

Giles sat down heavily into a chair. “If they have magic users with them… they’ll see my life-line is connected with someone magically and might be able to tell who and what Angelique is.”

Angelique knelt down on the floor and looked up at the Watcher. “Rupert, I’m sorry.”

“Nothing to be sorry for, luv,” he said softly. “If you hadn’t done the spell I’d be a vampire now or dead.”

“But when you die, won’t you become a vampire?” Dawn asked and bit her lip.

“Yes, nothing is going to stop that unless I’m staked before I rise,” Giles said.

“And that is NOT going to happen!” Angelique said firmly.

“When will they get here?” Buffy asked.

“Day after tomorrow,” Giles replied.

“I need to think about this. We can’t waste time jumping through their hoops with Blair and Glory out there and Barnabas and Willow missing,” Buffy said.

“How do we keep them from having Rupert deported?” Joyce asked.

“Even with criminal charges pending its hard to deport someone who is married to a U.S. citizen,” Quentin suggested.

“Well, I am a citizen but I’m also a vampire,” Angelique said. “One mirror or cross would give me away.”

“Angelique, can I talk to you for a moment?” Joyce asked. “Outside?”

“Of course,” the witch said and kissed Giles after she stood up.

“Mom?” Buffy asked.

“Girl talk,” Joyce said. “We won’t be long.”

“Even for a hellmouth this just gets weirder every night,” Xander complained.

# ## #

//Barnabas! Barnabas! Can you hear me? Please! I’m scared and alone!//

Willow turned and began to cry into her pillow.

# # # #

“Buffy, Dawn, could you join us, please?” Joyce called from the patio door.

“What on earth?” Giles mumbled.

“No one does conspiracy like women,” Xander declared.

It was ten minutes before Angelique appeared at the door. “Join us, Rupert.”

“I expected that was coming,” Giles muttered as he stepped out of the mansion. “What’s going on?”

“Its probably not hard to figure out,” Angelique said as she interlocked her arm with his.

“Probably not,” Giles agreed. “It would be risky for Angelique to meet with Watchers, especially well trained ones. We know one way to slow down a potential deportation is for me to be married and it shouldn’t be Angelique given the circumstances.”

“Go on,” Angelique urged.

“Joyce has suggested what? That I marry her or Buffy?”

“Oh, I don’t think so!” Buffy said quickly. “No offense, Giles, but… you’re more dad material than boyfriend material.”

“Good, I agree,” Giles said.

“Besides, after that candy thing…” Buffy began.

“Do not finish that sentence, young lady!”

“Rupert, will you marry me?” Joyce asked before Buffy could respond. “A green card marriage. You and I say all the right things to immigration if they ask. The Council probably won’t approve but they won’t see it as impossible given how close you are to Buffy.”

“And?” Giles asked as Buffy and Dawn looked at each other with concerned expressions.

“If something happens to me you and Buffy will take good care of Dawn,” Joyce added. “And their father won’t be able to force Dawn to live with him.”

“Girls, you approve?” the Watcher asked.

“Yeah, it’ll help keep you with us,” Dawn said. “And…it works.”

“Angelique?” Giles asked softly.

The vampire turned and kissed him firmly.

“It does make sense,” she said softly. “And we both know I can’t live here. I will see you often, don’t worry about that. Besides, maybe she can get you to eat.”

Giles kissed Angelique and then looked at Joyce.

“I accept and will be honored to be an official part of the family on whatever level the three of you wish,” he said.

“Great, let’s get you married tomorrow then,” Buffy said.

Giles nodded and kissed Joyce’s cheek. “Thank you.”

“We’ll have to move some of your things in,” Dawn said. “So it looks like he lives with us.”

“Good idea,” Buffy said. “Come on, runt, let’s give these three some space.”

“Okay,” Dawn said and then rushed over and hugged Giles tightly. “You’ll be a great dad.”

“Thank you, I shall try.”

# # # #

“Why can’t I turn her now?” Tom demanded from Nicholas as the sorcerer watched Glory in a far-seeing mirror.

“Oh shut up,” Nicholas snapped. “Now, lets see if we can find a weakness in this petty hellgod…”

“A god with weaknesses?” Tom asked.

“Most of them have weakness, go read Greek mythology,” Nicholas said. “Some are very powerful but they all have weaknesses. The key is finding what it is. See, look at this, she’s on the floor sweating and weak like a junkie going through withdrawals.”

“Okay, that’s weird, what’s causing it?” Tom asked as he moved closer.

“That is the question, isn’t it?” Nicholas said with a slight smile. “Ah, her minions.”

“A postman? What the hell?”

Sorcerer and vampire watched as the troll-like creatures pulled, dragged and bullied a postal worker over to the woman lying on the floor.

“What’s going on?” the man demanded. “Look, I don’t have a lot of money and I don’t know where to get drugs! I won’t say a word, just let me go.”

One of the minions helped Glory sit up and the woman looked at the postman with glazed eyes.

Tom drew closer as Glory placed her hands on the man’s temples and she smiled.

“Whoa!” the vampire exclaimed as Glory’s fingers sank into the man’s skull.

Instead of brain matter and blood bright light began radiating from where the fingers had pierced the man’s body and it surrounded deity and victim. After a few moments Glory pulled her fingers back and the man collapsed to the floor blinking.

“That’s better,” Glory said. “Try not to cut it so close next time, guys, or you won’t live another day!”

“Yes, your greatness!”

The postman sat up and looked at the three with panicked eyes. “You’re watching me! I can feel you watching me! The train is going to be late! I won’t get off in time!”

Glory chuckled as the man jumped to his feet and ran out of the room.

Nicholas’ eyes narrowed.

“Now, I need to freshen up,” Glory said. “This mental brain sucking…. Well, sucks.”

“Yes, your worshipfulness,” one of the trolls agreed. “It is something we must ensure doesn’t happen to you again. We are lowly toads and unworthy to be in your presence. We will do better at obtaining humans for you to drain to keep your wonderful and exceptional brain in working order!”

“You’d better!” Glory said.

Nicholas waved his hand and the mirror began reflecting the room he and Tom were in again. The sorcerer touched his lips with a finger. “What does all of that mean?”

“The guy was nuts after she was done with him,” Tom Jennings observed.

“Yes, I wonder how many others she’s drained and why,” Nicholas said thoughtfully. “He was sane when he went in. Or relatively sane and insane when he left. She needs…donors to maintain her mental stability. Why, though? I’ll far-see more in a few. As for Willow Rosenberg, leave her for tonight. Barnabas has stopped trying to reach anyone from the outside and her playmates can see her but not where she is. Let them observe how depressed and hopeless she feels right now.”

“What about the others? Shouldn’t we pick the rest of them off?”

“No, they’re fragmented and desperate with Barnabas and the girl missing,” Nicholas said. “And they don’t know what we’re up to. We will start watching them very closely, the timing must be getting close for that insane bitch god. The knights should show up very soon.”

“The knights?” Tom asked.

“Come, I’ll explain while we get some dinner,” Nicholas said. “I shall eat and you can prey on the waitress.”


# # # #

Tara pulled back from the scrying mirror with a frown. Where was Willow? They couldn’t trace vampires easily but she should be able to find Willow!

She had seen interesting things while spying on Nicholas though!

“Guys, I may have information,” she called to the room.

“I’ll get Giles, Joyce and Angelique,” Xander offered as he jumped up from the table.

In moments everyone was crowding around the table and Tara relayed what she had seen and heard.

“So Nicholas is right, she does have weaknesses,” Giles said thoughtfully. “This explains the increase in the mentally unstable. What is she pulling from people?”

“Brain sucker,” Xander said.

“Oh don’t be ridiculous, they still have their brains,” Giles grumbled.

“Yeah, but not their smarts and whatever makes someone stable,” Xander pointed out.

“Something about her winds down and she needs a boost,” Buffy suggested.

Giles nodded. “Yes, that may be a weakness we can use. I’m not sure how yet.”

“Lets keep looking for Willow,” Angelique suggested. “It would be better if we could eliminate either Nicholas or this Glory before dealing with the other.”

Buffy nodded. “I agree.”

“So, uh, Giles, you gonna marry Mrs. S?” Xander asked.

“She has asked me to, yes,” Giles said. “As a means to stay in the country.”

“And I am fine with it,” Angelique added. “Our relationship will continue without the Council being aware of it.”

“Are we really rejoining with the Council?” Xander asked.

“I don’t know. They’re insisting that we do before they’ll turn over information to us,” Giles said.

“So they’re dangling important information about someone that could probably destroy the world and they won’t give it to us unless we say Please and ask to join their little club again?” Buffy asked.

“I wouldn’t put it that way… no, actually I would,” Giles said.

“I’m not happy with that,” Buffy said thoughtfully.

“None of us will be,” Giles agreed.

# # # #

Angelique touched Giles’ hands as he began to rub her shoulders. “That feels good.”

“It’s about an hour before sunrise, why don’t you quit for the night?” he suggested.

“I should be able to find him, Rupert,” Angelique said as she covered the mirror. “Even when he went traveling through time, I could find him and find out what he was up to.”

“For some reason it’s impossible to track vampires through magic here,” Giles said as she stood up and he wrapped his arms around her. “The Hellmouth protects itself.”

“Where is everyone?”

“Tara is taking some time to herself, most likely to cry until sunrise,” Giles said. “Buffy, Dawn and Quentin went over to her house to pick up some homework Dawn forgot. Joyce, Xander and Anya are asleep.”

“And you, my dark knight? Feeling sleepy?” Angelique asked and kissed him.

“Not at the moment,” he said softly.

“Then let’s work on that.”

# # #

Buffy trotted down the stairs and into the kitchen to grab her Mom’s favorite specialty coffee that she’d make occasionally while Quentin helped Dawn grab a few things from her room.

“Hey are you….”

Buffy stared at a smiling Glory who was obviously waiting for her in the living room.

“Long night, sweetie?”

# # # #

Barnabas opened his eyes and frowned. He sat up slowly and looked around with a puzzled expression. Hadn’t he been… Where was he?

The vampire found his cane lying over his arm and his ring returned to his finger and he was dressed much in the manner he had in the late ‘60s in a suit, tie and his Inverness cloak.

His surroundings were also puzzling. Everything was white, as if he were trapped in a fog or… the inside of a ping pong ball.

Barnabas stood up and almost drew his cane up defensively when he could make out figures approaching in the fog but something held his hand. He tried not to show any fear when a man and woman came into focus and they were most unusual in the golden sheen of their skin, bright blue eyes and ancient Greek tunics.

He also resisted demanding to know who and what they were.

“You show restraint,” the man commented. “That is unusual for a vampire.”

“I assume you will tell me as much as you wish me to know in your good time,” Barnabas replied.

“No demands or arrogance?” the woman asked.

“Wherever I am it is almost certain that you have brought me here,” Barnabas said. “That means you have more powers than I, especially at the moment.”

“Are you afraid, vampire?”

“Of course,” Barnabas admitted. “And curious.”

“Tell me something, if you were given a peaceful rest, one that you would have always imagined, would death frighten you?” the woman asked.

“No, why would it?” Barnabas asked. “I’m not sure what I actually believe but peace is something I’ve longed for ever since being cursed.”

“Without hesitation?” the man asked.

“No, with hesitation,” Barnabas replied. “Others rely on me, heroes that may save the world.”

“If you are at peace what does it matter what happens to the world?” the man demanded.

“It matters,” Barnabas said firmly.

“Then you would continue your existence to protect some while preying on others,” the woman commented.

“Reluctantly preying on most of those I’ve attacked and killed,” Barnabas said slowly. “I have been striving for decades to keep that in check. Perhaps helping keep my family and the heroes alive I make up for some of the terror I’ve caused at times.”

“If given the choice which would you choose between returning to your wife and life in the shadows or to continue to help the heroes in the light where you will likely lose your life to an uncertain after-life and definitely lose your wife?” the man asked.

“And if I leave the heroes, will they prevail?” Barnabas asked.

“Sometimes the future isn’t set when dealing with humans,” the woman said.

“Or you have the choice to accept a peaceful afterlife,” the man added. “The choice is yours.”

“To stand with the heroes,” Barnabas said without hesitation.

“Why that choice?” the woman asked.

“It’s the right thing to do,” Barnabas replied.

“May you be happy with your choice, vampire,” the man said. “You also face blinding hunger and pain and will likely die a painful end. Your body is starved and poisoned, you may not recover in time to help them.”

“I know that,” Barnabas said and winced when the world turned upside down and he closed his eyes against the maelstrom only to find himself hanging from his wrists again and screamed from the pain and hunger.

# # #

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Dark are the Shadows 12/17/2019

Dark are the Shadows
Ms Hunter Ash

a BTVS/Dark Shadows crossover
I don't own any of the canon characters in either universe - original characters are my creation, however - as is the storyline

rating: PG13
pairings: Buffy/Quentin, Willow/Tara, Xander/Anya, Giles/Angelique

# # #

"Damnit to hell!" Angelique yelled and got up from the table after an hour of attempting to discern where Willow was being held.

Tara's head dropped and she began to cry.

Buffy went over and hugged her friend. "We'll get her back, Tare."

Giles watched Angelique pacing with a wince.

"I am going to hang him from the highest tree by his intestines!" she declared.

Giles didn't need to ask who she was referring to.

The Watcher frowned when someone knocked on the door. "Excuse me, luv."

"Be careful," Angelique urged.

Giles' eyebrows rose when he found Spike at the front door.


"You lot obviously are unaware of the unusual occurrence just up the road," Spike said. "And why is Joyce’s house all dark?"

"They're staying here," Giles said and looked over at Buffy.

The Slayer nodded and Giles stepped aside to let Spike inside.

"What are you talking about, Spike?" Buffy asked.

"Something came crashing down from the sky," Spike said. "I went to check it out and it's some kind of meteor or something. All hollow and broken."

Giles frowned. "Tara, can you fire up that laptop of yours?"

"Of course," she said and went to get it.

“There was a body nearby,” Spike continued. “I heard the paramedics saying he’d been released earlier that day due to overcrowding in the nutward. There was something really foul smelling coming out of his mouth. One of the paramedics tossed his supper.”

“That’s odd, they’re accustomed to a lot of smells and horror,” Giles commented.

“What am I looking for, Giles?” Tara asked as she brought her laptop to the dining room table.

“The records of those three houses where we suspect Glory is residing,” Giles said. “Who owns them, what name is on the utilities and such. Second, Angelique can you do a scan over the entire city, especially the older homes? On a map, I mean, for Willow and Barnabas?”

“Yes, but we already know Nicholas is blocking us,” Angelique protested.

“Exactly,” Giles said with a slight smile. “You won’t be able to see where they are.”

“You’re not making sense,” Angelique complained.

“You’ll be able to see everywhere else,” Giles reasoned.

“I get it!” Tara exclaimed. “Wherever we can’t see is probably where they are.”

“There will be at least two areas you can’t see,” Giles said. “Where Glory is and probably where Willow and Barnabas are. There may be more, areas where other sorcerers are working or areas that naturally block energies like the bus station, as we learned. We can eliminate many of them easily. Houses with no basements, newer houses, businesses and the like.”

“Newer houses?” Angelique asked.

“The basement we saw was older and most modern houses don’t have basements,” Giles explained.

“You are clever, Rupert,” Angelique commented.

“He’s… Giles,” Buffy said with a smile.

“To scan the entire city may take longer than we have tonight,” Angelique said.

“I’ll attempt some scrying after some sleep during the day and we can continue again after sunset tomorrow night,” Giles said. “We need to know where our enemies are. And we need to really shield this place and Oz’ cell. We can’t let Nicholas know what we’re up to either.”

"Can we find out if there's been any other meteors with strange activity accompanying that?" Quentin asked and Tara nodded.

"We should be able to, news travels pretty quickly all over the world," Tara said.

"Good idea, Quentin," Buffy said with a smile and Spike's eyes narrowed.

# # # #

“Barnabas! Barnabas!”

The vampire raised his head. “What?” he yelled in turn.

“I was bitten by a vampire twice!” Willow called.

“Tom Jennings,” Barnabas replied. “He was the one that preyed on Julia. Angelique’s first victim.”

“He called me to him! How does he do that? I don’t want him!” Willow asked.

“He got his fangs in and that gives him power over you,” Barnabas explained.

“How do I fight that?” Willow asked.

“You don’t…. I do,” Barnabas said and frowned in the dark.


“I can assert dominance over you,” Barnabas called. “You were mine first. If you wish me to make that claim.”

“Yes!” Willow called.

“Why? If it angers them, they may kill you or kill you and turn you quickly,” Barnabas asked.

“I belong with Tara and, if a vampire is going to have control over me, it should be you!” Willow said after several moments.

“Listen to my voice,” Barnabas called. “Hear only my voice. Let your mind hear and obey only my voice. You belong to Tara and me. No other shall hold sway over your mind or soul, Willow Rosenberg. You will long for no other fangs than ours. You will respond to no other touch than ours. You have my blood running through your veins, not that of Jennings! I am the one you will turn to. Myself or Tara. No other. Do you understand? Your will shall not be bowed by Tom Jennings. You are mine. Do you understand? Answer.”

“Yes,” Willow said softly.

“Close your eyes and sleep,” Barnabas ordered. “When you awake Tom Jennings, Glorificus and Nicholas Blair will have no mental power over you. You will long only for my fangs and those of Tara. No other.”

Willow laid down and closed her eyes.

Barnabas sighed and let his head drop. How long had he been bricked up? Only two nights? He had expended a lot of energy attempting to contact others and change forms and whatever he had been shot with in the shoulder was still there and it hurt.

# # # #

Giles yawned and stood up and stretched. With Tara and Angelique sleeping in their secure beds it was left to the others to continue researching which included Dawn and Joyce.

Xander, Anya and Joyce were reading through books that Giles had gone and checked out at the library when it first opened, from the Magic Box and his own apartment. Quentin and Buffy were researching on Willow and Tara's laptops and Dawn had her own out and Giles was coordinating the info.

"You need to sleep soon, Rupert," Joyce said as she sat a cup of tea in front of him.

"I know," he said softly. "I can't keep this up. I don't think I can do any magic today. I'll try for a nap in a bit."

"Do you think we can get Barnabas and Willow back?" she asked softly.

"I truly don't know," Giles said, his voice almost a whisper. "It'll be hard enough to go up against that super-powered woman. Throwing Nicholas Blair and a vampire into the mix makes things a lot more difficult."

“Go lay down, Rupert,” Joyce suggested. “We’ll keep researching.”

“Hey, meteor anomalies go back to the 12the century,” Dawn said aloud. “The Queller impact in Iceland. Why did they call it that?”

“Wait, I just saw something on that,” Xander said and grabbed a book and began leafing through the pages. “Here we go, primitive people used to believe that the moon was a cause of insanity. Sometimes they would pray to the moon to send a special meteor to fix the problem the moon had caused. These meteors were expected to *quell*" the madmen.”

Xander closed the book with a smile. “Awesome, I score at research!”

“Okay, let me look….” Dawn said and the laptop keys clattered. “Okay, I'm looking in history right now. It says in the Middle Ages there were these sweeping plagues of madness. People were losing their marbles everywhere. But then it would suddenly subside. And these dates look pretty close. Like-like maybe it happened after each one of the meteor events.”

“So something emerged from the meteors ... and quelled the madmen,” Giles said thoughtfully.

“Meteor go boom, crazy guy goes bye-bye,” Xander surmised.

Dawn looked at the book Xander had been reading from. “Xander’s little book makes it sound like the Queller thing had to be summoned. So who summoned it?”

“Who else? My money’s on Glory,” Xander said.

“And Nicholas Blair is a sorcerer that has summoned demons and zombies,” Giles commented.

“Uh, guys, something just came across the local newspaper Willow has hacked into, five people were killed at the hospital and it sounds like the mental patient Spike saw,” Anya said.

“The mental ward?” Giles asked and moved to read over her shoulder.

“How do I kill it and where do I find it?” Buffy asked.

“Has anyone been released into the care of their family?” Giles asked as Dawn and Quentin clicked on the laptops.

“And what does it look like?” Quentin added.

“Here,” Xander said. “Hmmm, yeah, like a slug with teeth instead of lips.”

“Sounds like a charmer,” Spike mumbled.

“It doesn’t say how to kill it,” Xander added as he ignored Spike.

“Those usually writing those books didn’t believe so major details get left out,” Giles said absently.

“Hence no description on what will kill it,” Buffy observed.

“There was a woman that was released about the same time as the security guard,” Quentin said, reading from the laptop. “The mental ward was overwhelmed.”

“Do we have an address?” Buffy asked.

“Yes,” Quentin said and turned the laptop around and Buffy nodded.

“Go with a knife,” Giles advised. “Or a tire iron.”

“Tire iron?” Buffy questioned.

“Many demons have a weakness towards wrought iron,” Giles explained. “Tire irons are good for that.”

“I’ll take both,” Buffy said. “It’s almost sunset. Our vamps will be awake. Have them get back to trying to track Will and Barnabas.”

Giles nodded.

“Quentin, want to drive me and keep any civilians occupied while I kill the scary demon?”

“Absolutely,” the immortal replied.

Spike’s jaw clenched.

# # #

Barnabas felt the sun going down and raised his head. He could barely do that with the cross around his neck and dealing with blood hunger. The vampire frowned and focused.

//Show me with your eyes// he told Willow mentally. Would it work? Could his dominance over the girl be stronger than the cross around his neck and Nicholas’ magic? Could it be that Nicholas had shielded against outside magic but not magic contained inside?

Barnabas managed to smile when he could see through Willow’s eyes. That could help him stay grounded…

In front of the cot was an ice chest and a gallon of water.

//Is there food inside?//

//Yes// Willow responded. //I’m not hungry.//

//Eat, keep up your strength. You have to stay as strong as you can especially with Jennings preying on you. Willow, listen, when Blair and Jennings come down, do not let on that you have your own mind. They may drop their guard soon if they don’t believe you’re a threat….I’m losing focus…//

//Barnabas? What’s wrong?//

//Too much energy going out and there’s a silver or wooden arrow broken off in my shoulder. The blood frenzy will hit soon. I may not be able to communicate. I’m sorry.//

//Please don’t leave me// Willow begged.

//I’ll stay as long as I can…//

# # # #

Buffy jumped out of Quentin’s car and looked over the typical ranch-style house on a street very much like her own. She had a knife in a sheath on her belt and a tire iron in hand. “Let’s hope we’re in time.”

A blood-curdling scream cut off any reply Quentin may have had. Buffy ran for the front door as another scream sounded from inside the house. The Slayer kicked the door in easily and jumped inside.

She took in the sight of a tall, middle aged man holding two pre-teen twins that were clinging to him, their eyes wide. Buffy followed his glance up the stairs and ran up to the 2nd floor as Quentin entered the house.

Buffy followed choking sounds to a master bedroom where she saw a slimy looking slug with arms hovering over a woman on a king-sized bed. The Slayer swung the crowbar and knocked the creature off the woman onto the floor. She turned and helped the woman sit up as the woman struggled to remove a foul smelling slime from her face.

Buffy turned to confront the demon and frowned. Where the hell did the thing go? “Quentin, the wife is alive, get hubby and the kids out of here!” she yelled loudly. “Okay, under the bed, no doubt…”

She moved off the bed and started to bend down to look under the bed with the tire iron in hand when something landed on her… something slimy and awful smelling. Buffy yelled as she fell to the floor and turned over to deal with the creature when the gaping mouth spewed slime at her, the Slayer barely dodging the foul substance. Buffy hit the demon with the tire iron and gritted her teeth when the multi-rowed teeth sank into her arm.

Buffy hit the demon again and jumped to her feet. “Okay, slug demon, I doubt you can move really quickly, lets get this over with.”

To prove her wrong the creature leaped from the floor onto the wall and scampered to the ceiling to look down at the Slayer.

“Show off,” Buffy muttered. The Slayer grabbed the woman and pushed her towards the door without taking her eyes off the chittering demon. The thing’s eyes followed the babbling woman and it started across the ceiling. Buffy jumped up on the bed and up and she grabbed the creature and dropped it to the bed and pulled her knife and began stabbing it repeatedly.

Quentin found Buffy sitting on the bed with knife in hand and a large pool of….yellow ooze on the bedspread in front of her.

“The woman made it out,” Quentin said.

“Okay,” Buffy said. “Stupid thing bit me. Come on, grab the bedspread. We’ll throw it away on the way out of here.”

“What do we tell the family?”

“Not much, by tomorrow they’ll think some drug addict burglar scared mom,” Buffy said. “The hellmouth protects itself.”

“Weird, very weird.”

Buffy held her forearm as they walked out of the house. “The crazy drug addict ran out the back after stabbing me. That was all you saw. A scary looking guy with bad teeth that needed a shower, okay?”

The father nodded silently.

“Get your wife back to the hospital, they have room for her now,” Quentin added.

“Thank you, warrior princess lady,” one of the girls said.

Buffy smiled and nodded. “Girls can do almost anything guys can do and sometimes do it better. Remember that.”

Once in the car Quentin looked at Buffy.

“What is something a guy can do that a woman can’t?”

“Urinate standing up,” Buffy said with a smile. “It turns out badly if we try it.”

Quentin blinked. “Thanks for that thought.”

“My pleasure.”

# # # #

Buffy walked into the mansion and looked over the group that was attempting to scry to find their missing members and to find any info on the houses where they suspected Glory might be residing.

“Where’s Giles?” she asked.

“Buffy! Your arm!”

“I’m okay, stupid thing had a lot of teeth and I desperately need a shower!”

“Giles is making coffee,” Tara said.

“Now that you’re back I’m going to try and convince him to get some sleep,” Angelique added. “He wouldn’t rest until you came back.”

“Did you get the demon?” Xander asked.

“Yeah, one terrorized family later but no one was killed except the demon.”

“Good,” Anya said. “Your mom is making dinner.”

“Cool, I’m going to grab a quick shower and clean the wound,” Buffy said. “Tell Giles to get some sleep.”

# # #

Barnabas tried to focus… something was wrong.

He couldn’t see through Willow’s eyes.

//Willow! Are you there?//

//Yes. I can’t sit up, I’m so weak and you were gone.//

//I’m sorry… it’s getting hard. What’s happened?// Barnabas asked.

//Tom bit me again,// Willow responded. //I pretended to be…totally controlled.//

//Where are they?// Barnabas questioned.

//I don’t know, Blair said they had to keep an eye on Glory. They know Dawn is the key.//

//Just… rest…// Barnabas told her. //Hang on as long as you can.//

The vampire closed his eyes and focused. With the cross around his neck he couldn’t change forms or escape through time and his mental powers were curtailed but… Blair was distracted.

//Tara…Blair…Dawn….the key… racing Glory…// he tried to send over and over until he lost consciousness.

# # # #

Angelique rubbed her eyes. “This is… difficult. The energy in this town is chaotic.”

The witch frowned. “Tara?”

“Barnabas,” Tara whispered and the conversation near the table went quiet as the heroes moved closer. “Blair knows what Glory wants and wants to find it before Glory does.”

The vampire shook her head. “It’s g-gone.”

“How is he? How is Barnabas?” Angelique asked anxiously.

“He’s having trouble focusing,” Tara said. “He’s connected to Will and is almost in a blood frenzy.”

“Can we find them?” Xander asked.

“I don’t know,” Tara said softly.

“It’s night four,” Angelique said. “He should be able to hold out for awhile.”

“He’s injured,” Tara added.

“Damn,” Angelique muttered. “All right, back at it. You search for Willow, I’ll search for Barnabas and then we’ll switch. One of us should be able to break through soon. Nicholas is bound to be distracted.”

Buffy saw her mom frowning and motioning towards the patio with a slight movement of her head.

“You guys keep at it,” Buffy said. “I’ll be outside brooding. Angel and Barnabas do it so well, maybe it helps.”

A few minutes later Joyce joined her.

“Hey, Mom.”

“Buffy, there’s something you and the others aren’t telling Dawn and me, isn’t there?”

Buffy glanced away. “Just… that what Blair wants to do will probably kill Dawnie.”

“There’s more,” Joyce said as she sat down. “I spent time with Rupert when he was so sick. He wanted to talk about the family. We looked at photos and something strange happened.”

“What?” Buffy asked. Her Mom remembered some of being under control of the Leviathans? Didn’t anyone under control lose those memories when released?

“He wasn’t coherent at times and I had one of those migraines…” Joyce said and then hesitated. “We both saw Dawn’s photo fade in and out of sight with a green aura surrounding it. Nicholas Blair wants Dawn because there’s something different about her, right?”

Buffy sighed and then nodded.

“There’s this incredible feeling I had then that… Dawn isn’t originally ours, is she?”

“No,” Buffy whispered.

“But she’s ours now,” Joyce said firmly.

“Absolutely,” Buffy responded. “She’s my sister and nothing more.”

“She’s my daughter,” Joyce added. “Promise me, if anything happens that you’ll take care of her.”

Buffy nodded. “I promise.”

“I don’t want to know details, let’s just stop Blair and that woman,” Joyce said firmly.

# # # #

Willow looked around her surroundings one more time as she struggled to sit up and eat at least half of one of the sandwiches Nicholas had left for her. The shackle was bespelled but was the chain or lock? Maybe she could pick the lock, she had watched Xander practice on cheap locks before…

# # # #