Monday, November 25, 2019

Dark are the Shadows 11/25/2019

Dark are the Shadows
Ms. Hunter Ash

a BTVS & Dark Shadows crossover

an insane soap opera

rating: PG13
pairings: Buffy/Quentin, Xander/Anya, Willow/Tara, Giles/Angelique

# # #

Angelique ran her fingers through the chest hair on Giles with a smile and traced the paths left where weapons and accidents had left scars.

“It’s been a long time since someone cared for me like this,” she said softly.

“Their loss,” Giles said.

“There are quite a few scars here,” she commented.

“Yes,” Giles agreed. “Appendix removal, wounds from demon claws and from knives.”


“I lived on the streets when I was young,” Giles said. “That period when I rebelled and was working on becoming a rock star. London could be rough in the neighborhoods I roamed. Then black magic and summoning of demons. I’ve told you about this.”

Angelique nodded. “And your Council found you.”

“Yes, and turned me into a mild-mannered librarian,” Giles said.

“You are anything but that!” the vampire protested.

“I broke their conditioning over time,” Giles replied. “I’m buying this place, by the way. Want to help make it livable with some decorating suggestions? My tastes run to books and weapons, as you know.”

Angelique laughed. “I’d be delighted.”

She kissed him again as her body melded even closer.

“I should talk with Barnabas tonight,” she said softly.

“Later,” Giles mumbled.

# # # #

Willow put a suitcase down on a bed upstairs and Joyce looked around the room.

“It might be a little dusty,” the witch said. “Giles wants to fix the place up.”

“I can understand that,” Joyce said. “It’s like something out of a Hammer movie. One of those where the castle hasn’t really been lived in for awhile.”

“Yeah,” Willow agreed. “He said he wants to lose the brooding Lord Byron atmosphere.”

Joyce laughed softly. “I hope this won’t last long, honestly.”

“Yeah, having danger from two different directions is stressful,” Willow agreed.

“Well, one positive note, I can ensure you all eat a little better,” Joyce suggested. “Rupert is too thin.”

“Yeah, he lost weight when he was…dying because he was becoming a vampire,” Willow explained. “He hasn’t put any of it back on.”

“Is Angelique…feeding from him?” Joyce asked as she sat down on the bed. “His neck is bandaged.”

“He said she wasn’t,” Willow responded. “More like a…love bite.”

“It’s confusing,” Joyce said and sighed. She looked at the suitcases and shook her head.

“Hey, why don’t you try and take a nap?” Willow suggested. “Unpacking can wait.”

Joyce nodded. “Good idea. This…illness and treatments make me tired.”

“We’ll keep Dawn downstairs,” Willow offered.

“Thanks, tell everyone I’ll be down a little later.”

# # # #

Angelique’s eyebrows rose when she stepped into the backyard of the mansion and saw Quentin and Buffy sparring with swords. She walked over and sat down in a lawn-chair next to Barnabas as he watched.

“That’s… I’ve never seen him with a sword before,” she said.

Barnabas nodded. “He held one to my throat once. It was when I first met him, before you returned to Collinwood in the 1800s. He distrusted everyone. He thought I was there for part of the inheritance of the place.”

“Of course,” Angelique said. “And it was a time when gentlemen did learn the sword.”

“And scoundrels,” Barnabas said with a slight smile.


“I’m not talking about it,” the vampire responded. “Julia sees Roxanne as a threat despite my rejection of the girl. I can’t change the past.”

“You have before,” Angelique pointed out.

Barnabas frowned. “Could that be what she’s wanting?”

“I haven’t a clue what she’s wanting,” Angelique said.

“She can’t,” Barnabas protested. “The room with the portal was destroyed and that was an alternate universe. I doubt using the I-Ching to project myself across time would work in this case. If something happened, I might not be able to get back and return to her.”

“Its possible she’s thinking that unconsciously,” Angelique said after a moment. “Could she also want a little freedom?”

“What do you mean?”

“You hate being a vampire, Barnabas, she doesn’t,” Angelique commented.

Barnabas sighed. “I know. I think it was what she wanted all along, especially after her injections could no longer give me respite from the curse. You think she wants to…spread her bat wings a bit?”

“It might be a possibility,” Angelique said. “She devoted her life to you for how many years?”

“And my displeasure at being a vampire hampers her truly exploring all her vampiric powers,” Barnabas said thoughtfully. “Do you remember when you were preying on me?”

“Of course, why bring that up?”

“Just listen for a moment,” he urged. “What was my response when you would sink your fangs into my neck, especially at first?”

“You protested, begged and screamed,” Angelique answered. “Why?”

“Did I ever want you to bite me?”

“No, even when you were dying you fought against it,” Angelique said.

“You know Tom Jennings preyed on Julia. The first time was violent after that…”

“She wanted the bite and him,” Angelique ventured and Barnabas nodded.

“It wasn’t until after I staked him that she was grateful she wasn’t dying,” Barnabas said. “Some of my victims were the same, two of them sought me out to be bitten again even when I was fighting the thirst and didn’t call them.”

“And she has a man with her that would kill for her,” Angelique said softly. “One who would be the perfect day guard.”

“Yes,” Barnabas whispered.

“Go home, Barnabas,” Angelique urged. “Before things go too far, before there’s too much between you both.”

Barnabas chuckled. “Did you ever think you’d be urging me to repair a relationship with someone else?”

Angelique frowned and then smiled. “No, I never did. My suggestion stands, go home to your wife. If you stay, you’ll likely lose her.”

“I owe Tara and the others,” Barnabas said softly. “I can’t abandon that. Because of me my entire family was nearly destroyed in 1795, I’ve worked to ensure the family continues. Now Nicholas Blair is pissed off at me again and is out to harm the people here.”

“They can deal with Nicholas,” Angelique said.

“And the world was almost turned over to the old gods,” Barnabas pointed out.

“So, you’re adopting them as an extended family?”

“Look at Quentin watch Buffy and remember that I changed Tara and I’ve bitten Willow twice and ask that again.”

“You’re right,” the vampire witch said after they watched Buffy and Quentin cease the sword play and begin cleaning their blades. “You’ll lose Julia, Barnabas.”

“Your curse was that I never rest and any that love me would die,” he said softly. “Julia did die but perhaps the underlying part of the curse was that I wouldn’t find love with someone for long, vampire or not. I don't know what I'll do except try to get her back.”

“Yes,” Angelique agreed. “Barnabas, I’m sorry. I don’t know how to break the curse. I haven’t a clue how I did in that other time-band where I was killed.”

“I know,” Barnabas said. “It’s done. Let’s try and save our new family and then I’ll see where things lie after that.”

# # ##

Quentin winced when he saw a vampire hit Buffy with a right cross. By the sound it probably would have taken anyone else's head off, he thought. He was tempted to try and jump in for help but Buffy had been adamant, he was to stay in the doorway of a tomb with a large cross in hand and not move no matter what happened.

Buffy ducked another swing and came up under the vampire's swing with her stake ramming into his chest. The Slayer turned and ran away from the last two vampires reaching for her.

Before Quentin could figure out what she was doing Buffy jumped onto a tombstone and backflipped behind said vampires. She came up with a stake in each hand from a slight crouch and staked both of them through their backs.

Quentin began applauding and Buffy took a bow with a grin.

"Very impressive!"

Buffy spun with stakes in hand. Quentin moved back into the doorway.

Buffy's eyes narrowed as Glory stepped into sight from the shadows of a tree.

"Thanks, ready to give up?" the Slayer quipped.

Glory laughed. "Well, we could really cut down on the time if you just tell me where the key is. Then I don't have to smash your face in."

Quentin frowned when Buffy laughed.

"Well, I did have bbq the other night, I probably should get the work-out in... or to...whatever."

The Slayer ran forward and bounded onto her hands, her feet coming up under Glory's chin, sending the hell-god flying into a tree.

"Quentin, run!" Buffy yelled and dashed forward to hit Glory before the goddess could get up and then the Slayer was running and caught up with Quentin.

"Come back here, bitch!"

Buffy grabbed Quentin's arm and pulled him into a tomb and partly closed the door. "I know this one..."

"Where are you?" Glory yelled. "How dare you hit me! You got grass stains on my skirt! Do you know how hard those are to get out?!"

Buffy pulled up a flagstone and then another.

Quentin's eyes widened at the sight of a ladder heading downward.

"Get down here," Buffy urged. "This tunnel leads to the sewers."

"Somehow this isn't what I imagined as a first date with you," Quentin said softly and climbed down the ladder.

Buffy pulled the flagstones back into place and froze on the ladder as she listened.

"Where the hell did she go?" she heard Glory yell. "Does she have super powers like disappearing?"

Buffy climbed down quietly.

# # ##

Barnabas smiled as he walked with Willow and Tara. The new vampire was amazed with the sights and sounds and Barnabas felt better being out with them.

"How would you two like to go to LA tomorrow night?" he asked.

"Sure, what's up?" Willow asked.

"I can start guiding Tara in her new talents, limitations and how to hunt for blood," Barnabas said. "I can't do that very well in Sunnydale with those soldiers on high alert at the Bronze."

"I d-don't know about hunting..."

"It may save your life and those around you," Barnabas said gently. "When we are starved...we lose control. My first night out after 130 years I attacked the man who freed me and drained a cow. The entire cow."

"Oh wow," Willow said softly. "And I didn't mean for that to rhyme with cow."

Barnabas chuckled as his eyes darted around, ever vigilant for soldiers and other vampires and demons.

"Do you think you can go home soon?" Willow asked.

"I don't know," Barnabas said as he lost his smile. "It doesn't feel like it. Right now I'm focused on Tara and the rest of you. Nicholas is still a danger in addition to that creature Buffy tangled with."

"Well, I'm very glad you haven't forgotten me!"

Willow and Tara spun with their hands at the ready to throw energy as Barnabas raised his cane into both hands.

Nicholas Blair was standing in the middle of the street they had just walked down.

He looked very confident and energy danced across his hands.

"What do you want, Nicholas?" Barnabas demanded.

Nicholas Blair laughed. "That would spoil the fun if I told you!"

"Barnabas!" Tara exclaimed.

The vampire looked around and swallowed. Approaching them from all directions were zombies in various stages of decomposition.

"Run!" Barnabas said sharply.

"What?" Willow demanded.

"No time for magic, run!" he urged.

The three began running where the zombies were the least in number.

"Why are we running?" Willow yelled.

"Zombies don't have blood to drain and wolf bites won't do much against them either," Barnabas said. "With Nicholas standing there you two couldn't take on the zombies and him."

"Okay," Willow said and the three stopped suddenly. "Oh wow, that's a lot of zombies in front of us and behind us."

"Can you two get over that fence into the alley over there?" Barnabas asked.

"Yes," both girls answered.

"Let's go, you two first!" he said.

Willow scampered over the fence first followed by Tara.

Barnabas started over the fence when he felt something sting him in the shoulder and he fell to the pavement as his eyesight began failing.

"Very good, pick him up and bring him along before they attempt magic," he heard Nicholas say.

Barnabas felt someone pulling him up and then he was hit very hard across the jaw and then he was being kicked in the ribs.

"Vampire! Enough! Bring him!"

Barnabas drifted into darkness.

# # # #

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