Old Problems in the Night
Awakenings, 26
Ownership: Repeat after me: I don’t own Xena, Gabrielle, etc. I’m borrowing them for entertainment purposes
Violence: Not much this round. Rate PG-13
Subtext/Alt Fiction/Sex: the story assumes a loving and sexual relationship between people of the same gender and of the opposite sex.
Feedback: always welcome and responded to!
Storyline: Gabrielle, Xena, Iolaus, Hercules and Asher try to settle down in the North to raise Asher but old problems have a way of creeping up on them.
The story can stand on its own but it is part of a series and you might want to catch some of the earlier parts to know exactly who is whom.
Gabrielle laughed softly and threw a piece of flat bread at her mate. Xena’s eyes blinked and she began blushing at the sound of Gabrielle’s laughter.
“Reality to Xena?” Gabrielle teased.
Xena, having been busted at not paying attention to her bard, growled softly and saw a chance for distraction. The warrior grinned and moved out of the chair with the grace of a huge stalking cat and grabbed Asher as he attempted to crawl out of sight under the table. The toddler squealed with delight as the warrior pulled him onto her lap.
“I’m sorry, Gabrielle,” Xena said softly, relieved that her mate’s green eyes were bright with humor and not irritation at her. “What were you saying?”
“I was asking if you realized it’s been an entire turn of seasons since we’ve been here?” Gabrielle repeated. The warrior bard felt whatever irritation she might have for the distracted warrior melt away as she watched Xena with their son. Gabrielle knew that Xena could terrify most anyone they came across with just a look but they didn’t see the many sides of the warrior that Gabrielle felt privileged in seeing. Gabrielle wasn’t even sure if Xena’s mother Cyrene would ever believe how goofy her daughter could get at times. Or how romantic, soft, gentle, or even how emotional.
There was even a few times when Gabrielle caught Hercules shaking his head with an amused grin on his face as he watched Xena with Asher or her interacting with Gabrielle now that no one else was around.
Xena had reminded Gabrielle when the bard questioned her about Hercules’ surprise that the demi-God had been searching all of Greece for the missing bard when Xena gave birth to Sasha. Her half-brother had missed out on watching Xena raise the small child until Gabrielle had returned to them almost two full spring seasons later.
Gabrielle looked around the decent sized cabin and smiled. It had been a year of struggle for the two couples, especially with Gabrielle having just given birth and almost dying during it. Asher was a handful when he finally learned to crawl and had to be watched, constantly. Xena had finally gotten exasperated when the curious youngster had banged his head on a table when he tried standing up on his own. Gabrielle and Iolaus had laughed for almost a quarter candle mark when Xena came back from a morning spent in the work shed with a brand new harness. Only this harness wasn’t for a horse, it was for her errant son and had a ring at the cross section at the back for a rope. Asher hadn’t thought being confined to a limited space was funny but the adults had been amused at his frustrated looks and Xena’s satisfied and smug look.
The bard was pleased with the life they were building with Hercules and Iolaus.
They had cleared the land enough for a good harvest of grain, vegetables and hay. Sheep and two goats grazed in a small pasture area, cows and horses were in another area and chickens clucked a way in a small pen along side the barn. It was getting close to the winter season and a couple of wild pigs had already been hunted and killed along with one cow. The meat had been salted and the harvest of vegetables and fruits preserved as well. The last harvest of the grain was coming up soon and the Greeks didn’t think they would need much help from the larger settlement of Axel, their adopted Germanic family.
Xena’s words brought Gabrielle back from her musing with a smile.
“Yeah, this one growing by leaps and bounds reminds me everyday,” the warrior grinned at her wife.
Gabrielle sighed, feeling content. It had taken all four of them some time to actually relax in their new home. It wasn’t the hard work, none of them were strangers to work and welcomed it. It was the warrior paranoia of looking over your shoulder for bandits all the time and waiting for the sword to drop out of the sky if you stayed in one place for too long.
Even the time at home in Amphipolis had been difficult for the couple. Xena and Gabrielle made a home for themselves with Gabrielle helping Cyrene at the inn and Xena working with the local blacksmith and training the militia.
It seemed like the Elysian Fields to the couple. It was just the life both of them avoided by fleeing to the road when they were young but now they found themselves drawn back to and welcomed it. Gabrielle still hated making bread but had found making a home for Xena, Solan, Sasha and herself satisfying.
Romans, Ares, Bacchae cravings and the need to take care of things in distant lands always interfered with that quiet life, though. A simple day could turn into trouble in an instant and it seemed to follow the couple.
Gabrielle wondered if it was that way for others or just her, her mate and their friends? The bard had seen villages that seemed to exist without too much trouble or very little of it. Then there was Xena and Gabrielle; merely walking into a town could start a fight. The bard wondered if it was part of that Destiny thing for the two of them.
Just walking by a small troop of Roman soldiers one day had nearly gotten the bard arrested and Xena into a major fight with them. They had seen the scars on the bard’s back from the lashings and the brand she had received at the Gladiator school and took her for a runaway slave.
Just another day and close call for the couple, the bard reflected.
She even felt the uneasy feelings when they tried to settle down in the cabin. All of them worked hard, even Iolaus with his crippled arm had put in a good day’s work by sunset but Gabrielle caught all of them glancing to the woods, their hands never quite far from a weapon.
Little by little the small group began to relax. Of course hands still rested on weapons whenever anyone approached their homestead, mostly men traveling to do trading with other steadings. Iolaus sold several barrels of his ale and had several kegs of mead fermenting as well. He traded a few of the barrels for enough feed for the animals for the winter and a new spinning loom for Gabrielle.
With Xena’s “many skills”; Hercules’ strength, Iolaus’ cleverness and Gabrielle’s stubbornness, they had managed to turn the good sized cabin into a very nice home and had a thriving farm after only a full turn of the seasons.
Gabrielle smiled and pulled Asher in her arms and the little boy cooed happily while he snuggled next to her.
Xena also became reflective as she watched her mate and their child. This was one time she thanked the deities for their magical involvement in their lives. If not for the Forest Spirits of the North, she might not know what Gabrielle was like as a mother and they wouldn’t have their son.
Xena was not amused with the thought of either of them conceiving children the old fashioned way by having sex with a male. She still had her own nightmares about the sexual abuse the bard had suffered through during their travels together, especially the most recent at the hands of Bacchus. The guilt of not protecting Gabrielle from all of it still chipped away at the warrior’s mind and soul.
Xena was unaware of her growl and the look of anger on her face but Gabrielle caught it and had a excellent idea of what was going on in her warrior’s mind. After all their years together, she had gotten pretty good at reading Xena’s moods. Gabrielle was pretty sure the cause of the scowl and the frown was either Bacchus or Alti. Xena didn’t’ blame her for anything that happened in the Spirit Realm but it was still a nightmare for both of them to live with. Sexual assault, torture and Gabrielle turning into a full bacchae was enough to drive Xena into whacking anything in her sight and swearing vengeance daily against Bacchus after watching Gabrielle go through the nightmares that still plagued the bard. Too many times the bard had awakened to find Xena gently holding and comforting her, the nightmare still fresh in her mind. The warrior would cuddle her while Gabrielle cried herself back to sleep.
Now, after Asher’s birth and a year of carving out a home in the wilds of Germania, the nightmares were easing up for all of them.
Xena looked over at Hercules and Iolaus as the demi-god helped his mate put on his boots and smiled. They each had their demons and their past, Xena thought. The loss of Hercules’ family, the crippling of Iolaus, Gabrielle’s assaults and slavery, and Xena had way too many things to make up for to list, she cursed.
Maybe after all the winters they had been through, the Fates would ease up on them and let them have a break and a chance at a normal life.
It pained Xena to see the gray appearing in Iolaus hair and beard compared to youthful faces of Gabrielle and Hercules. It was one thing she didn’t look forward to, Iolaus was going to continue to age while his mate and best friends didn’t.
Xena wasn’t sure being an immortal was all that great of a prize and the warrior continued to scowl. Xena, Hercules and Gabrielle would never age, would never grow old, never get sick and wouldn’t die without outside trauma. The same couldn’t be said for their friends and families. Already Cyrene was feeling the effects of raising three children, running a tavern alone all those winters and was slowing down. It was getting harder for her to haul the kegs of ale and wine back and forth.
The warrior felt tears springing to her eyes as she remembered her family. Solan and his wife Reija had been planning on taking over the inn slowly until Cyrene could no longer work. They were going to continue the inn and take care of his grandmother.
Callisto had shattered those plans for the future by killing Solan and crippling Reija. Kidnapping their son, Kiryk, had just finished destroying the family, especially when they couldn’t find him. He was still lost these three Spring seasons later.
Now with Solan dead, Reija had returned to an Amazon tribe and Cyrene was left to deal with the Tavern. Xena felt guilty whenever she thought about it. She knew that it had been expected of her when she was younger to someday take over and to help her mother. Taking the road to a path of becoming a feared warlord hadn’t been what Cyrene had wanted for her daughter. Continuing a path of being a warrior wasn’t going to lead Xena back to that inn either, and although they both knew and accepted it, that didn’t make it any easier to live with the guilt though.
Xena thanked the gods that her older brother Torris was more than willing to take over the inn in addition to his own merchant business with his wife.
The warrior didn’t know how she was going to handle watching her Mom get older and finally die. What if Asher didn’t inherit his parent’s immortality? How were they supposed to watch him grow up, live his life and die while they didn’t age a day?
Xena growled. This would be the downside of being immortal.
Hercules walked up beside the bard as she continued feeding the livestock. She looked up from the pitchfork of hay and smiled.
“Where Iolaus?” she asked.
“Xena is helping him with dinner while Asher plays under their feet,” he said as he continued smiling.
“Do you think we’ve got enough supplies? It’s turning cold,” she asked.
“Yeah, I think so,” the demi-god responded as he leaned on the fence railing. “Ready to be cooped up for the winter with a toddler?”
Hercules laughed at the bard’s expression of joy and then a look of stunned realization of how many candle-marks that would mean with the handful of tiny terror known as Asher.
“Do we have a choice?” Gabrielle grinned. “It’ll be good.”
“Yeah, with the four of us taking care of him. We’ve been on the road for so long, so many seasons. It’ll be good for us to have a normal life for awhile,” Hercules agreed.
Gabrielle mumbled and reached out for Xena. It registered after a moment that Xena wasn’t in bed next to her. The warrior bard sat up and realized there was movement and noises in the cabin that seemed out of place.
She jumped up and checked on Asher, asleep in a bed not far from theirs. Gabrielle breathed a sigh of relief as she took in his sleeping face, blonde hair falling over his forehead.
Gabrielle moved towards the sounds and frowned as she took in the sight of Xena and Hercules at an open door.
Xena’s sharp ears heard Gabrielle approaching, even on bare feet. “Gabrielle, quick!”
Gabrielle knelt down beside Xena as Hercules moved back into the cabin to light a lamp. The bard could see a figure lying in the doorway. All she could make out was that the figure wasn’t moving and was dressed in Northern clothing. Her Bacchae senses could smell fresh blood and quite a bit of it.
Xena’s hands were moving over the figure, seeking injuries and signs of life. Hercules returned with a light and Xena carefully turned the wounded figure over. She heard Gabrielle gasp as both of them recognized Hallvor, the Northern German of Gabrielle’s Black Forest Amazon tribe.
The woman was unconscious and badly beaten.
“Herc, help me get her inside,” Xena instructed. “Carefully, I don’t know where she’s hurt. Gabrielle, bar the door and set arrows and bows at the windows, just in case she was followed.”
“Right,” Gabrielle agreed and moved to grab her boots from the bedroom and then the weapons.
After finishing that she went to the table where they had laid Hallvor. She watched as Xena and Hercules cut leather lashes holding clothing together and fur in place and striped the Northerner down to simple woolen tunic and trousers. Then Xena and Gabrielle both began examining the warrior as Hercules lit another lamp.
“Where’s Iolaus, Herc?” Gabrielle asked as she ran her hands over one of Hallvor’s legs.
“His arm and hand were hurting bad tonight so he took some herbs to help him sleep,” the demi-god answered.
“Change of weather coming, seeps into the bones as we get older,” Xena commented.
“Not for us,” Hercules muttered, once again reminded that he was probably going to watch his mate grow old and die while not age another day himself.
“We need to cut the rest of the clothing off,” Xena stated and Gabrielle agreed with a nod. “Herc, grab some blankets and put on some water for some tea. She’s awfully cold already.”
Once striped and in the light of two lamps, the Greeks were dismayed at the sight of their friend. Whoever had given her the beating had done it recently and they had been very serious in attempting to kill the warrior.
Xena began muttering. “Her legs aren’t broken but that ankle might be; the swelling is bad. Her ribs are cracked on the left side and her left forearm is broken, probably from fending off a blow. There’s a broken nose, bruised eyes along with that. A good lump on the right side of her head and she’s bleeding internally, that’s where the blood from her mouth and nose are coming from.”
“Can we do anything?” Gabrielle questioned, grabbing some of the water and a clean cloth, beginning to wipe away the road grime, battle dust and blood from the Germanic woman. She also dabbed at the fresh blood trickling from her friend’s mouth.
“Not much except splint the arm, wrap the ankle and hope she wakes up from the blow to the head,” Xena admitted.
“What about the bleeding?” Hercules asked. They had all seen too many deaths from bleeding on the inside. A warrior’s fear; wounds like that couldn’t be treated and could be fatal more times than not.
“Keep an eye on it and hope it doesn’t kill her before the head wound does,” Xena said grimly.
“Who or what could have done this?” Gabrielle growled.
“Human, the cuts are from a blade and the bruises from a blunt object, either the flat of a blade or a war hammer and fists. Maybe even some feet, that’s probably what caved in those ribs of hers,” Xena frowned.
“Had to be more than one,” Hercules commented. “Her necklace and bracers identify her as Northern and Amazon; they’re usually tough to take down.”
“She’s one of mine,” Gabrielle informed him. “This is Hallvor, a German who joined the Black Forest Amazons after leaving her tribe.”
“How did she find us?” Xena wondered aloud.
“Herc, could you keep an eye outside?” Gabrielle asked her best male friend. “She couldn’t have gotten far like this.”
“You bet.”
Xena began rummaging through Hallvor’s clothes while Gabrielle began bandaging the warrior’s wounds.
“What are you looking for?” Gabrielle asked.
“Maybe a message for you. She may have been on the way to find us,” Xena commented and Gabrielle looked thoughtful.
“Gods, why would anyone attack Hallvor?” she muttered.
“I don’t know,” Xena complained. “All we can do is wait and see if she has some answers.”
“I hate waiting with wounded friends,” the bard muttered back.
Dawn was finally turning the sky purple when Hallvor began to stir, slightly. Xena smiled somewhat in relief.
“I don’t think she’ll give into the concussion, now we just worry about the rest of her wounds,” she muttered and glanced up at the other two people in the room.
Gabrielle was putting water on for tea and Hercules was still watching outside the window, his head swaying with boredom and lack of sleep. They had been working hard with the last bit of the harvest before the first frost and had been hoping for a few days of rest when they found Hallvor on their doorstep.
Gabrielle walked over and watched Hallvor toss lightly in her wounded sleep.
“This is a good sign,” she commented.
“Yes,” Xena agreed, checking for fresh blood around the Northerner's mouth and nodded encouragingly when she didn’t find any.
“Any idea when she’ll wake up?” the bard asked, pulling the wool blanket tighter around her shoulders. Hercules had built up the fire but there was still a chill in the air.
“No, not really,” Xena frowned.
"We've got company and they're not friendly," Hercules announced, reaching for a bow next to the window.
"I'll wake Iolaus to watch over Asher," Gabrielle muttered, dashing towards the room he shared with Hercules.
Xena's eyes narrowed as she moved up next to the demi-god.
A group of riders stopped just outside the tree line of their clearing. In front of them was a man with several hunting dogs, large wolfhounds that were howling and barking as they pulled at their leads.
The riders were obviously Northern by their clothes and weapons; Xena and Hercules quickly evaluated and counted ten riders and three on foot including the dog handler. They brandished mostly spears and swords among them and all carried shields.
"I don't see any archers," Hercules commented, grabbing his fur cloak.
"Hail the steading!" the lead rider stood up slightly in his stirrups and called to the cabin. Xena and Hercules quickly took closer note of him.
The Northman was probably as tall as Hercules with reddish blonde hair that reminded Xena of Gabrielle's when they first began traveling. He had a thick but trimmed beard, much in Roman style and his hair was also shorter than most Germans. He wore a wolf fur cloak held together with a gold cloak pin and his bracers were silver and gold. The hilt of his sword was also inlaid with gold and silver which caused Xena to frown.
"Prince, a Jarl," she muttered and Hercules nodded as he opened the door, sword in hand.
Xena grabbed up the bow he left and notched an arrow as she felt Gabrielle re-enter the room and take up a position at the other window.
"Iolaus is watching the back, so far they haven't split up and surrounded us," the bard informed her mate.
"Good, so far they're behaving."
"Greetings," Hercules said simply in Germanic.
"A blessing of the gods upon your home and kin," the Jarl responded. "We seek an outlaw, one of the hated werserkers. The dogs have tracked her this far, have you seen a wounded woman traveling this way?"
"Oh gods, this is not good," Gabrielle muttered, notching an arrow herself.
"We have taken in a wounded member of our family," Hercules answered and wasn't surprised when the Jarl looked stunned.
"Her former name was Hallvor, she travels under the name Jaeger," the Jarl said flatly. "Her family is many winters dead."
"Hallvor was adopted into an Amazon tribe, the tribe of my sister," Hercules answered.
"Amazons?" the Jarl was clearly puzzled. "You're Roman?"
"Greek, actually," Hercules grinned. "Also Northern, adopted into the clan of Axel, of the family of Eddval Skull Splitter, Jarl of this region."
"She was declared outlaw many spring seasons ago, you cannot offer her sanctuary," the Jarl declared. "I don't care if you have adopted her or not, it was after she was declared outlaw."
"And who approaches my home without properly telling me his name and his lineage and wants respect from me?" Hercules demanded.
Xena pulled back slightly on the bowstring as the Jarl began blushing in anger.
"I am Jarl Svenkender, brother to the Jarl that Hallvor brutally killed and I haven't heard your name or lineage, Greek," Jarl Svenkender growled.
"I am Hercules among my people, here I am known as Herkavor the Strong," Hercules responded, still with a smile but Xena knew from his voice that he was tense. "My mother was an honorable woman and my father is the mighty Zeus, God Supreme of Olympus."
Xena grinned as most of the Northerners shifted uncomfortably. The Germans weren’t accustomed to meeting demi-gods, Greek or otherwise.
"You cannot deny my family claim!" Jarl Svenkender snapped. "She is outlaw and cannot be granted safe keeping. Turn her out."
Xena and Gabrielle could well imagine Hercules losing his smile.
"She is of my sister's tribe," Hercules stated firmly.
Gabrielle sighed and reached for the door.
"Gabrielle, Hallvor is my friend, let me," Xena suggested.
"I'm the Queen, Xena," Gabrielle said firmly. "She's my responsibility and my family, just as much as Eponi or any of the others."
Xena pulled back the bowstring as her mate stepped out onto the porch, the warrior's eyes watching the Northermen closely for any sudden movements.
"I am Brie the Dancer," Gabrielle announced. "I am Queen of the Black Forest Amazons and Jaeger is one of my tribe, she is under my protection in my home."
"You have a warrior's name for a small one," Jarl Svenkender grinned a vicious smile.
"Many have made that mistake, they sang their death song while I wiped my blade free of their blood," Gabrielle growled back and Xena's eyebrows rose in amusement and surprise. She hadn't expected her little bard to be able to taunt so well. Then again, Gabrielle was a bard first, the warrior part came later, Xena reflected.
Jarl Svenkender's eyes narrowed in anger while his men laughed at the clever retort.
"My fight is not with you, small one," the Jarl frowned. "Send out Hallvor and we'll end this and be on our way."
"Not with one of my Amazons," Gabrielle said firmly and felt Hercules shifting on his feet next to her, ready to move forward or back into the cabin.
"You aren't on Amazon land and I don't recognize your rights, I will give you until sundown to decide," Jarl Svenkender stated. "Then you risk war with my family and those families under mine."
Xena relaxed her hold on the bow as the Northerners turned back to the forest once more. The warrior turned back to the inside of the cabin at a growl and she was surprised to see Hallvor half sitting up watching her. The warrior quickly crossed the room and began examining the wounded Amazon as Hallvor collapsed back onto the furs.
Xena heard Gabrielle and Hercules enter and gather close.
"I heard," Hallvor muttered.
"Quiet," Xena ordered and continued feeling along the woman's body now that Hallvor was awake and could tell her where it hurt, it made examining her easier but more painful for the Amazon.
After a moment Xena straightened up a bit.
"The internal bleeding has stopped and she'll live. With those ribs bound tightly, it may help the lung heal," Xena announced, helping Hallvor sit up a little to slowly drink some water. "You won't be doing any running or riding for awhile, though."
"Nein," Hallvor agreed and glanced at Gabrielle. "My Queen, I'm sorry for bringing them here. I thought I had lost them in the river two days ago."
"How long have you been traveling with these wounds?" Gabrielle questioned closely.
"I don't know anymore," Hallvor admitted. "I was in the north selling some of the harvest of the wild berries in our forest and some of the summer hides for grain, and bringing you news of Reija. Somehow Sven recognized me and set his men and dogs on me."
"He must have been just a boy when that happened!" Xena growled. Like Xena, Gabrielle and Hercules, Hallvor didn't look her age. To outsiders she looked barely twenty summers old, in reality she was closer to double that. It seemed that the werserker wolf blood in her slowed her aging process down while their immortality status stopped the aging of the Greeks.
"He was barely 10 summers old when I was to marry his brother, but he remembered and hates me," Hallvor agreed.
"Gods, that was so long ago!" Gabrielle complained. "I wasn't much older than Svenkender."
Xena smirked at being reminded that she was older than Gabrielle.
“What about Reija?” Gabrielle demanded.
“She’s healing well,” Hallvor responded. “She still won’t use that leg again but she’s planning on going out in the Spring with one of our Sister Amazons and look for Kiryk.”
“Where will she look?” Xena frowned. “We don’t have a clue where to look for him.”
“Reija plans to just start looking, she doesn’t really have a plan,” Hallvor answered.
“Knowing Callisto’s warped way of thinking, he could be anywhere,” Gabrielle complained. “How will she know him if it takes months to find him?”
“She told me about a birthmark just under his left ear, almost like a star,” Hallovr muttered.
Both Xena and Gabrielle nodded.
“Why the hell is this Jarl so bent on revenge for something that happened when he was so young?” Gabrielle complained, bringing the conversation back to the original subject.
Xena reflected that it was probably closer to twenty five summers when she had been traveling in the North and had found a wounded woman outside a small town fort. She had cared for the warrior and discovered that the woman, Hallvor, had been outcast by her tribe and declared an outlaw.
The warrior looked over and saw Hallvor closing her eyes, her jaw tight with pain.
"Gabrielle, make up some of that tea with the sleeping powder, she needs more sleep to heal from this," Xena instructed and the Queen of the Amazons moved back to the fire.
"I'm going to say good morning to Iolaus and Asher," Hercules declared, leaving the warrior to watch over the wounded Amazon.
Gabrielle said down and reflected back on what the young looking Northern Amazon told them before about her past. Hallvor had married the minor local Jarl out of duty to family and people. It was expected to marry, produce children and provide a safe and good home by both parties. It wasn't uncommon to be attracted to others outside the marriage and it was up to the married couple to decide how to handle it. Most times husbands had servants or close male friends for companionship and relied on their wives to fulfill marital duty, not necessarily to provide love to the marriage. It wasn't uncommon for the wife to have close female friends, servants or even to be allowed a close male friend as long as duty to house and marriage came first.
Hallvor had been what was known among the Northmen as a Shield Maiden, a female warrior chosen by Odin, the AllFather of the Norse gods. She was also known as a werserker, a warrior seized with battle madness from the god. Insane and deadly in a battle.
Knowing Hallvor was in love with his sister and attracted to her more than himself hadn't been allowed though and the Jarl turned out to be very jealous. The night before the wedding he had found them together and killed his own sister and then attempted to rape the young Hallvor.
It was then everyone discovered that Hallvor was a full werserker, cursed and gifted by the god Odin with the ability to change into a mixture of wolf and human. Cursed and blessed with superhuman strength, battle insanity that made her almost immune to wounds at the time, and a desire to kill when in wolf-human form. Watching her lover die and being attacked and sexually assaulted had caused Hallvor's mind to snap like it never had before. She changed into wolf-human form and ripped the Jarl to shreds.
Because the Jarl had killed his own kin and had attempted to rape the young female warrior, Hallvor was spared a death sentence for killing the Jarl. She was declared an outlaw and banished by her tribe, family and the Germanic people. An outlaw could claim no friend among the Northerners, could only be offered minimal shelter in deep winter for a span of half a turn of the moon - one dark to full moon or full to dark (what would later be known as two weeks). Hallvor could own no property and marry no German and could be killed by any Northman without fear of reprisal.
As she was driven from the gates, the new Jarl grabbed a war hammer and shattered the woman's lower spine and dragged her outside the gates. Having been declared an outlaw, no one offered to help her, not even her own family and the female warrior crawled to a nearby stream to die.
That was when Xena found her.
"You should have let me die those years ago," Hallvor muttered as Gabrielle approached them.
"You reading my mind, Hall?" Xena asked softly, taking the mug from her mate and grabbing a quick hug.
"Easy, your eyes lost in memories," Hallvor mumbled.
"I wronged you then," Xena admitted. "Not by saving your life but what came later. The sentence against you was unjust, Hall."
"Doesn't matter now, does it?" the Amazon growled. "I won't let you fight this battle for me, neither you nor Gabrielle."
"You don't have a choice," Gabrielle smiled a rueful smile. "You can't even stand up and I won't turn over one of my Amazons to an unjust death."
Any protests Hallvor might have had were cut short at the sound of a delighted laugh coming from the hallway to the bedrooms. The bard turned with a large grin and knelt to grab Asher as he dashed from the hall into her arms and then bounded into Xena's.
Gabrielle smiled at the surprised look on Hallvor's face as the Northerner drank the tea.
"He's ours," Gabrielle answered the unspoken question and refused to go into it further as Xena tickled their son. Asher giggled and looked down at their wounded visitor.
"This is Hallvor, she's a friend of ours," Xena said as she saw the boy watching the Amazon. "She's not feeling well so you can't climb all over her, okay?"
The boy nodded and waved at the Amazon and Hallvor smiled into his blue-green eyes. Gabrielle grinned and grabbed the boy up as he squealed and laughed.
"Breakfast, you big oaf!" she declared as they moved towards the food storage.
Hercules and Iolaus were both smiling as they watched the bard manage to hold onto a laughing and struggling child and begin gathering things for breakfast.
Iolaus joined Xena and their visitor while Hercules went to the window and checked the surrounding area.
"He looks like Gabrielle but has your smile?" Hallvor questioned.
"He's both of ours," Xena smiled, watching her mate and son. "He is a gift from the gods of the Northern Amazons."
"I give thanks to them," Hallvor said formally. "You both look happy."
"Yes and don't worry about upsetting that," Xena warned. "You're a friend, Hall, and we take care of our friends."
"I'm Iolaus and the big guy is Hercules," Iolaus grinned.
"This is Hallvor, from Gabrielle's tribe," Xena introduced her friends.
"Herc told me what was going on, sort of," Iolaus sat down in front of the fire and Xena noticed him unconsciously rubbing his crippled arm and hand, trying to rub the pain away.
"Let's have some breakfast and see if we can figure a way out of this," Xena suggested.
Two candle-marks later and none of them had come up with any answers.
Gabrielle rubbed a hand over her forehead and eyes in frustration.
“I can’t see where we can merge Germanic law and Amazon law and satisfy everyone,” she complained.
“Neither can I,” Xena mumbled, gently rocking Asher as the boy played with her hair. “If we refuse Svenkender then we risk eventually dragging both provinces into a blood feud.”
“At the very least we’ll have to take on at least five German families,” Hercules commented. “Not good odds.”
“I’m not turning Hallvor over!” Gabrielle growled.
“You don’t have a choice!” the Amazon snapped from her position near the fire. “I’m not going to endanger you and your child, my Queen.”
“There has to be a way!” Gabrielle complained. “Why is he pursuing this?”
“Because he thought I was dead and I know the truth about him,” Hallvor responded.
“And what would that be?” Xena asked as Asher grew restless and crawled down out of his Xena Mom’s lap.
“He has built a reputation as a warrior by claiming he fought me and captured me the night I killed his older brother,” Hallvor explained.
“What?” Xenas eyebrows went up in surprise. “You didn’t mention that in all these years.”
“That’s because it didn’t happen,” Hallvor grinned ruefully. “He was about 13 Spring seasons that night and he was the first through the door. Sven took one look at me in werserker form and ran screaming into the dark.”
“So he’s been telling everyone that he challenged and captured you that night?” Iolaus asked and the warrior nodded.
“He’s in a panic,” Xena said grimly. “With Hallvor alive, she can dispute his reputation and courage.”
“Why would he worry though?” Gabrielle asked thoughtfully. “That was so long ago and Hallvor has been declared an outlaw. His word will be taken over hers.”
“Officially by everyone but the doubt would be there and he’d be vulnerable to challenges,” Hercules explained.
“So it comes back to what do we do about him?” Gabrielle asked.
“Tell him no and stand against him,” Xena volunteered.
“We can’t go to war with a Jarl, it would drag Eddval and Axel into it,” Hercules frowned.
“Hallvor is family. We’re not turning her over!” Gabrielle growled.
“I suggest we start getting supplies inside in case we have to stand him off,” Xena said and everyone except Hallvor nodded.
“Xena,” the Northener began but the warrior shook her head.
“No, we won’t even consider turning you over,” Xena growled and Hallvor knew that stubborn look on the warrior’s face.
There would be no arguing with Xena at that point or her even more or as stubborn Queen.
The day was spent gathering supplies into the house: food stock and especially water. Everyone was more quiet than usual, each lost in their own thoughts of trying to solve the problem of what to do about Sven’s demands.
Hallvor was able to sit up close to dusk and attempted to convince Xena to send her out according to Jarl Sven’s demands but neither Xena nor Gabrielle would hear of it.
The Greeks stood on the porch watching the sun setting lower on the horizon. Inside the door and along the few windows in the cabin were stockpiled weapons. They were also very well armed as they watched the tree line for any sign of Jarl Svenkender.
“Xena, I think I’ve figured something that might work,” Gabrielle said softly, watching the sun and listening for movement in the woods.
“I’m all ears, Little One,” Xena said agreeably, wrapping an arm around her smaller mate.
“Hercules said that if everyone knew the truth about Jarl Sven then he’d be vulnerable to challenges,” Gabrielle began. “What kind of challenges?”
Xena frowned. “Challenges to his manhood, his courage, his right to lead. A challenge means a fight, a duel.”
“Then why not settle that way?” Gabrielle asked. “I challenge him to a duel, calling his courage into doubt. I win; he goes away like a beaten puppy and leaves Hallvor alone. We get her back to the tribe and to safety before the winter snow.”
“It might work, she has the right to challenge him as leader of the Amazons,” Hercules said thoughtfully.
“Then I’ll challenge him as her Champion,” Xena declared firmly.
“The Northmen might not recognize a Champion stand-in,” Hercules warned. “Especially you, Xena. Your reputation as a warrior is very well known in the North. Jarl Svenkender can refuse.”
“He’s right,” Iolaus agreed. “The Germans are used to everyone doing their own fighting, that’s why the challenges exist in the first place. It might have to be Gabrielle.”
“Damnit!” Xena growled, “no, no way. We’ll stand and fight him rather than risk that.”
“Xena, it’s my right as her Queen,” Gabrielle argued.
“And my right as your mate to beg you not to risk this,” Xena snapped. “Think of Asher and me, we can’t lose you!”
“You won’t,” Gabrielle said firmly, her face determined but the eyes loving.
“Think about it Gabrielle,” Hercules warned. “Just because he made his reputation on a lie doesn’t mean that he can’t fight. He didn’t get to be Jarl just by talking.”
“I know that and I didn’t earn my freedom from the Arena with talk either,” she snapped.
Xena was about to continue the argument when movement caught their eyes and the Greeks waited patiently as Jarl Sven and his men rode out of the trees and into the clearing. Neither the Greeks or Northmen had drawn weapons but hands rested on sword hilts on both sides.
“I have given you the day to consider your actions,” Jarl Sven began. “What is your decision?”
Gabrielle was about to respond when Xena vaulted over the railing of the porch and placed her hands on her hips.
“I don’t recognize your right to demand anything on my land,” the warrior said firmly. “It is known in this household that you were a coward as a boy and I claim you are less of a man now.”
Jarl Sven’s light complexion face turned an extreme color somewhere between purple and red. His men shifted uneasily on their horses.
“You dare question my courage!” he finally sputtered.
“That’s why you’re chasing a long dead issue,” Xena continued. “Hallvor wanted nothing to do with you and your family; she’s moved on past that night and doesn’t talk about it. Your family name never even gets mentioned, Sven.”
“She’s outlaw and cannot be granted protection!” he yelled angrily.
“She’s also an Amazon and I am the Champion of the Amazon tribe by my marriage to their Queen,” Xena countered. “You beat her almost to death and chased her to finish the job because she might say that a small boy ran like a frightened rabbit at the sight of a werserker in wolf form.”
Jarl Sven resisted looking around at his men but could hear their mutterings and their horses continued to shift, sensing their owners’ discomfort. The Greeks knew by their reaction that Hallvor had been right. Jarl Sven had built his reputation on the lie that he had faced her down as a werserker when he was but a small boy.
“Hallvor lies, what do you expect from a wolfshead outlaw?” he spat.
“She is a werserker, called on by AllFather Odin himself as one of his warriors,” Gabrielle countered. “She’s willing to take a blood oath in Odin’s and Tyr’s names as to the truth of her statement that you ran that night and that you ambushed her days ago. You were afraid to face her then and you are afraid to face her now.”
Jarl Sven drew his sword angrily and pointed it at Gabrielle.
“Retract that or face me! One leader to the other!” he demanded.
“You’ll face me, you coward,” Xena countered. “I made the claim first and stand as Champion of the Amazons.”
“All right then, Greek,” he snarled. “In three days time you meet me on the river bank. My men will prepare a battle area. Come with only one by your side.”
“Agreed, one observer on each side,” Xena clarified. “That means your men come back here and stay within sight of the cabin.”
“Agreed, traditional weapons are sword and shield,” Jarl Sven stated.
“Does that include the dagger you have hidden in your boot?” Xena asked with a smirk and watched Jarl Sven blush a bright red and glare at her.
“One sword, two shield, two knives or daggers,” he suggested.
“Agreed. Terms?”
“Xena, let me do this,” Gabrielle hissed behind her but the warrior ignored her mate.
“No terms, no quarter,” Jarl Sven said flatly.
“Agreed. Winner decides Hallvor’s fate,” Xena growled.
“Agreed,” Jarl Sven snapped and turned his horse towards the trees again.
“I could strangle you, Xena!” Gabrielle snapped, spinning around to face her mate, her face and eyes angry.
“I know, I know,” Xena said defensively. “We both know you’re as good a warrior as I am but we also know that I’m more of a killer than you are.”
“I’ve been in matches where it was life and death before,” Gabrielle countered.
“And you didn’t kill unless you had to,” Xena argued. “Tell me that you didn’t enter every match with the hope that you wouldn’t have to kill this time.”
Gabrielle frowned and glanced at Hercules and Iolaus as they busied themselves with fixing dinner and caring for Hallvor’s wounds. Asher sat at the foot of the Amazon’s bed playing with several blocks that Hercules had carved into rough figures of a horse and dog.
“All right,” Gabrielle snapped, throwing herself into a chair facing Xena. “I admit it. I still don’t want to kill unless I have to.”
“That might be the difference that could cost you in a fight like this,” Xena argued.
“Damnit, Xena!” Gabrielle snapped. “When are you going to treat me as an equal partner?”
“What do you mean?” Xena asked, her face puzzled.
“Xena, I’m not 17 summers anymore,” Gabrielle said softly as Xena sat down at the table and Gabrielle took the warrior’s hands into hers. “I’ve learned to kill, Xena. I learned to shove a piece of metal through someone’s body without showing any emotion because it entertained a crowd of Romans.”
Xena reached out to gently touch Gabrielle’s cheek. “You also have nightmares about every one of those men and women you killed.”
“You still try to protect me,” Gabrielle continued protesting. “We’ve got some adjusting to do, Xena. I didn’t step back when I should have when we were facing the Spirit Realm. We both knew I wasn’t up for it. I went along to try and prove myself to you and you wanted me close to protect me. We both made mistakes with that one.”
Xena’s eyes filled with tears, “Gabrielle, I never dreamed Bacchus could get you there.”
“I know, Xena,” Gabrielle said softly. “We both made a mistake and it nearly cost both of us our lives and our souls. You have to start believing that I’m not a kid anymore. We have to trust our abilities, instincts and know that I can kill if I have to.”
Xena’s head lowered in thought. She knew Gabrielle was right on many levels but she also knew that her treatment of Gabrielle wasn’t intentional but it still needed changing.
“Will you also stop trying to prove that you’re not the kid who couldn’t kill a rabbit?” Xena asked softly and smiled slightly as Gabrielle blushed. “We’ve been through so much, Gabrielle. I couldn’t stand to lose you and it seems like the worst that’s happened to us in all these years has happened to you. Do you have any idea how much that tears me apart inside? You ask me not to be so protective, how can I not?”
Xena hesitated, trying to keep control over her emotions. “We lost you for almost two Springs to the Romans. I only knew about what they did to you when they captured you, my imagination was enough to drive me crazy the rest of those seasons! You ask me not to be protective and yet it seems I haven’t protected you from much!”
“Xena,” Gabrielle felt her own eyes filling with tears. “That’s not true; your love has gotten us through all of it. How many times have you died? That shaman journey to discover yourself, Grendel, that time when you ended up in Autoclycus’ body. You were willing to risk your life and soul to save me so many times I can’t count them. No more beating yourself up because things have been rough a few times.”
“Gabrielle, I will try and listen to you as an equal and experienced partner but don’t expect me not to be protective,” Xena smiled around her tears. “I love you and you are my life. I would give my life and my soul to keep you safe.”
“Then don’t you dare let that bastard hurt you!” Gabrielle countered with tears in her eyes, pulling Xena’s hand to her cheek.
“No way, I’ve got plans for you this winter, in front of that fireplace after everyone else is asleep,” Xena whispered.
“Imp!” Gabrielle laughed softly.
“You don’t have to do this!” Hallvor called out from her bed by the fire. “Just turn me over to him and be done with it. I won’t endanger my friends and my Queen.”
“Shut up, Hall,” Xena growled. “It’s done. I whip Jarl Sven and you go back to the Amazons. Hopefully, he won’t push it to the death and I can just humiliate him a little bit.”
“Don’t count on it,” Hallvor muttered. “You’ve insulted him in front of his elite bodyguard. If he doesn’t come back across that river with your head in his hands, he won’t be able to face them again and he’ll lose his standing as Jarl.”
“Why can’t we settle things like this with a good game of knucklebones?” Iolaus demanded with a grin.
Hercules grinned and ruffled the smaller man’s hair affectionately.
“I agree, that’s why I hardly use a sword,” Hercules commented. “I pound them into the ground and hopefully they don’t come back.”
“Not all of us have your god-given strength to rely on,” Xena commented.
“I know, I just hate the bloodshed,” Hercules replied.
“Let’s just get through this without starting a civil war among several powerful families?” Iolaus suggested.
The Greek family was still very quiet when they sat down to the evening meal. Only Asher seemed immune to the somber atmosphere surrounding his parents and their best friends.
The next morning was a strange one for the Greeks. When they opened the door to the cabin they found Jarl Svenkender’s men camped in their clearing. Hercules and Iolaus walked out among them cautiously while Xena and Gabrielle stayed close to the door and near the weapons.
After half a candle-mark, Hercules and Iolaus returned to their home with amused smiles on their faces. Xena and Gabrielle began to relax slightly as they took in the easygoing manner both men had walking back to them.
“What’s up?” Gabrielle demanded as they walked up the steps.
“Seems that they’ll be camped there until the duel so that both sides can keep an eye on each other,” Iolaus grinned. “Leave it to the Germans, come for a fight and they settle in for a party.”
Xena shook her head with a smile. “That pretty much describes them at times,” she agreed. “Tell them they’d better get to hunting and take down a couple of deer if we’re going to share our stock and land with them.”
“How do we know Jarl Svenkender isn’t planning something if one of us isn’t there?” Gabrielle asked thoughtfully.
“We don’t, we’ll have to chance it,” Hercules muttered.
The next two days were busy for both the Greeks and the German. It was fortunate; it didn’t give either side too much time to brood about the upcoming fight except at night. The days were spent hunting and having mini feasts which Jarl Sven was noticeably absent from, the Greeks noticed.
The Greeks reluctantly discovered that they liked the Jarl’s men and found them brave, fun loving and very loyal to their code of honor. The Northmen in turn made no secret of their admiration for the Greeks after hearing the tales of some of the adventures Gabrielle wove around the fires.
The Germans had been hesitant to believe that the Greeks could be brave warriors, especially the smaller Gabrielle and Iolaus until they heard how Iolaus had been crippled. They also listened to some of Iolaus’ adventures both with and without Hercules. The Northmen had roared at some of the misadventures he had found himself in and the small Greek had taken their joking and ribbing with a wonderful sense of humor. Hercules and Xena were already known in the North for their warrior skills; Hercules for his strength and his friendship with the great god Thor. Xena was known with a mixture of terror and awe for her bloody skills in battle.
The Germans had grown quiet when Iolaus took a turn at telling tales and told the story of Gabrielle winning the wooden sword as a gladiator in the Circus of Rome. Even in the far North, they knew of the love the Romans had for bloody spectacles. Xena knew they were now looking at her mate with a new sense of admiration and wondering if they had under estimated the small woman.
In turn the Germans had told many tales of adventure as a free mercenary unit who had actually served under Antony for awhile. Both Xena and Gabrielle shot each other a glance of interest when they had heard that one. Both of them considered themselves under a blood oath to kill Antony.
Xena knew that these Germans better understood her and the others by having served with Romans and having traveled to the South. They had also dealt with Amazons and knew first hand the strict code of honor that bound the warrior women and respected it.
Both Xena and Gabrielle knew this was a good thing; at least Jarl Svenkender’s men would honor whatever the outcome of the duel was. If Xena won then his men wouldn’t challenge her right to protect Hallvor or Gabrielle’s right as Queen of the Black Forest Amazons to claim equal status to Jarl Svenkender.
Nighttime, however, was not as pleasant. Both Iolaus and Gabrielle found their nightmares had returned in full force.
Xena wrapped her arms around Gabrielle from behind, attempting to comfort her thrashing mate until the bard could snap out of the nightmare holding her tightly in its grip. The warrior growled as one of Gabrielle’s arms got loose and Xena almost got an elbow in the eye.
“Gabrielle!” she shouted and shook the younger woman and felt the bard tense up. After a moment the bard collapsed, breathing heavily and muttering. “Come on, Little One,” Xena encouraged, shaking Gabrielle a little more gently.
The warrior loosened her grip and let Gabrielle turn over in her arms. It always hurt Xena to see the confusion and pain in her mate’s eyes after one of the nightmares. What hurt the worst was that Xena always felt guilty for not protecting her lover from all of it.
Gabrielle, memories of the nightmare flashing through her mind, began crying and the warrior drew her into her strong arms.
“I saw you again…” Gabrielle whispered between sobs. “Hanging from that tree… blood everywhere…”
“Shhhh,” Xena whispered and motioned Asher over when she looked up and saw the young boy was wide awake and sitting up in his bed across the room. He quickly scampered into the bed with his two moms and into Xena’s arm on the other side of Gabrielle. “It’s okay, I’m here. I’m alive.”
“You died, Xena,” Gabrielle whispered, her hand absently playing with the laces of Xena’s sleeping tunic in her nervousness. She glanced over and noted Asher’s groggy eyelids closing as he slid back into sleep. “When I went into that trance and pulled your spirit back, Xena… you had already let go. I can’t go through that again.”
“I’m not going to let that arrogant bastard take me, lover,” Xena promised.
“I need you, Xena,” the bard mumbled, her hand slowly stopping and her breathing becoming more regular. Xena didn’t get back to sleep as soon. Her sharp ears caught the muffled sounds of more cries of terror from the other bedroom and Hercules’ voice trying to calm a nightmare frightened Iolaus.
Xena was concerned, she hated when Gabrielle had nightmares no matter what they were. What was worrying the warrior was that the bards’ nightmares were usually of the sexual assaults she had suffered over the years or the men and women she had been forced to kill in the Arena. Gabrielle normally didn’t dream of Xena’s death and the bards dreams were known to be prophetic at times.
Xena continued to frown into the night while her son and lover slept in her arms.
Hercules found Gabrielle up well before dawn on the third morning and wasn’t surprised.
He sat down in a chair next to the fire, reached for a mug and then for a pot over the fire as Hallvor kept sleeping on the small bed they had set up next to the fire. Gabrielle handed him the box of tea as the demi-god poured the water into the mug. He dumped some of the leaves into a small bag and dunked it into the mug.
“Where’s Xena?” he asked after a moment.
Gabrielle smiled slightly. “You knew she wouldn’t sleep much. She’s in the barn warming her muscles doing sword drills.”
“You’re worried more than you normally would be,” he commented. “What’s up?”
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” Gabrielle admitted. “I’ve talked with Hallvor, Jarl Svenkender broke her ribs after she was captured by his men and tied up. He then set his dogs on her but she turned werserker and escaped. I don’t trust him, he’s too sneaky.”
“I agree,” he commented. “Which one of us will stand with her at the river?”
“You, I’m staying here with Asher,” she said without thinking. “Standing around waiting for her to come back from a battle would drive me crazy, always did. This would be worse.”
“Alright,” Hercules agreed as he leaned forward and gently raised her chin until her eyes met his. “I won’t let anything go wrong on this side of the river,” he promised.
“Thank you, Herc,” Gabrielle answered softly. She looked around and noticed the darkness in the cabin lessening and sighed heavily.
She and the Greek Demi-god of Strength rose as the dawn began to turn the sky purple.
Gabrielle tried to smile as Xena walked out of the barn at the same time her small Greek family walked out of the cabin, Asher in Hercules’ arms. The boy was strangely quiet, unlike his normal morning chatter-self, as if he was sensing the tension from the adults around him.
Xena joined her family at the bottom of the porch and turned to face Jarl Svenkender and one of his men as they broke away from the rest of the Northmen. The Greeks said nothing as the Jarl approached, his man carrying two shields. Xena and the others saw a traditional sword at Jarl Sven’s side and a long Germanic knife known as a sax. A large single edged blade that resembled a pirate short sword. Xena’s sharp eyes spotted a slight bulge in his right boot.
“You ready to die?” the Jarl taunted.
“Not particularly,” Xena smirked. “Got your death song ready?”
Jarl Svenkender grew very red-faced and turned towards the path heading to the river.
Xena turned to her mate. “Gabrielle, I know you want to be with me…”
“Its okay, Xena,” Gabrielle said softly. “Hercules is going to stand with you. I’m going to wait here with Asher and Iolaus. We’ll keep an eye on the soldiers.”
Xena looked relieved and hugged the smaller woman. “I am coming back to you,” Xena whispered firmly. “Remember I love you more than life itself.”
“Just come back to me, damnit!” Gabrielle said softly and turned out of the hug.
Xena’s face was pained as she reached onto the porch and tucked a dagger into her boot, strapped on a sax of her own at her belt. Hercules handed Asher to Gabrielle and grabbed up two traditional war shields.
Gabrielle refused to watch Xena walk towards the battlefield. The bard turned inside the cabin and left Iolaus to watch the soldiers.
She knew the two fighters would cross the river by a small boat, leaving their companions on the riverbank. It would take time to settle everything. The bard was hoping that Xena would end the fight quickly and not take any unnecessary chances.
Gabrielle sat down at the table and waited for her mate while playing with their son.
Xena bit her lip to keep from screaming as she pulled herself off the stake. “Damn coward!” she shouted from the small pit she had fallen into. A pit that happened to contain stakes set in the ground.
The warrior growled and glanced up as Jarl Svenkendur’s shadow fell over her from above.
“Maybe, Greek,” Svenkendur grinned. “But it works.”
Xena knocked the remaining stakes aside and held her bleeding side.
“Come on out and we’ll finish this, quickly,” he suggested with a sneer.
Xena grinned and launched herself up out of the pit with one of her famous war-cries.
Iolaus’s voice had the bard running out the door and onto the porch before she had even thought about it. She was expecting to find Xena returning, probably bloody and wounded and was puzzled at the sight of the Northerners standing around watching the trail leading from the woods, Iolaus among them.
He turned and spotted her and trotted up to the porch.
“Perimeter guard says that two riders are headed this way,” he announced. “They don’t know them.”
“Probably wouldn’t since they’re strangers in this region themselves,” Gabrielle commented. “Two riders, doesn’t sound like a threat.”
“I don’t think so,” he said thoughtfully. “The scout reports they are coming up the trail without hesitating and their weapons are sheathed. A woman and a man.”
“Probably someone from Eddval’s Steading or Axel,” Gabrielle muttered, opening the door to the cabin to keep an eye on Asher as he napped on the rug in front of the fire.
What Gabrielle and Iolaus didn’t expect were two familiar forms appearing out of the tree-line on horseback. Gabrielle blinked in surprise.
“Isn’t that Joxer?” Iolaus asked. “That must be Meg. Gods, they were right, she does look like an older Xena.”
“Joxer?” Gabrielle whispered.
The Germans encamped on their doorstep parted to let the riders through and the riders stopped in front of the porch.
Gabrielle felt a pain grip her heart when she looked into Joxer’s eyes and saw caution and a touch of fear. Once again Gabrielle cursed Callisto’s revenge and cried inside.
“Joxer, Meg? Welcome,” Iolaus said cheerfully. “What brings you this far north?”
“We are acting as messengers,” Meg replied.
“All this way for a message?” Gabrielle asked with a puzzled frown. “Is it our families?”
“No,” Meg answered quickly. “Can we speak inside?”
“Yes, of course, welcome,” Gabrielle answered and motioned for them to enter the cabin.
Iolaus was looking at the bard with his face containing an open question about the obvious tension between Joxer, Meg and Gabrielle but she shook her head that she wouldn’t answer right then.
Joxer and Meg dismounted and slowly approached the bard and Greek hunter.
“Joxer?” Gabrielle asked softly as they stepped up on the porch. She felt her jaw tightening when his eyes didn’t soften.
“Gabrielle,” he said in a flat voice. “Where’s Xena?”
“You probably won’t be surprised,” Iolaus grinned and walked into the cabin, followed by the Greek messengers and Gabrielle.
The bard was very pleased at the large grin that came over the aging warrior and his wife when they saw Asher sleeping on the rug. Joxer knelt by the boy quietly and Meg walked up behind her husband and placed her hands on his shoulders.
“Your family told us about the child,” Joxer said softly. “Congratulations, Gabrielle.”
“Thank you,” she said simply. “Xena is off having a duel with some petty Prince. The Amazon over in the corner sharpening her sword is Hallvor, a member of my Black Forest Amazons.”
“And the cause of the trouble,” Hallvor grumbled.
Joxer and Meg frowned. “Why aren’t you with her?” Meg questioned the bard.
“Because waiting at the river or in the cabin would be same, both are driving me crazy!” Gabrielle snapped.
“Maybe we should wait until she gets back until we talk about this,” Meg suggested. “Hercules with her?”
“Yes,” Iolaus answered. “I’m Iolaus, by the way.”
“I recognized you from Gabrielle’s descriptions,” Meg grinned.
The next candle-mark was spent with Meg and Iolaus telling both sides of what had been happening in their lives since Gabrielle and Xena left Greece. Iolaus noticed that both Gabrielle and Joxer were strangely quiet and seemed unable to look at each other beyond a glance, which was quickly broken off.
The Greek hunter knew from Xena that things had gone terribly wrong with their friendship with Joxer and his wife Meg when Callisto used them to hurt Xena and Gabrielle. The warrior hadn’t gone into a lot of details except to say that it hurt all of them very badly emotionally and Joxer was brutally beaten and tortured while Callisto had been in Gabrielle’s form.
Iolaus could see that it was still affecting their friendship and hurting all of them.
“I’m sorry, I’m going to check on those Northmen,” Gabrielle muttered finally and dashed outside, carrying a grumpy Asher with her.
Iolaus started to go after her but Joxer held his hand up and stood up. “Let me.”
Joxer found Gabrielle sitting on the porch with Asher playing. He sat down beside her and closed his eyes in pain when he realized she was crying.
“Gabrielle,” he said softly.
“I can’t do it, Joxer,” she snapped. “I’ve apologized countless times for something I didn’t do! I would have done anything to stop Callisto and what she was doing to you. I can’t change the fact she made you think it was me and I can’t go on paying for it.”
“I know,” he responded softly. “That’s why we agreed to come up here. I do want to work it out. It’s just hard to get those images out of my head.”
“I understand, it hurts me too,” Gabrielle agreed. “Joxer, I treasured our friendship, you were more than a brother to me. To think that Callisto betrayed that kills me.”
“I’m partly to blame,” Joxer countered bitterly. “I gave in and betrayed Meg and my vows to her.”
“Joxer,” Gabrielle tried to say gently but Joxer shook her hand off his arm.
“No, it’s true! That’s the worst of it!” he angrily wiped at a tear escaping down his cheek. “It was so easy for Callisto to trick me and I was so weak. All because I wanted to believe that you finally wanted me as a lover. How could I believe that?” he asked bitterly.
Gabrielle didn’t know how to answer him, her face reflecting her concern over his pain.
“After all you’ve been through with and for Xena, how could I ever compare?” Joxer demanded his voice cracking.
“Joxer, I’m not going to help you beat yourself up,” Gabrielle snapped. “I love you and I always have. You also know I loved Xena from the moment I saw her.”
“I’m sorry, Gabrielle, I failed you too,” Joxer whispered.
“What do you mean?”
“I’m sure the thought and images of Callisto taking your form and having sex with me isn’t pleasant,” he muttered.
“Joxer, don’t do this, please,” she begged. “You can’t continue to blame me because I didn’t want you sexually. It was always Xena and you know that.”
“I know and now you even have a child together, can’t blame Ares for that one,” Joxer attempted to smile. “I’m sorry. I’ll try and get past this.”
“I’m glad, we’ve all got memories to get past, Joxer,” Gabrielle said softly. “I’d like to have your friendship back.”
“Me too but I know it’ll never be the same,” he commented.
“No, probably not,” Gabrielle agreed and laid her head against his shoulder. For once he didn’t flinch away at her touch.
Gabrielle hoped that was a good sign.
The Greek warrior moved cautiously through the woods. She could sense Svenkendur nearby but somehow he was still able to evade her.
Xena growled in anger when something dived out of a tree above her, causing her to drop her sword. The warrior threw her arm up in time to protect her neck. Xena screamed as massive jaws clamped down on her arm as she desperately reached for her sax.
At the end of another candle-mark, Gabrielle was pacing impatiently in the clear space in front of the porch and Iolaus noticed that even the usually carefree warriors were growing quiet and watching the path to the river as well.
“I’m sure she’s fine,” Iolaus said, trying to reassure his friend.
“She’s not dead, I’d know that much,” Gabrielle muttered, impatiently twirling a sai in her hand.
“There!” one of the Germans shouted and Gabrielle and Iolaus quickly spun towards the path and saw Hercules carrying a very still Xena in his arms.
“Xena!” Gabrielle screamed and dashed towards her mate and friend along with the northern warriors, Iolaus and Joxer.
Gabrielle skidded to a stop in front of the demi-god and demi-goddess and was relieved when Xena raised her head from Hercules’ shoulder and managed a small smile.
“Hey, beautiful,” the warrior said softly.
“Hey, yourself,” Gabrielle choked out, trying not to cry from relief.
Hercules looked at the gathered warriors and nodded over his shoulder. Everyone glanced past the hero and saw the German who had accompanied his Jarl dragging a body by an arm.
No one had to announce that it was Jarl Svenkender.
“Who now speaks for your group?” Hercules asked and one of the older appearing Northmen stepped forward.
“I do,” he answered. “I am Thorkull, son of Harkon the Brave.”
“I am honored to meet you, Thorkull,” Hercules said formerly. “Do you wish to try and claim the outlaw Hallvor from her Amazon Queen?”
The warrior appeared to think about it for a moment.
“We will fight for her,” Gabrielle warned.
“I understand,” Thorkull nodded. “I declare the matter ended. Jarl Svenkender has no close relatives to press the claim and I don’t care about something that happened when I was but four winters old.”
“Thank you, Thorkull,” Hercules nodded and two of the Germans went to retrieve their Jarl and the others started back to their camp.
Xena blinked in disbelief. “Joxer?” Xena whispered in amazement.
“Yeah, we’ll explain back at the cabin while you explain why it took so damned long!” Gabrielle said firmly but with a smile.
“Deal,” Xena whispered and closed her eyes again.
Gabrielle resisted the feeling of panic attempting to sweep over her.
“Hercules?” she demanded.
“She’s hurt bad,” he said softly as they walked towards the cabin. “Where’s Asher?”
“Meg’s with him and Hallvor,” Iolaus smiled at his mate.
Within minutes the small cabin was a flurry of activity as Xena was placed on the table where Hallvor had been before. Hercules quickly unbuckled the warrior’s favorite combat clothing as Gabrielle grabbed the healing supplies from a shelf.
The bard gasped at the sight of the wounds covering her mate’s body and then went to work with Meg cleaning and stitching the wounds.
“Those wounds on her thigh, I don’t think stitching will close those,” Meg muttered.
“Heat a poker then,” Gabrielle said simply, again avoiding facing that it was her mate she was talking about.
“Right,” the twin of Xena responded and moved to the fireplace.
Hercules sat near Xena’s head and gently wiped away the blood and sweat from her face.
“Xena, tell us what happened,” he urged as she gritted her teeth. “Those look like claw wounds.”
Gabrielle glanced over and saw Hallvor playing knucklebones with Asher and trying to keep him from chewing on them but she knew the Amazon was listening closely. Her wounds were coming along nicely, Gabrielle thought. She knew Hallvor would probably be up and moving within a day or two.
“I thought it would be over quick,” Xena growled. “We met with shield and sword… not my… usual but I… was doing okay. We both got in some good hits and then he surprised me…”
The warrior growled in pain as Gabrielle cleaned another deep wound.
“The area…was cleared of brush and trees…like I expected for a dueling…area. Then I discovered…he didn’t play fair.”
Gabrielle glanced up at Hercules as Meg brought a hot poker over from the fire. The demi-god nodded and offered his hands and wrists to the female warrior. Xena glanced down and saw the poker and grabbed Hercules wrist to hand.
“Xena?” Gabrielle asked softly.
“Do it!”
Gabrielle took the poker and quickly placed it against one of the wounds. She shut out the sounds of Xena’s scream and followed through with the next three slashes. Meg took the poker away and gently touched Gabrielle’s cheek as the bard fell against the table.
“Xena?” Gabrielle asked softly, moving to her mate’s face and cried as Xena’s blue eyes opened.
“I’m okay,” Xena whispered. It took a few moments before she could continue though.
“I stepped into a pit trap…he had dug,” Xena said softly. “I…I was stupid. Never should have…fallen for that…. I took a stake through my side….He almost had me…I got out of the pit and disarmed him from his sword….Then it got really interesting…” the warrior attempted to grin as Gabrielle and Meg bandaged her wounds.
“The bastard…he ran into the woods…” Xena hesitated and Gabrielle held a cup of water to her lips. Xena reached out to hold her mate’s hand now that the worst of the pain was over.
“I debated whether to…follow him or go back…and declare him….a coward,” Xena whispered as Meg covered her with a blanket and Hercules carried her to the bed she shared with Gabrielle.
“I followed him… it took forever to find….him. Almost…wasn’t quick….enough when he…jumped out. He was a werserker…like Hallvor… He got my thigh and… knocked my sword away…I got my sax out…and took his arm.”
“Oh gods,” Gabrielle said softly.
“He howled…and attacked again…”
“The bite marks on your arms and shoulder,” Gabrielle muttered.
“Yeah,” Xena whispered, letting Gabrielle sit up in the bed and gently take the warrior into her arms. “I…crippled his leg and he kept coming…I finally…was able to take his head.”
“Gods,” Hercules muttered.
“My turn,” Xena smiled slightly. “What are Joxer and Meg doing here?”
“We were waiting for you to get back before asking them that,” Iolaus grinned.
Joxer walked into the bedroom at that moment and smiled at the warrior lying on the bed.
“We were asked to find you and ask your help,” he began.
“From who?” Gabrielle asked.
“Cleopatra and Marc Antony,” Meg answered.
“What?” both Gabrielle and Xena exclaimed at the same time.
“Artemis showed up with a message from them asking your help in defeating Octavian and then she transported us here, just a couple of marks away,” Joxer finished.
“Artemis?” Gabrielle questioned.
“Right here, Gabrielle,” a familiar voice responded and the warrior bard spun on her heels with sais in hand. Xena attempted to sit up and Hercules frowned.
“What are you doing here?” Hercules asked.
“I came to see Xena and Gabrielle,” the Goddess of the Hunt, the Moon and Amazons answered.
“Why send Joxer and Meg when you could just pop in here on your own?” Xena demanded.
“Because I wanted to give you all a chance to mend your friendship,” Artemis said simply and Gabrielle’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Cleopatra and Marc Antony are in need of your assistance.”
“I’m confused,” Xena admitted. “You’re the patron goddess of the Amazons, Marc Antony slaughtered the Black Forest Amazons and we’ve sworn blood revenge. Now you want us to help them?”
“In a way,” Artemis said. “I want Marc Antony dead and Cleopatra alive. I don’t care if she’s victorious over Octavian or he is victorious over her. She is a good ruler for Egypt and has asked my aid. If Octavian is successful, he’ll place Cleopatra as a subject ruler. If she stays with Antony then Octavian will likely destroy them both.”
“You want us to break up Antony and Cleopatra and you don’t care who wins the final battle?” Gabrielle questioned.
“Yes,” Artemis answered.
“We helped Cleo in the past and I like her,” Xena growled. “I don’t like the idea of breaking up a couple that’s obviously in love. They’ve been together 10 winters and have four children.”
“They stay together out of love and love of power,” Artemis responded. “Do you still want him dead even if he’s with Cleopatra?”
Gabrielle’s green eyes flashed. “Yes, I heard what happened to Ephiny, Solari and the others. I saw what the attack did to Eponi and how hard they’ve struggled to rebuild. I want him dead or defeated, totally.”
“I agree, dead or dragged behind Octavian’s chariot as a prisoner of Rome,” Xena growled.
“Do you think the two of you can do it?” Artemis questioned.
“We’ll figure it out,” Xena nodded.
“What about Asher?” Gabrielle asked. “It’s a very long trip to Egypt; I don’t want to leave him that long.”
“Neither do I,” Xena agreed.
“I’ll transport both of you there and back,” Artemis promised.
“It still might take some time to figure it out,” Xena said thoughtfully. “Antony isn’t going to trust us.”
“But Cleo might,” Gabrielle added.
“The boy would be safe with Hercules and Iolaus,” Artemis suggested.
“Could do that, we do the planning and stay out of battles?” Xena asked thoughtfully.
“Let’s discuss this,” Gabrielle suggested.
“Okay,” Xena mumbled and Gabrielle noticed her mate having trouble keeping her eyes open. She carefully helped Xena into a lying position and kissed her mate softly.
“Get some sleep, I’ll be back in awhile,” the bard promised.
Gabrielle waited by the barn after the sun had set and everyone was finished with dinner. Joxer and Meg were catching Hercules and Iolaus up on news of Rome and Asher was asleep in Hallvor’s arms.
Artemis appeared with a sparkle of light.
“Waiting for me, Chosen?” the Goddess asked.
“Yes, there are some unanswered questions,” Gabrielle nodded.
“Why I sent Joxer and Meg instead of just coming myself?” Artemis questioned.
“Yes,” Gabrielle nodded again. “Why give us the chance to see them?”
Artemis lost her smile.
“Joxer is dying,” she said softly and grabbed the bard as Gabrielle’s knees buckled.
“No, please, no,” Gabrielle pleaded.
“I’m sorry, it’s an illness that I can’t heal,” Artemis explained, taking the bard in her arms as Gabrielle broke into tears. “It destroys the insides, slowly. He has maybe another two winters.”
“No! Please, can’t one of the other gods help?” Gabrielle pleaded.
“Gabrielle, are you going to beg the gods every time one of your friends or relatives is sick or dying?”
“Doesn’t everyone?” Gabrielle countered.
Artemis actually shrugged and smiled. “Yes, I guess you’re right. They just don’t have direct connection and family relations among the gods.”
“I’ll beg but I won’t always expect to get what I want,” Gabrielle tried to smile. “Thank you for bringing them then. Do they know?”
“Joxer knows and Meg suspects,” Artemis answered. “Meg is also pregnant and hasn’t found out yet. He’ll have a son and she’ll be pregnant with a daughter before he crosses.”
“How can I face him knowing this?” Gabrielle asked, turning from the Goddess.
“Just mend the friendship, let your love for him guide you,” Artemis suggested. “I’ll come back in three days for you.”
“We’ll figure it out; Antony will pay for what he did to the Amazons and half the known world,” Gabrielle promised and turned to look at the goddess and found her gone and Joxer walking towards her.
“Hey, Gabby,” the inn-keeper said easily. “I saw Artemis.”
“Yeah,” Gabrielle didn’t know what to say to her longtime friend.
“She told you, didn’t she?” he asked softly.
“Yes, she did,” she admitted. “How did you figure it out?”
“I’m passing blood and it didn’t get better with the herbs the healer gave me, finally hit us that it’s not going away.”
“I don’t know what to say, Joxer,” Gabrielle admitted, tears beginning to flow down her face and they finally broke loose when he took her into his arms and held her. “I should be comforting you.”
“We’re friends,” he said softly. “I’ve had time to adjust. I figured Artemis wanted us to make up before it happens and I’m grateful.”
“Can I tell Xena?” she asked as she hugged her friend.
“Yes, no secrets between mates,” he said simply.
“Thank you,” Gabrielle said softly. “I do love you, Joxer.”
“I love you, too,” he smiled slightly down at the small female. “Always have and always will.”
“You’ll have to tell Meg eventually,” she warned.
“I know, she already suspects. I’ll wait until she’s a little further along with the pregnancy,” Joxer grinned.
“You know and she doesn’t?”
“Yeah, Meg doesn’t think she can have children so she’s missing a lot of the signs and Artemis confirmed it.”
“Gods, Joxer, I just wanted a few more seasons of a normal life,” Gabrielle complained. “Now we’re about to go to Egypt and settle with Antony, possibly destroy Cleopatra’s life, and endanger myself and my mate.”
“Antony and Cleopatra have determined their path, if you don’t get involved, they’ll still fall eventually,” Joxer said gently. “Even Caesar with all his power and talent fell.”
“Thank you, Joxer,” Gabrielle smiled and reached up to kiss him on the cheek.
“It won’t be easy, any of it,” he cautioned.
“Including between us?”
“Yes, it still hurts to remember it, the pleasure and the pain,” he admitted as they began walking back to the cabin. “I won’t let go of our friendship though.”
“Good, Callisto will be screaming in Tartarus,” Gabrielle tried to smile.
“She never could succeed, no one can beat Xena and you and your love for each other,” Joxer smiled. “I should have realized that and not fallen for her trap. I was blinded by my puppy dog love for you.”
“And now?” she asked gently.
“I love you and always will but I love Meg, the way someone should be loved,” Joxer said thoughtfully. “Now I just have to make up to her for what I did before it’s too late.”
“Too late for what, lover?” a voice called from the porch and Meg stepped into the light of the moon.
“I’m afraid you’ll still reject me after that mess with Callisto and I won’t be able to tell you and show you how much I love you,” Joxer said honestly.
“I heard most of that, Joxer,” Meg admitted and stepped down from the porch and took his hand. “Come show me how much,” she said in a low and husky voice, leading him back towards the barn.
Gabrielle smiled and turned back to the cabin to take care of her mate and plan for Marc Antony’s destruction.
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