Dark Are the Shadows
Ms Hunter AshBTVS/DS crossover (and more)
rating: PG13
pairings: Buffy/Quentin, Barnabas, Roxanne, Giles/Angelique, Xander/Anya, Willow/Tara, Julia/Thomas, Maggie/Joe
# # #
With Dawn and Joyce watching over Giles, Buffy and the others had returned to the mansion.
“All right, we think the sorcerer and the golem will show up somewhere tonight,” Mark said. “Somehow the kid knows where we're going to be. We need to figure out how to stop the golem and how to render the kid powerless or dead.”
Buffy nodded and then her eyes narrowed. “We know the kid somehow knows where we are and what we're doing....like remote viewing or something. I wonder if he knows we have some unusual types among us.”
“Like what?” Dr. Sam asked.
“I don't think I want to say aloud,” Buffy said. “Will, you remember how Circe saved Tara from Glory?”
Willow looked puzzled and then smiled. “Like B&J dealt with the vampires in the woods?”
“Something like that and my boyfriend's skills over here,” Buffy said.
Willow nodded. “Let's go for a walk, that's harder to remote view. Come on, Mark. Quentin can watch over Tara.”
The small group walked for five minutes before Dr. Sam spoke. “What's your idea?”
“Well, my boyfriend in there is a werewolf and he can control the change,” Buffy said. “It seems to startle demons and sorcerers.”
“Werewolves, vampires and witches,” Mark commented. “Quite a unique group you have. What's the plan?”
“Listen up....”
# # # #
Barnabas smiled when he opened his eyes and found Julia stretched out on the bed and looking down at him.
"Hullo," he said as he sat up. A quick glance told him that Thomas and Roxanne weren't in the room.
"I asked them to give me a moment with you," Julia said after catching his scan of the room.
"All right," Barnabas said and moved to sit against the wall. "What's on your mind?"
"Barnabas, I'm worried," Julia said. "You've been needing blood much more than usual. What is going on? You should have been healed from that fall by now."
"I agree," the vampire responded. "I don't know what is happening. For all I know those beings are testing to see if I'll lose control or something Oberon did is still affecting me."
"How do we find out or deal with it?" Julia asked as she swung her legs off the bed and sat up. "Roxanne said that Carolyn helped last night."
"She did," Barnabas responded. "She noticed I was in need and knew Roxanne shouldn't...donate last night."
“We're looking at a long winter, Barnabas,” Julia said. “How do we handle blood for the three of us when we can't get access to animals often? Four if Angelique is here which she probably will be over the winter holidays.”
"I don't know," Barnabas admitted. "I want to be here to meet all of the family but I can't risk my control slipping either."
"Roxanne said you both would be comfortable with the four or six of us staying in the Old House," Julia mentioned.
"She did? When?"
"This evening, you've been asleep 15 minutes after sunset," Julia informed him and Barnabas blinked.
"That's.... startling," he remarked.
"I know," Julia said gently. "Thomas and I think the house is big enough for us vampires and partners, by the way."
"No making out with our respective partners in common areas?" Barnabas suggested with a slight smile and chuckled when Julia threw a pillow at him.
"I agree," Julia said. "We still need to figure out how to have enough blood for four vampires."
"We can't use blood that's been frozen," Barnabas said thoughtfully. "Shall we toss this out for ideas with everyone else?"
Julia nodded and stood up and extended her hand to her husband to help him up.
# # #
When Giles opened his eyes he found Dawn sitting on the bed holding his hand. He tried to smile. "Hullo, I take I'm at the house."
"Yeah, they found you behind the Box," Dawn said. "How are you feeling?"
"Exhausted," Giles admitted. "Where is everyone?"
"Buffy, Willow, Tara, Quentin, Xander and Anya are at the mansion," Dawn informed him. "Angelique is somewhere unknown. The Watchers are at the mansion too. Me and Mom are here."
"I remember falling out of a van," Giles said as he sat up slowly. He looked at his wrapped hand and wrist. "Ow."
"You broke your wrist and two fingers," Dawn explained. "You..."
"I remember a nightmare of a vision," Giles said softly. "I'm all right."
"It seemed pretty horrible," Dawn replied. "You sure you're okay?"
"I will be," Giles answered.
Giles looked up and smiled a weary smile at Joyce. "Hullo, I'll be okay."
"Good," Joyce said as she walked in. "Give us a bit, Dawnie."
"Okay," the teenager scampered out the door as Joyce sat down next to Giles.
"I was terrified, you were pretty shattered when they got you here," Joyce said and reached for his hand. "They said Angelique helped you with whatever you saw."
Giles shivered. "It was...horrible."
"Do you want to talk about it?" Joyce offered.
Giles hesitated as he looked at the carpet.
"It was pretty awful," Giles said after a moment. "Angelique said it won't happen, I remember that. I...hurt Buffy... with my fangs."
Joyce wrapped her arms around Giles. "She's right, it won't happen. It won't ever happen, Ru. You staked Angelique to protect Buffy. Keep remembering that."
"All right," he said softly. "I need to help tonight, don't I?"
"Not if you're up for it or if you think you might freeze if you see that little bastard."
Giles was silent again for several moments. "I don't know if I can, I might be a risk. The others might have to protect me."
"You want me to call Buffy?" Joyce asked. "She'll understand, Rupert."
"Please," Giles said softly.
"I'll be right back and we'll lay down for a bit," Joyce suggested. "Dr. Grimm left some pain meds. She said you'd probably sleep off and on today and that you should go to the hospital tomorrow for a cast."
"Bloody little prat," Giles muttered. "I'd like to wring his neck."
"So do I," Joyce said. "I'll be right back."
# # #
"Yeah, no problem, Mom," Buffy said into her phone. "With that broken wrist it'd be hard for him to lend a hand, no pun intended. Tell him to rest or I'll kick his butt. Love you, Mom. We'll be as careful as we can."
Buffy closed her phone and turned to the others. "Giles isn't up for a fight."
"I didn't think he would be," Dr. Grimm commented.
"You don't know Giles," Buffy said. "I'm actually surprised he isn't here. He was impaled by a knight's javelin and was right in the fight almost immediately."
"I take it Rupert isn't coming out tonight."
Buffy looked over at the kitchen to see Angelique. "Nope, he's not up to it, especially with that wrist."
"What is planned for tonight?" Angelique said as she stepped into the living room.
Mark Hampton noted that she stayed on the edge of the room.
"Yeah, what are we doing tonight?" Tara asked as she and Willow stepped out of the master bedroom.
"Okay, here's the plan for everyone," Buffy said. "Check out the map here."
# # # #
Barnabas spread his hands as he finished explaining to everyone around the table the problem facing them with the fierce Maine winter.
"We would normally move to warmer areas but we want to be here with family," Julia added. "We'll have someone around during the daytime until after the holidays and then Rupert will likely be gone and Thomas will need to work around the estate during the day."
"What about Roxanne?" Caleb asked.
Amy dashed by the table in hot pursuit of a laughing Elizabeth.
Caroline chucked. "Elizabeth definitely keeps Amy young!"
"As for me, I'm likely to be sleeping during the day like Barnabas and Julia over the winter break," Roxanne said.
"We can't dash up to any of the cities every third night or day," Thomas said.
"What about delivery?" Maggie asked after a moment of silence from everyone.
"I doubt someone would drive all the way to Collinwood to deliver blood from a butcher," Carolyn commented.
"No, but a butcher might send blood along with the rest of the meat order to a diner," Maggie said with a smile. "We can get delivery every 3rd day. I'll tell them I'm making blood sausages for a horde of Englishmen or mixing it with pet food for an anemic cat or something."
"She's damned clever," Joe said with a chuckle.
"That...that's inspired," Barnabas said. "Thank you, very much."
"Just let me know how much you need at a time and I'll find out how blood is usually sent from a butcher and figure out the differences," Maggie said.
Caleb shook his head. "I knew things could be weird around here, I just didn't know how weird."
"This is going to be a weird holiday season," Carolyn agreed. "Disbelieving family, inquisitive kids and vampires in residence."
# # # #
Buffy looked around as she entered an alley in the industrial part of town. She held her phone up to her mouth. "Okay, guys, I'm going down the alley between building B and C. So far nothing. Stand by."
The Slayer stopped when a familiar sound filled the air and it was coming from both ends of the alley. Buffy's eyes narrowed at the sight of a golem at each end.
"Okay," Buffy said softly and pulled out an expandable baton and tire iron.
The golems moved closer and stopped. Buffy wasn't surprised when the young looking sorcerer stepped around one of the golems into the light of an overhead light.
“Hi, been expecting me?” he asked cheerfully.
“Yeah, you blew it last night and didn't get what you wanted from my mom, my sister, and my dad,” Buffy said calmly.
The kid's eyes flashed for a moment and then he smiled. “You're the big prize, you know.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Buffy said with an exaggerated roll of her eyes. “3 master vampires couldn't manage to even give me the shivers, what are you going to do? I'll use your golems to apply my makeup you little jerk.”
The kid snarled and waved his hand in front of his face. “Be afraid.”
He lowered his hand and frowned. “What?” he demanded.
Buffy raised her eyebrows. “Is that it? I survived Sunnydale High, jerk off, and I've died twice. Is that the best you've got?”
“You....you can't resist!”
“Sorry, I don't want to join the Borg,” Buffy said with a laugh.
“Then die painfully!”
Buffy laughed again and the kid frowned.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” he yelled.
Buffy glanced up and so did the kid. His eyes widened at the sight of a huge hammer hovering about two stories above one of the golems.
“No!” the kid screamed just as the hammer dropped.
Buffy winced at the sound of shattering glass and the thump of clay breaking apart.
“Damn you!”
Buffy turned to face the other golem as it began moving again. “Now!”
The kid looked up at the sound of squeaking and looked puzzled when he couldn't seem to see anything. Then a bat fluttered into the lamplight and circled around the golem as it focused on Buffy.
“What? No!” the kid screamed as the bat grabbed the chain of the medallion and yanked it off over the creatures head.
Buffy grinned as the golem went still and fell forward on its face, glass shattering.
“Fine, I'll do it myself!”
Buffy went into a fighting stand with the two weapons and laughed when something growled above the kid and a figure jumped off a fire escape, taking him to the rough pavement. Buffy dashed forward as growls and yells filled the area and two figures scuffled.
Buffy dropped the tire iron and baton and grabbed up the huge troll hammer. “Quentin, move!”
The wolfman dived off the kid and the sorcerer got up with a shake of his head only to be sent flying backwards after Buffy hit him with an upswing of the hammer.
“Xander, catch!”
Xander grabbed the kid by his coat, spun him around and let go of the kid's jacket and then sent the teen spinning away with a powerful hit with a baseball bat.
He stumbled back towards Buffy only to get hit again. After several rounds of pound-the-jerk, said jerk sorcerer was obviously stunned and had blood flowing from his nose.
Buffy pulled back and looked at the kid trying to keep his balance.
Giles walked down the alley with Angelique while Willow, Tara, Anya and the Watchers approached from the other direction.
Giles walked up to the kid and hit him hard with a left cross. Willow and Tara stepped around Buffy and muttered something in Latin and extended their hands.
The kid jerked as his arms were pinned to his body and his body suspended by a dark green energy.
Watcher Wong approached the captured sorcerer and slapped him. “Hector was my fiance!”
“Now, let's find out what the hell he is and how to kill him,” Mark Hampton said firmly.
“I have some of those answers,” a voice called loudly.
Werewolf Quentin moved next to Buffy and growled as everyone shifted around the kid to face a dark figure approaching.
A man dressed all in black stepped into the light.
Buffy frowned. He looked a lot like the kid except he was taller and....
“And what would those be?” Buffy demanded as Willow, Tara, Angelique and Giles' hands began crackling with energy.
The man held up his hands. “Pax. May I present Aleric, son of Barbas and Rachel. That last name there being a lovely human mother who has had her hands full with him these number of years. I'm afraid I've been called away frequently. Fear never ends, you know.”
“Barbas....” Willow muttered. “Barbas...”
“Fear demon lord,” Anya said calmly. “He spreads fear.”
“And feeds from it,” Angelique added.
“And its pretty darn easy in this world, let me tell you!” he said, agreeing as he ran a hand through his unruly hair. “With war, people specializing in torture, paranoia everywhere, Democrats lying about Republicans and the Republicans lying in turn, and the cola wars, absolute chaos, I tell you!”
“And him?” Giles asked.
“What can you do? You try to raise them right but....” the man sighed. “I see I need to take him in hand and teach him some finesse and how to keep a low profile. There's plenty of meals without even revealing ourselves.”
“And our dead members?” Mark demanded.
Barbas' eyes hardened slightly. “I'm a demon, I don't feel a lot of sympathy. Sorry. Let him go and I'll correct his behavior but only to a certain point. He'll learn to get his kicks without too much damage to you fragile humans. Deal?”
Buffy looked at the group and Giles nodded slightly. She could tell Mark was angry but he threw up his hands after a moment.
Buffy nodded to Willow and Tara and they pulled the restraints away as Giles held his hand ready to throw up a protective shield.
Barbas grabbed his son by the collar. “How did you beat him? He was remote viewing your plans. I saw as much before I could get here.”
“We suspected he was watching us, we figured out a plan while we walked and spread the plan by text over the phone,” Buffy said. “The troll hammer helped us defeat an actual god, we figured it might rattle him until we could hold him.”
“And using the hammer, the werewolf, bat and witches.... impressive! And cellphones? We really must get into the 21st century!” Barbas said with a grin. “I'll make him see that attempting anything else with your group would likely end badly. Ciao.”
There was an explosion of bright light and father and son were gone.
“Pizza, lots of sodas and beer and ice cream,” Xander declared.
“Yeah, we're in,” Mark said.
"Throw in some garlic bread and salad while you're at it," Dr. Sam Grimm added. "I'll pay. I'm really anxious to hear some of the things you all have been through without the filter of an official report to the Council."
“You guys take Giles and Circe to the mansion and I'll pick up Mom and Dawnie,” Buffy said. “We'll be there in a bit.”
# # # #
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