Friday, August 28, 2020

Dark are the Shadows - 08/28/2020

Dark are the Shadows
BTVS/Dark Shadows crossover
Ms Hunter Ash

Rating: PG13
Pairings: Buffy/Quentin, Xander, Anya, Giles/Angelique, Willow/Tara, Barnabas/Roxanne, Julia/Thomas

# # #


The two witches looked up as Angelique approached them. “Willow, do you know where we are?”

“On a small road between 58 and 15 – we're west of 15,” Willow said. “Past Hodge in the middle of nowhere, why?”

“Tara, you and I are going to reach out and contact Barnabas if we can,” Angelique said. “You should be able to reach him and I'll lend some of my own powers. He and I are connected, after all.”

“The three of us could try,” Willow said. “Me and Barnabas talked mentally when he was bricked up in that wall.”

“He can relay the information to someone to get out here and help,” Angelique suggested. “If they can get here in time.”

“Let's try it,” Willow said and Angelique sat down as the three of them formed a triangle.

Dawn sat with her head on Buffy's shoulder against another wall.

Dr. Ben spread things out at a sink and began cleaning them with alcohol.

“You!” Gregor called softly. “You aren't part of this, are you?”

“Friend of the family,” Ben answered without turning around.

“Would you die for them?” Gregor asked. “Because that's what your future holds if you side with them.”

“It's my life, and I'll do what I please with it,” Ben said as he turned angrily.

“It's not just your life,” Gregor countered. “Unimaginable legions will perish, including everyone here. You can stop this. You can save all their lives by ending one. The little girl. The key. Destroy it, and the will of the beast will be broken, she will fade, a distant memory ... and all of this madness will end. You will save countless lives.”

Ben walked away and went back over to Giles and picked up the man's wrist.

Dawn got up and walked over. “It's because of me. It's all my fault. You don't know what's happening.”

“I don't have to,” Ben said as he opened his bag and extracted medicine from a bottle with a syringe. “I just know that sometimes terrible things happen to good people. It shouldn't, but ... it does.”

He looked at Dawn and then injected the medicine into Giles.

“Is he going to be okay?” Dawn asked.

Ben turned away and dropped the syringe.


The doctor moved into the small room. “I have to get out of here. Now!”

“What's wrong?” Buffy asked and looked at Dawn.

“I don't know, he just freaked out.”

“Will, open a door,” Buffy said.

“No, not now!” Ben yelled and then winced and morphed into Glory.

“What the hell?” Angelique muttered as she and the witches turned to look.

“Well, what do you know. Little Ben finally did something right,” Glory said with a smile.

“The Beast.”

“Oh hey, it's Gregor!” Glory said cheerfully and she reached down and grabbed a discarded hubcap and flung it like a frisbee, impaling it into the General's chest. “And now it's not.”

Spike ran at the hell-god with Xander behind him and Glory grabbed Spike and threw him into Xander as chaos broke out.

Buffy charged Glory and they exchanged blows until Glory backhanded the Slayer into Angelique.

Willow and Tara began chanting and Glory grabbed Anya and threw her into the witches, limbs akimbo. Dawn's eyes widened as Glory grabbed her by the wrist.

“Buffy!” Dawn screamed as the hellgod dragged her out the door and to the barrier.

Dawn could see the knights rushing to grab their weapons and armor.

“Oh right,” Glory muttered and held out a hand and tapped the barrier causing a large gap that she pulled Dawn through.

Buffy reached the barrier just as it closed. She could hear the knights yelling and the sound of weapons upon weapons.

Buffy limped back to the building. “Willow, the barrier!”

Willow raised her head and her eyes blackened. She nodded.

Buffy ran to the barrier, still limping badly and it collapsed as she reached it.

The Slayer looked around in horror.

She walked among the knights, finding all but Dante dead.

“We have to....” she vaguely heard Willow stammer.

“The Beast,” Dante whispered.

Buffy collapsed to the ground and lifted his head into her lap. “How do we stop it?”

“Once blood flows...” Dante whispered. “I...pray for me. I... die with hatred... in my heart.”

“We all hate Glory,” Buffy said softly.

“No...for... you...” Dante said. “Your fault.... oh, words come.... your gift is...”

The Knight stopped breathing.

“Get the keys to the doctor's car!” Spike was yelling. “Buffy, come on! We have to stop her!”

Buffy didn't move.

# # # #


“After twenty-five years, it comes down to tonight!” Glory said with a smile and then frowned. “I require more groveling at this point!”

Glory's demon minions ran into each other in their haste to get to Glory to please her.

“That's better.”

# # #


“Buffy, we have to go,” Willow urged.

Buffy nodded absently but didn't move.

“Come on, pet, snap out of it!” Spike urged.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion.

“All right, Buffy needs our help,” Willow said after a moment. “Glory has Dawn. Sometime real soon, she's gonna use Dawn to tear down the barrier between every dimension there is. So we move now before the world ends, okay? All right. First we head back to Sunnydale. Xander'll take Giles to a hospital. Anya's looking after Tara. And Spike, you find Glory. Check her apartment, see if she's still there. Try anything stupid, like payback, and I will get Very Cranky. Everyone clear? While Xander and Spike help Giles to the car, Tara, Angelique and I will try and reach Barnabas and let him know we're going back to Sunnydale. He can call Angel and crew before we hit cell service. Come on.”

Barnabas sighed as he and Roxanne flew in a private plane towards Sunnydale. Then his hand tightened around Roxanne's and he closed his eyes. “I hear you,” he whispered. “Tara?”


//Barnabas, Glory has Dawn, we think it's happening tonight or tomorrow!// Tara sent to Barnabas.

//Roxanne and I are on our way!//

//We don't have cellphone service yet. Call Angel and get them moving, please.//

//Consider it done. I'll call Quentin as well.// Barnabas responded.

//Fuzzy... losing the energy. Hurry.//

//Tara? Tara?//

Barnabas opened his eyes and pulled out his cellphone. “Tara contacted me,” he said to Roxanne. “Glory has Dawn. Yes, this is Barnabas Collins.”

He turned on the speaker.

“Barnabas, I'm afraid we don't....” Cordelia began.

“Tara contacted me through our connection,” Barnabas said.

“What?” they could hear Angel exclaim.

“They don't have cell service where they are,” Barnabas said. “They're heading back to Sunnydale. Glory has Dawn. It could be the beginning of the end of the world. We're flying to Sunnydale but it'll be two hours, I believe.”

“We'll get there,” Cordelia said. “See you there! Call us, we're out the door now.”

Barnabas looked at his phone as the call dropped. “Good.”

“Barnabas, your hands are better but still not up to strength,” Roxanne said softly.

“You heard the price if we fail,” Barnabas said. He dialed Quentin's number.

# # # #


Dawn looked around the office inside a warehouse from the chair where Glory had shoved her. Having a large group of insane people suddenly stop building whatever they were building to stare at her and start chanting, “The Key, the key, the key...” … okay, that had been creepy.

The teenager swallowed as a demon in a long robe began chanting and spread a weird paste on her forehead.

“What are you doing?” Glory demanded.

“I must anoint the key,” the priest said.

“Get out!” Glory snapped and roughly rubbed the paste off. “Ridiculous hanger-ons.”

She looked at the girl. “Are you okay?”

Dawn began to cry. “I want to go home.”

“Oh, sweetie, you are going home!” Glory said as she pulled a chair up in front of Dawn. “Not that fake suburban nightmare the monks cooked up for you. I mean your real home. As the key! You fit the lock. Well, it's like a lock. Hey! You want a pizza?”

“No,” Dawn whispered.

“Well, I doubt that little tv thing gets cable,” Glory said thoughtfully.

“Please stop.”

“Are you nervous?” Glory asked.

Dawn nodded her head.

“I know how you feel. It is your last night,” Glory said and shook her head as Dawn looked horrified. As, you know ... a human. This body ... it's just a rental, Dawnie. Being human? It's like a costume for girls like you and me. Being something else, *that's* what we are.”


“Don't what?” Glory asked.

“Don't call me Dawnie,” the girl snapped.

“Huh. Wow. You know, that actually hurt my feelings,” Glory said as she got up out of the chair. “I'm just thinking, here I am trying to make you feel better, when comforting others ... not part of my life. And I'm doing it, so I can stop ... feeling so ... um ... help me out here.”

“Guilty?” Dawn suggested.

“Guilty. That's it!” Glory exclaimed. “But I'm not supposed to feel guilty. I'm not supposed to feel anything. I'm, I'm ... I'm a god. I'm above it. I'm ... You!”

Dawn suddenly looked frightened.

“You did this to me, didn't you?” Glory demanded. “Some sort of spell, you've been hanging with the wicca, you could've... but no. It's not magic. It's something else. Still, it is you doing this.”

“I didn't do a thing!” Dawn protested.

Glory opened the door and looked out.

“Anoint this thing now!”

“Know what they're all chanting for out there, Dawnie?” Glory asked. “Blood. 'Cause we found out your blood is the key to the key! All I gotta do is bleed you dry, the portal opens up, and I can go home! So knock yourself out, girlfriend. Make me feel bad as you can. 'Cause tomorrow ... you bleed, little girl.”

# # # #

“Buffy?” Willow asked. “We should go to the hospital and find out about Giles and see your mom.”

The Slayer didn't look at her friend.

“How goes?” Tara asked softly and Willow shook her head.

“She's shutting down,” Willow said. “It's too much for her. We've got to get her back.”

“How?” Tara asked.

“I don't know,” Willow admitted.

# # # #

The door to Glory's apartment crashed in and Spike stepped in. He clicked on the light and looked around an empty space. He lit a cigarette as he took in a circle of twigs with runic symbols.

Walking through the apartment, he found a small, barren room with the only light coming from a bare bulb. The room had a small sink, an unmade single sized bed with a small side table and clothing hanging on hangers on a wall.

Spike frowned as he took in hospital scrubs with Dr. Ben's hospital ID clipped to one.

“Glory is Ben and it won't sink in with the others,” Spike muttered. “Bollocks.”

# # #

Quentin helped Giles put on a jacket. The Watcher had attempted to pull it on but he was obviously stiff on the left side and in considerable pain.

“How are you doing?” Xander asked.

“It only hurts while I answer pointless questions,” Giles grumbled. “Where's Buffy?”

“She, uh, is kinda shutting down,” Xander said.

“Can you continue to stay with Joyce?” Giles asked Quentin.

“And tell her what?” Quentin asked. “She knows something is wrong.”

Giles frowned. “I'll talk to her. This won't be pleasant.”

The three men glanced over and saw Spike checking out a medical cart and watched him slip a bag of blood into a jacket pocket before he walked over to them.

“Maybe we should check out some of Glory's victims,” Quentin suggested.

“The mental ward?” Xander asked. “I checked it out. The vegetable section's closed. Nobody there. It's like they all just got up and walked away.”

“Bollocks, that's not a good sign,” Giles mumbled.

“And I checked out Glory's flat,” Spike said. “Looks like the Great One has scampered.”

“Gone to perform her ritual with Dawn,” Giles surmised. “Leaving us entirely clueless.”

“Not entirely,” Spike said. “I know this bloke. Well, not so much a bloke so much as a demon. But still bookish and he's all tuned into the nastier corner of this our magic world. It's a bit of a last resort, really, but still, we might persuade him to suss out Glory's game plan.”

Spike started to light a cigarette and frowned at a No Smoking sign. “Sound worthy?”

Giles nodded obviously reluctantly.

“Off we go then, meet back at the shop?” Spike suggested.

“I'll go with him,” Xander said and started to follow the vampire.

“Leaving us to talk with Joyce,” Quentin observed.

“Which is harder, I wonder?”

# # # #

Glory leaned against a wall of the warehouse and sighed. “I'm hating this, Murk.”

“And this would be what exactly, your holiness?”

“Memories!” Glory snapped. “I'm starting to remember the things Ben did. People he spoke with, stuff he wore... Hey, kid!”

Glory walked over to where Dawn was sitting in a chair with the demon priest next to her.

“I came... he came to see you, didn't he?”

“Ben?” Dawn asked.

“Yeah, Ben,” Glory said. “You called him to the desert when you were hiding from me and he came. And then he was me, you remember?”

“Yes,” Dawn said slowly.

“See?!” Glory exclaimed as she looked at her minions. “She's not supposed to remember that! Nobody should! No one remembers he turns into me! The cloak between Ben and me is fading! I almost helped her! He... I wanted to. I can't do this!”

Glory turned and grabbed the demon priest by his robe, pulling him close.

“Get him out of me,” Glory demanded.


“Ben!” Glory yelled. “The human meat-sack who's infecting me! Do your mojo, make an incision, or removal, or whatever you gotta do. Help me!”

She began pacing. “I'm... I'm thinking his thoughts and... and I'm feeling his feelings! And...I...I...”

The hellgod morphed into Ben.

“I can't kill the girl,” he declared.

Then he morphed back into Glory. “Damn it!” The hellgod collapsed to the floor. “Priest, help me!”

“Th-this I cannot do,” the priest stammered. “You risk terrible magics in opening the portal and nothing comes without a price. This... is yours.”

Glory got to her feet with a scowl. “Gods don't pay.”

In a flash she was by Dawn again and she grabbed the girl by her throat.

“We do this NOW!”

# # # #

“Where to?” Cordelia asked as she, Angel, Wesley and Gunn entered Sunnydale.

“Start at the mansion,” Angel suggested.

# # #

Joyce started to smile when Giles and Quentin walked into her hospital room but quickly frowned. “Rupert? You're hurt! Where's Buffy and Dawn?”

“I'll be all right,” Giles said. “Buffy is at the mansion... we have to get Dawn back.”

“Oh God, no,” Joyce whispered and Giles sat down on the bed and took her hand.

“We will get her back!” he said firmly. “I'm the only one that was hurt so everyone is at their top best. Angel and the others are on their way and so is Barnabas and Roxanne, they'll be here in the next hour or so. We're taking a small army to handle Glory.”

“Do you know how to defeat a god?” Joyce asked softly.

“We will before tomorrow night,” Giles responded. “Angelique or Anya will be here soon. We don't think Glory would come for you but we're not going to take any chances. Joyce, we'll get her back.”

“All right,” Joyce said softly. “Can we be alone for a moment, Quentin?”

“Absolutely, I'm going to head to the mansion,” Quentin said and stepped out.


Giles moved to sit next to Joyce and wrapped his arm around her as she broke down.

# # # # #


XWP - Awakenings 5 - Trial of a Roman 08/28/2020

Trial of a Roman, Trial of a Couple

Awakening, Part 5

Ms. Hunter Ash

Disclaimers: I don’t own Xena, Gabrielle, etc etc etc. This is to help in keeping me somewhat sane and for entertainment. Don’t bother suing me, I’m government property and have no money.

Subtext/Alt Fiction/Sex: there is a loving and sexual relationship between characters of the same sex. Violence: Description of the results of a major poisoning, one actual poisoning. Kinda light this time around.

Rating: PG13

Storyline: one of Gabrielle’s attempted assassins is put on trial by the Amazons and Gabrielle and Xena discover an unforeseen complication from Xena’s recent memory loss.

I would hope this story can stand on it’s own but it is part of a series and you might want to read the other parts first:

A Visit Home, An Awakening

An Awakening, Discovery

Amazon Bonding


Trial of a Roman


Xena watched her mate swing the staff over her head in a complicated pattern and bring the weapon down on the foot of one of the warriors, who yelped and dropped her guard. The bard quickly followed up with a kick to the warrior’s chest that sent the woman flying backwards. The Amazon Queen started to spin around and jerked to a stop. Instantly, everyone froze and Xena was on her feet and over the small railing that bordered the practice yard.

The two warriors sparring with Gabrielle were by her side and the fallen one was regaining her feet when Xena reached her mate’s side. Gabrielle was gritting her teeth, hand at the small of her back. She smiled through her pain at the sight of her soul-mate’s blue eyes suddenly looking down on her.

“I’m fine, just a twinge,” the bard protested before Xena could say a word.

Gabrielle shook off the concerns of the other warriors and reached out to take Xena’s arm. “I’m fine, thanks for the practice. Time to quit, I think.”

Only Xena noticed that the bard was actually leaning on her arm for support and not just as an excuse to touch her mate. Xena kept a frown from her face as they left the practice yard and headed for their hut. Once inside the door she turned to look closely at Gabrielle and hissed as she saw the intense pain on the Amazon Queen’s face.

“I’m okay, just overdid it.” Gabrielle said softly, closing her eyes. Xena took the staff from the woman’s hands and placed it beside the door. Then she stood in front of the bard again. Gabrielle opened her eyes and Xena wanted to break into tears at the amount of pain she saw there. She reached out her arms and Gabrielle grasped her warrior’s forearms and let Xena lead her to the bed they shared, the bard leaning heavily onto the strong arms of her warrior, gritting her teeth in pain.

The bard sighed with relief as she lay down on the bed, taking some of the pressure off her spine and muscles. Xena sat down on the edge of the bed and stroked her lover’s forehead, silently cursing.

It had been three weeks since their wedding and Roman assassins had attempted the kill the Amazon Queen. Gabrielle had barely survived the poison and her body still hadn’t healed totally. Somehow the bard had lived, but the poison had been so devastating to her body that she was still suffering. And with her, Xena suffered.

Gabrielle opened her eyes and smiled at her mate.

“It’s been a rough month, hasn’t it?” the bard asked softly, echoing her mate’s thoughts. Xena smiled back.

“Yes, it has, little one.”

“I didn’t intend on overdoing it, I must have twisted wrong,” the bard complained.

“I know, Gabrielle. I’ll have dinner brought here tonight and get the Healer to make you some of that pain killer tea of hers.”

“No, no more drugs, please.”

“You’re in pain.” Xena protested.

“I’ll live, warrior mine. Those teas taste horrible and they make me fuzzy. It’s the muscle that’s pulled, I can feel the difference between the spine injury and the muscles now. I’ll be fine as long as I take it easy for a couple of more days,” Gabrielle said, holding Xena’s hand.

“All right, little one. About tomorrow,” Xena began, slowly, to bring up a subject they had been dancing around for a couple of days. One that brought a frown to Gabrielle’s face instantly and that infamous stubborn set to her jaw.

“There has to be another way,” Gabrielle insisted.

“You’ve been pouring over those old scrolls looking for a way for four days. The Amazon law is clear, your assassin faces the death penalty,” Xena countered.

“You know how I feel about killing. I can’t be responsible for his death.” Gabrielle’s voice grew edged.

“You’re not responsible,” Xena protested. Her continued argument was cut short when a knock broke their conversation. “Come in!” she yelled and smiled when Regent Ephiny walked in.

The Regent saw Gabrielle on the bed and frowned. “I thought so. One of the warriors thought you were hiding your pain well, but that you had been hurt again.”

Gabrielle rolled her eyes in frustration. “I didn’t want them to know I had pulled my back again. They already treat me like I’m fragile. If this keeps up they’ll never spar with me again!” the bard complained.

Ephiny sat down on the other side of the bed with a smile. “Just give it time. The Healer doesn’t even know how you’re alive, my Queen. That poison kills full grown cattle in a matter of minutes.”

“I know she has the appetite of a full grown cow, but really,” Xena was rewarded by her bard with a pillow to her face.

Ephiny grinned at the two women, and then grew serious.

“Gabrielle, your presence is required tomorrow,” she said softly.

“I know, Ephiny,” Gabrielle began but the Regent held up her hand.

“We’ve been over and over this, my Queen. The Elders will judge the Roman for his crime. You don’t have a say in this. You can speak when they pass sentence on him but I can tell you this, it won’t count for much. The law is clear. He attempted to kill an Amazon. He attempted to assassinate the Queen of the Amazons. He attempted to kill a royal member while under a banner of truce in the Amazon Nation, and he left his delegate here to take the blame. On top of all of that, he confessed.” Ephiny ranted off the charges facing the one Roman assassin Xena had captured after Gabrielle’s poisoning.

“You didn’t torture him, did you?” Gabrielle demanded, flinching when she attempted to sit up. She lay back down, with a grimace.

“No, he freely confessed, proud of his mission. His only regret is that you aren’t dead and he can’t get to a sword or rope to kill himself,” Ephiny answered easily.

“Why would he want to kill himself, he’s facing death already?” Gabrielle asked.

“Because he failed, he wants to die like a soldier, not a criminal,” Xena answered.

“What manner of death is he facing?” Gabrielle asked, the scrolls had been unclear about that point, apparently leaving it up to the Elders to decide.

Ephiny shifted uneasily. “The traditional punishment for murderers is poison,” she said softly.

Gabrielle went pale and closed her eyes. “Anything like they used on me?” she whispered.


“I can see why he would want to fall on his sword,” the bard muttered.

“It’s actually a quick death. Like Ephiny said, we don’t know why you lived through it, other than I’m damned happy you did.” Gabrielle opened her eyes to smile at her mate in agreement.

“What else?” the bard asked, looking back over to her Regent.

“Hanging, decapitation by sword, execution by arrows.”

“Not too bad, I’ve seen worse.” Xena commented and shrugged at her bard’s frustrated look. “In Rome he’d be crucified, that is not a nice death.” Xena’s eyes grew narrow in memory. She remembered Caesar’s face as she was hung on a cross and her legs shattered with a hammer. Gabrielle reached out and touched her mate’s face gently, bringing her warrior back from the memories. The bard knew about Xena’s crucifixion and broken legs. She also knew of Xena’s intense hatred for Caesar.

“Any death is too much for me,” Gabrielle complained.

“I’m sorry, little one. After this is over I’m taking you somewhere quiet and restful. I owe you a honeymoon.” Xena smiled at the bard’s suddenly hopeful face.

“Really?” the bard whispered and even Ephiny grinned at the small woman’s delight.

“Yup.” Xena nodded.

Ephiny frowned again. “My Queen, you have to attend the execution,” the Regent whispered.

Gabrielle didn’t answer. Ephiny looked up and saw Gabrielle’s clenched jaw and Xena’s pained eyes. The Regent moved quietly out of the hut.

Both of them were very aware of the bard’s reluctance to kill, even when it was Callisto, the murderer of the bard’s husband. Gabrielle had been unable to kill the insane woman, even when it meant her death at Callisto’s hands.

Xena sat quietly with her mate as Gabrielle struggled with her inner demons. The warrior knew the time would come when the bard would probably kill someone, most likely in self defense or in defense of someone else. The warrior still dreaded that and would almost offer a prayer to the gods that it not happen anytime in the near future. The ex-warlord was terrified of the bard losing her blood innocence and what that could do to a person. The only way Xena kept from falling into the darkness was Gabrielle, and the warrior knew that same darkness could claim anyone, even someone like Gabrielle. It nearly had when her husband Perdicus had been slaughtered in front of her.

Xena didn’t know how to help her mate with this one. Falling into darkness and being able to kill was something Xena didn’t have a problem with. Although she did have to admit she could no longer kill with ease and without reason, not with Gabrielle’s guiding light showing her the difference between the warrior and the Warlord.

Xena sat with the bard, watching the smaller woman thinking, and tossing, and struggling with the inner and outer pain until food was brought to their hut.


The main hall of the Amazon Village was packed to the rafters for the trial. At the far end of the hall a platform had been raised for the judges, the tribal Elders. On the right another platform was for the Amazon Queen’s chair and one for her Consort. On the left was the platform for the accused and his speakers.

In the center was a platform for addressing the Elders and the crowd. The rest of the hall was taken up with chairs for the spectators. Among the crowd were representatives from various other Amazon tribes. Also in the crowd were Hercules and Iolaus, as potential witnesses to the Roman’s capture.

One missing face was Brutus and Xena was glad. Having anything to do with Rome made her nervous, even if Brutus had helped capture the assassin. The warrior trusted no one much and Romans even less.

At the table of the accused the Roman sat, staring straight forward. His hands and feet chained together and a chain running between that. The Amazons had allowed him to wear his armor and rank of Centurion for the trial and Xena could see that he had been treated well, despite his crime against their Queen. The Amazons were being patient.

One possible outcome of sentence that Ephiny hadn’t told Gabrielle was for the Roman to be turned over to the crowd for punishment. Xena secretly hoped it didn’t come to that, the Amazons would rip him into pieces for what their Queen had been through. She also knew that it would be a painful death, beginning with an assault below the belt.

Everyone was restless but the room went quiet as the Elders walked through the center and took their places at their table. Xena nodded to Ephiny across the common ground and the Regent disappeared into the Queen’s hut. A moment later she emerged with Gabrielle, in full ceremonial dress, including mask and feathers.

Xena, as Consort, put on her mask and waited for her Queen to join her at the door. She offered the Queen her arm and drew her sword in a ritual gesture of protection. Together they walked down the center of the room and Xena lent her arm to her Queen as the smaller woman mounted the platform and stood before her throne. The royal Consort joined her and knelt on one knee, everyone followed. Gabrielle sat down and everyone regained their seats as Xena took her seat slightly to the right and behind Gabrielle.

Ephiny entered and walked to the accused’s table, having been given the task to speak for the accused. Byblis, an Amazon scholar like Gabrielle, had been chosen to speak against him to the Elders.

Byblis took the center platform, facing Gabrielle, taking in the Elders and the crowd with her back to the accused table.

“My Queen and royal Consort, tribal Elders, honored Regent, honored guests,” she began, removing her ceremonial mask to speak better. “Before you is a man accused of one of the most horrible crimes we can image as Amazons. This Roman, Octavion, a Centurion of the Praetorian Guard, is accused of the attempted murder of our beloved Queen.”

The crowd grumbled and shifted in their seats. The Roman raised his chin in defiance. Xena’s eyes narrowed in anger.

“By his own admission, one of his accomplices poured a powdered poison into the Queen’s wine cup when he shook the Queen’s hand. This took place at our Queen’s wedding. A public and royal function that acknowledged the Queen’s bonding to her Consort the night before.”

Again the crowd rumbled, especially the Amazons.

“Our Queen drank some of that wine and fell ill, so ill that she almost died many times in the coming week. By this man’s own admission he knew about the plot, he assisted in it, he fled the area with his accomplices and he resisted arrest by his Commanding Officer, Brutus - Proconsul of Rome, and by the Royal Consort.”

Byblis paused for a moment.

“The Roman was a guest of our tribe, a delegate of Rome, of Caesar. Our Queen almost died and even now isn’t totally recovered. I would like the healer to speak to you of this.” Byblis looked to the Elders who nodded their approval.

Out of the crowd, the Healer stepped forward and bowed to the Queen and Consort, the Elders and then faced the accused. She bowed to Ephiny and then, with a glare, turned her back on the Roman.

“Scholar Byblis speaks the truth. Let me describe the effects of the poison that this man and his comrades used. I will speak in simple terms and without feeling. My feelings I will tell you after you have heard what your Queen suffered.”

Xena reached out and held Gabrielle’s hand as she shifted uneasily on her throne.

“First the powder was introduced into her wine. Our Queen doesn’t drink much so she only had a small dose. This poison is deadly and usually kills within an hour. I swear by the gods I don’t know how she lived but I give thanks and sacrifice every day that she did. Within minutes she was salivating, then the muscles began to twitch. With her Amazon training our Queen ignored this as exhaustion and danced the courtship dance with her Consort. By the end of the dance our Queen was breathing rapidly, her pulse was racing and she couldn’t see any longer because her eyes were dilated. The tremors started getting worse. Her consort quickly took the unconscious Queen to my hut. By this time the tremors were worse and she was slipping into a coma. Violent convulsions seized her body. I induced vomiting with charcoal and tannin tea. By the time Xena, warrior friend of the Amazons, went in search of the assassins with the Roman officer, Brutus, our Queen was in violent convulsions.”

Everyone was deathly quiet and Xena was somewhat pleased the Roman had enough sense to drop his head at the description of his handiwork.

“Her breathing stopped several times. I was able to keep her breathing with a technique that our friend, Xena, had shown me last time she and the bard Gabrielle visited.”

Xena swallowed with difficulty. She didn’t know about Gabrielle’s breathing stopping while she was gone. She could tell by the way the Queen was gripping her hand that the bard hadn’t known either.

“Her skin turned blue and I fought, along with assistants, to keep the blood circulating throughout our Queen’s body and kept forcing air into her lungs.”

Xena and Gabrielle knew those “assistants” must have been Ephiny and her mate Solari; Gabrielle’s mother Hecuba and little sister Lila, Xena’s mother Cyrene and her son Solan.

Gods, they both thought to themselves, they must have been terrified!

The Elders, guests and Amazons thought so too.

“Her muscles kept contracting in unnatural positions and she was in agony, screaming agony. Her body was literally being pulled into pieces by her own muscles. I managed to get enough of a strong sedative tea into her of help calm some of the contractions but not much. Her screams ripped through the village for hours.”

Xena was impressed with the descriptive language of the healer, but was just in anguish hearing what Gabrielle had gone through.

“Hours later the warrior woman returned with the prisoner. All the other assassins were killed resisting. The Roman Brutus turned the prisoner over to the Amazon Nation for judgment.”

“Did our Queen recover that night?” one of the Elders asked. Xena knew that all the Elders knew the answer to that but they wanted to drag out all the information of just how Gabrielle had suffered.

To put a Roman Centurion of the Praetorian Guard and a delegate from Rome, they would have to show extreme just cause and they intended to do just that.

“No, as I said, she still hasn’t recovered. All of us waited the night to see if she would survive. I truly didn’t think she would. I knew the poison they used and it’s always deadly and very painful. The body rips itself apart from the inside and the muscles constrict the lungs and throat until the victim can’t breath and they die. When our Queen regained consciousness it was horrible,” the healer’s voice choked for a moment. “The merest touch of anything would cause her to scream. Her muscles had so torn at her that her skin was so sensitive even clothing and her own hair could cause pain.”

Xena could see Ephiny going pale from that memory and the warrior knew she probably didn’t look much better behind her mask either.

“It was hours before she could tolerate touch, light or noise again and even then only in small measures. Her Consort was also in agony during this entire time, watching her beloved suffer like this. It took another four days before the Queen could get through a day without pain medication and constant massage of her muscles from my assistants and her Consort. This required night and day attention. Almost all the village kept a vigil outside the hut for their Queen. The danger finally passed and our Queen is now attempting to recover. It has been most painful for her. The Queen’s muscles are weak and damaged and will require months of rebuilding before we know for sure that she can make a complete recovery. Her internal organs might be sensitive to some foods from this point on, we don’t know yet. Only the Gods know for sure if her life was cut shorter because of this.”

Everyone sat stunned, contemplating what they had heard from the Healer, as she finished.

“Healer,” finally one of the Elders spoke. “What the Romans used as a poison, they knew there would be no survival?”

“Yes, it was a combination of an herb from the north called Cowsbane by our Northern sisters.” Everyone heard the Northern tribe gasp in recognition. The Northern Amazons looked up at the Queen in amazement. “And they combined it with strychnine. Both are deadly unto themselves. Our Queen shouldn’t be alive but she is, thank the gods.”

Everyone muttered in agreement.

“Thank you, Healer. Byblis, continue.”

“Thank you, Elder. I would like the Consort to speak on this.”

Xena was surprised, the scholar hadn’t asked her or Gabrielle about this. The warrior could almost feel Gabrielle frowning under her mask. The warrior slowly stood and squeezed the Queen’s hand before jumping down from the platform and joining Byblis on the platform in the center of the room. She bowed before her Queen, the Elders and Ephiny.

Just like at the wedding Xena and Gabrielle were hidden by their masks and different clothing and weapons. Most of the delegates had found out that Xena was the royal consort but Gabrielle and Ephiny had insisted that they downplay that part of the events. In case some of the delegates hadn’t figured it out, weren’t there or whatever, they wanted to keep Gabrielle’s identity as Queen as secret as possible. Her habit of traveling with Xena unprotected by a large guard of Amazons was enough to drive Ephiny crazy, everyone agreed they didn’t want all of Greece and the outside world knowing that she was also Amazon royalty -a potential hostage. She was already a target just traveling with Xena.

Xena faced Byblis, face hidden by her mask.

“Consort, you were there when your Queen took ill with the poison.”

“Yes, I carried her to the Healer’s hut,” Xena answered simply.

“How long had you been bonded to the Queen?” Byblis asked.

“We were bonded the night before by the Regent and the Gods. Our public bonding had just taken place when she was poisoned,” Xena answered.

“Not long.” Byblis stated.

“No, not long.”

“What did you feel when the Queen took ill?”

Xena frowned and shifted on her feet. “I can’t describe it, I’m not a bard or scholar,” Xena began. “It was like all of my soul was dying as I watched her screaming and thrashing in pain.”

“How long did you stay with the Queen during her recovery?” the scholar asked.

“Almost every minute. Only our Regent Ephiny or my mother could get me to leave her side to eat or get cleaned up.” Xena said simply.

“Did you sleep?”

“Not much,” Xena admitted. “I would hold her, singing and talking until the pain would pass enough for her to sleep. I would sleep in-between the attacks of pain when the medicine would wear off.”

“How long did this go on?”

“Days and nights. It was over a week before anyone slept through the night, including the Queen.”

“Has she recovered?” Byblis asked.

“No, she is still in pain. She is working on regaining her muscle strength but it is too slow for our Amazon Queen and she is frustrated. She whimpers at night in pain and she gets up to pace the floor at least twice a night, working out cramping muscles.”

Xena saw Gabrielle flinch and smiled under her mask. The bard hadn’t realized Xena knew about her pacing at night. The Amazon Queen hadn’t wanted to worry the warrior. Gabrielle grinned to herself, as if she could keep something from Xena!

“Will she heal totally?”

“If stubbornness can heal muscles, she will.” Ephiny grinned at that comment then Xena was serious. “I don’t know. I’m a warrior and I haven’t seen many injuries that caused this type of damage without being permanent. We can only pray she keeps getting stronger.”

“Thank you, Consort. Do the Elders have any questions for the Consort?” Byblis asked.

The Elders looked to each other and then shook their heads. Xena quickly took her place by the Queen’s side once more, glad to be out of the center of the mess. Gabrielle took her hand and squeezed.

“My Queen and Consort, Honored Elders, I would now turn to Regent Ephiny to address this matter before you.”

“Thank you, Byblis,” one of the Elders said as the scholar stepped down and resumed her place at the accused table. Ephiny stood up and took her place in the center of the room, carrying her royal mask.

“Regent Ephiny, you are acting Queen when our Queen is away.”

“Yes, I am her successor if anything should happen,” Ephiny answered.

“You were here when the Queen was poisoned,” an Elder stated.

“Yes, Elder. It was just as the Healer and the Consort described it. Our Queen was in such agony that I thought she would die just from the pain.”

“You took charge of the prisoner when the Roman Brutus and Xena brought him to our village?” another Elder asked.

“Yes, Elder. I quickly saw that his armor was removed and all hidden weapons found. I then had him chained hand and foot in the center of the prison room. I then kept vigil outside the Healer’s Hut until we knew if the Queen would live or not.” Ephiny answered.

“And if she hadn’t?”

Ephiny lowered her head. “I don’t know, Elder,” she whispered. “I hope I would be strong enough to hold my hand until the prisoner had been judged but revenge was in my heart as I waited for news of our Queen. If she had died I might have killed him that night.”

Gabrielle whimpered and Xena squeezed the bard’s hand again.

“We understand Regent and don’t fault you for your feelings of love for the Queen. I think every Amazon in this tribe was feeling and thinking the same thing,” one of the Elders stated.

“When did you question the Roman?” another Elder asked.

“Three days later when we were sure that our Queen would live. He freely admitted to the plot to kill the Queen with poison. He admitted that he knew it was a fatal combination and dose. He admitted he knew the plan of how to poison the Queen. He admitted that he and his accomplices quickly left the wedding reception in an attempt to escape capture. He freely admitted that his officer, Brutus and the other Romans left behind at the reception were not in on the plot and had been left behind to take the blame if it were discovered who had poisoned the Queen,” Ephiny stated.

“Was the prisoner mistreated or tortured for this admission?”

“No, he was given the same food that we served on our tables and plenty of water. He was given the opportunity to bathe himself with bucket, water and soap and given a bucket that was cleaned daily for his personal use.”

“Was he given a blanket?”

“No,” Ephiny smiled a grim smile at that one.

“Why not?” an Elder asked.

“Because, when he confessed everything he stated that it was fortunate Xena and Brutus had taken him before he could fall on his sword and that he would kill himself like a Roman the first chance he got. I didn’t want to find him hanging from the rafters or the bars with his blanket.” Ephiny admitted.

“Very well.”

“Regent,” another Elder spoke. “What do you think his judgment should be?”

Ephiny looked at Gabrielle’s eyes behind the mask and hesitated. The Queen could see the pain on her Regent’s face.

“I saw one of my best friends almost die a most horrible death. I heard her scream for nights on end and I’ve seen her suffer with the after affects. I’ve seen her Consort go nearly mad with worry and grief and I’ve seen their families run themselves into exhaustion trying to care for the Consort and the Queen.” Ephiny lowered her head. “I would wish death for the Roman in whatever manner you deem fit.”

“Does the Roman wish to speak on his behalf?”

The Roman, Octavion, stood and bowed to the Queen and Consort and then to the Elders.

“I am Octavion, Centurion in the Praetorian Guard of Rome. I was sent on a mission and I have failed in that mission. My fate is death and I accept that.” The Roman sat down again.

Byblis stood and faced the Elders. “There is one thing the Roman didn’t admit to, Elders. Who ordered the attack on our Queen? Who ordered her death?”

“Roman,” an Elder began and the Roman stood. “Who ordered your plot against our Queen. Your answer might spare your life.”

“I cannot state that, even if I knew. I took my orders from the man Brutus killed when capturing us,” he answered.

“Isn’t it true that you are one of Caesar’s guards?” Byblis questioned.

“Yes, that is what the Praetorian Guard is.”

“Isn’t it true that Brutus stated to the Consort that you were assigned to his delegation by personal orders from Caesar?” Byblis questioned.

“I don’t know what Brutus told anyone. I was ordered by Samvius, my officer, to come on this mission and then told after we were on the road what the real mission was. I never met with Caesar and have never spoken with Caesar.”

“Damn,” Xena muttered under her breath.

Byblis faced the Elders. “Honored Elders, although the circumstances point that this was a plot from the highest ranks of Rome, we have no proof to bring public charges against any other Roman than Octavion.” Byblis’ face was red with anger and Xena felt the same anger. They had all been hoping for enough proof to at least publicly embarrass Caesar over the incident.

“Consort, what is your feelings on judgment for this man?” an Elder questioned.

Xena stood up and glanced down into Gabrielle’s eyes. “I’m sorry, little one. I have to speak the truth,” she whispered. Gabrielle’s eyes filled with tears but she squeezed her mate’s hand in support.

“I would wish death for him in whatever manner you choose.” Xena sat down, praying that Gabrielle wouldn’t be angry with her. The Queen leaned over to her Consort’s ear.

“It’s all right, my love. I always want the truth from you.”

Xena sighed with relief.

“My Queen, what would be your wish for this man?”

Gabrielle took a deep breath and stood, almost stumbling as her legs refused to hold her upright. Xena was on her feet in a flash and helped steady the Queen.

Gabrielle grinned a frustrated smile under her mask. After a moment she nodded to her Consort that she was all right to stand on her own and Xena sat back down, on alert to spring forward again if the little bard needed her.

“As you can see, I am not fully recovered from the murder attempt. They tell me I may never totally recover my strength. Before this I could walk miles each day with little tiredness, I could swim a river easily and I was dangerous with a staff. Now I can barely walk across the common to the eating hut without pain. I have suffered and continue to suffer because of this man and his obedience to a murderous plot,” the Queen hesitated.

“I am bitter. This man and his officers attempted to kill me on my wedding day and take me away from my soul-mate.” Gabrielle remembered another wedding day and watching Perdicus die, unarmed right next to her. “I know the pain of that loss and what it would have done to my Consort, my love. I don’t think this man can understand this but I hope that all of you do, I am against killing in general and have fought against it many times. In the last few days I have come to realize that a line has been crossed in my soul,” again the Queen hesitated and Xena frowned beneath her mask.

“I call for this man’s death.” Xena heard herself gasp at the words from her little bard. “Not because of his attempt to kill me or because of the suffering I’ve gone through and continue to go through. I call for justice because of the pain he caused my beloved Consort, my blood-bonded mate and for the pain he attempted to cause with my death. I know that if I had died that my consort would have followed me soon and I can’t forgive that.”

Xena could tell the bard was crying beneath the mask and wished she could grab the Queen in her arms and comfort her. The warrior knew this had to be one of the most wrenching realizations and decisions the young woman had ever faced about herself.

“I also call for his death as justice for the harm he attempted to cause to the Amazon Nation. To him, his act was political and he now accepts the usual political outcome of failure - death. For the good of the Nation, let him face your justice with death.”

Everyone was stunned into silence as the Queen resumed her chair, wincing in pain. Only Xena could tell how much pain Gabrielle was in, both physically and mentally. Then the crowd was grumbling in reaction and agreement.

One of the Elders stood and bowed to the Queen and then faced the crowd. “We will retire and discuss this matter. Please await our decision.” The Elders filed out of the hall and everyone broke into conversation.

Xena quickly knelt down in front of Gabrielle, taking the bard’s hands in hers, seeking the green eyes of her love out through the masks and wasn’t surprised to find the woman with tears in those eyes.


It was less than a candle-mark when the Elders returned to the hall. The spokeswoman for the Elder Council stood and bowed to the Queen and Consort and then to Regent Ephiny. She faced the crowd.

“My Queen and Consort, Royal Regent and honored guests; the Elder Council of this Amazon Nation has made its determination in the case of the Roman Centurion Octavion of the Praetorian Guard, accused of attempted murder. In that he has confessed to his role, his guilt wasn’t a matter of question. What faced us was the question of his punishment.”

Xena reached out and held Gabrielle’s hand, finding the bard trembling slightly.

“These are the things we considered: that Octavion came to us under a banner of truce and goodwill; that he accepted our hospitality with the knowledge he was going to commit a horrible crime against the Nation; that he freely participated in this crime; that this crime was political in motivation; that he attempted to kill a member of our Nation; that this member was royalty and that royalty was our Queen herself; that he cared nothing for the suffering he inflicted on our Queen; that he cared nothing for the pain he caused her family and our Nation through her suffering; that his only regret was that he failed in killing the Queen.” the Elder paused.

“Other things we considered; that the man is a soldier and not the one who gave the orders; that it cannot be determined who gave the order; that this man was following the orders of his superiors and had no personal stake in the attempt.”

The Elder turned slightly and faced the Roman. “Roman Octavion, it is the decision of this Elder Council that your crime outweighs any mercy. It is the decision that you shall be put to death tomorrow at sunrise. You will be given parchment to make your will and testament known to your people and any letter you may wish to write to your family. These will be taken to the nearest Roman garrison and official word will be sent to Rome of your fate. Your manner of death will be that of what you attempted for our Queen, by poison.”

Gabrielle’s hand tightened on her warrior’s and her breathing became shallow and rapid.

“We won’t use the same poison that you used on our Queen, we will use the traditional Greek method of executing condemned murderers: hemlock. You have until dawn, Octavion.”

The Roman stood and bowed to the Elder Council and then to the Queen and Consort and followed his armed escort from the Hall as the crowd grumbled in agreement with his fate.

Gabrielle stood up, trembling, and managed to bow to Ephiny and then the Elder Council, allowing Xena’s arm to support her out of the Hall.

“How can I help, Little one?” Xena whispered down to her little bard.

“Get me out of here for awhile, grab Argo while I change, I’ll bring clothes for you.”

Before Xena could agree or protest the bard was moving towards the Queen’s Hut.

The warrior quickly moved toward the stables.
