Way of the Valkyrie
Awakening 30
Ms. Hunter Ash
Ownership: Repeat after me: I don’t own Xena, Gabrielle, etc. I’m borrowing them for entertainment purposes, please don’t bother to sue me, you wouldn’t even get court costs.
Violence/Sex: Light actually. Sex = Strong R to NC-17
Subtext/Alt Fiction/Sex: the story assumes a loving and sexual relationship between people of the same gender and of the opposite sex.
Feedback: always welcome and responded to!
Storyline: Catching up over some years with Xena and Gabrielle. Major character death alert.
Sasha comes home for additional training. She's facing her final test as a Valkyrie which includes some fighting and an unexpected and painful twist.
The story can stand on its own but it is part of a series and you might want to catch some of the earlier parts to know exactly who is whom.
Xena stopped her horse, chakram instantly in hand.
“What is it?” Hercules asked softly from the seat of the wagon. He glanced in the back and found Iolaus and Gabrielle still asleep with an awake, but quiet, toddler Asher between them. It was getting late on the road and the shadows were long and somewhat eerie in the deep forest.
“My hackles are tingling, it feels like Ares,” Xena complained, her eyes darting around.
“We would have heard if he got out of that sarcophagus,” Hercules protested.
“I said it felt like Ares, not that it was,” Xena snapped, hating the familiar feeling tingling all over her body.
Hercules drew his sword when a cloaked figure stepped out of the shadows in front of the wagon.
The figure pulled back the hood to reveal an older woman, one who looked a lot like Xena’s mother, Hercules thought.
“Hecate?” Xena asked softly. The presence of her deity mother was enough of a puzzle in northern Germania; the fact that Hecate was holding something in her arm was even more of a puzzle.
“Yes, daughter,” Hecate said simply. “May I approach?”
Xena’s eyes narrowed as Hecate smirked at her warrior daughter. Both of them knew that Hecate could probably level the forest if she wanted to and there wouldn’t be much Xena could do to stop her.
“Of course, Mother,” Xena smiled back, sheathing her chakram and glancing back at the sleeping Gabrielle. After the bard's emotional battle at the Amazon All Thing and her physical battle with Artemis, Xena wasn’t surprised that Gabrielle was sleeping soundly. To help heal the wounds between the goddess and her Chosen, Gabrielle had pushed Artemis into a berserker rage, matched only by her own rage of years of abuse at the hands of others. The rift between them had been healed but Gabrielle had expended a lot of energy and now her body was screaming for some time to heal itself.
Iolaus was also feeling the effects of traveling; his crippled bones no longer welcoming long travel. He gladly curled up next to Gabrielle in the back of the wagon to help keep an eye on a precocious toddler named Asher.
Xena dismounted and smiled as Hecate pulled back her robe and bright eyes looked at the warrior with a mixture of curiosity and slight fear. The warrior knelt down as Hecate placed the boy in front of her.
“Hello,” Xena said in Greek. “I’m Xena.”
“Virgil!” the boy said loudly. “Pappa says it’s like the poet cause he likes bards.”
“Pappa?” Xena felt her heart skip a beat as she looked up into her mother’s eyes.
“He still lives but Meg is having a hard time caring for him, the inn and a small boy,” Hecate explained.
“Momma says that you’re my aunt,” Virgil grinned as the moon peaked out from behind a cloud and he got a look at Xena’s face. “You look like Momma.”
“She wants you to foster him for the season,” Hecate continued.
“I thought Father said no interference or help in our lives,” Xena said thoughtfully as she picked Virgil up in her arms as she smiled at him.
“He did,” Hecate smiled. “You also know I don’t listen to the Olympians. Take care of the boy. I’ll take him and Asher to Meg’s in the Fall, if you wish.”
“Might be good for both of them,” Xena nodded, at the same time hating the thought of Asher being away from them for any length of time, especially four months at a time. It was also common among families and especially among the nobles to “foster” their children out to relatives or liege lords for training and upbringing.
“Did you know we have a son?” Xena smiled at the boy in her arms.
“Momma said you did,” he nodded.
“He’s in the back of that wagon with his other mom, want to meet them?”
“Sure!” he said enthusiastically and Xena couldn’t help but smile as she handed him to Hercules. She turned back to Hecate.
“How long does Joxer have?” she asked softly.
“He’ll go before next spring,” Hecate answered.
“Xena?” a confused voice called from the back of the wagon and Xena grinned impishly at her mother.
“Now we’ve got two boys, you’re cruel, mother,” the warrior laughed.
Hecate smiled and nodded. “Makes up for all you put your mother through.”
“How are our families?” Xena asked, hoping to get all the information she could before Hecate disappeared.
“Doing well, although Cyrene is slowing down a bit. Toris is taking over more of the Inn each season but doesn’t mind,” Hecate answered. “Gabrielle’s mother is happy with her husband and Lila has five children.”
“Thank you,” Xena said gratefully. She hated living so far away from her home and knew that it bothered Gabrielle not to be able to visit their families more often but it just wasn't practical for them to live in Greece or in the Roman Empire.
Antony was still alive and had followers and sympathizers in the Empire. After suffering defeat at Octavian's hands because of Xena and Gabrielle's interference, the Greeks knew that he would skin them alive if he ever got close. She and Gabrielle had also earned the wrath of the newest War God, Mars, son of Ares.
“Go see to your new family member and explain to your mate,” Hecate laughed, stepped back into the shadows and was gone.
# # #
Journal Entry
< That’s how Virgil came to stay with us several months out of the year and Asher to stay with Meg the other months.>
Gabrielle chewed thoughtfully on the end of her quill as she looked around the small clearing in front of the cabin. The bard was keeping an eye out for both her mate and her cabin mate. Xena was due back from checking the trap lines they had in the woods and mountains. Hercules had gone to visit a familiar clearing just out of sight of the cabin.
The demi-god often visited it when the work was finally done or the ground too hard with cold to work. Gabrielle knew he spent many hours by the grave that now was the resting place of his beloved traveling companion and mate, Iolaus.
< The boys were more than a handful at times. They are under two years apart in age and have similar temperaments. Asher quickly established himself as the more aggressive leader of the two and Virgil as the joker. We had Virgil for three months when Apollo appeared in the middle of the night. We quickly bundled the boys up and found ourselves in Joxer and Meg’s bedroom. They were waiting for us, Joxer barely hanging on long enough to make his goodbyes to his son, wife, and us, his daughter yet unborn.
Gods, I still break into tear and that was four years ago. The poet Virgil died that same year, I wonder if that was an omen? Joxer looked like a skeleton with a little bit of flesh still left on the bones and I had to keep from breaking into tears just at the sight of him as Meg held him in her arms.
I sometimes tell stories of Joxer's kindness and big heart when I travel to the other steadings. I know it pleases Xena that I go out occasionally and revert back to my bardic self, telling stories of our lives together or heroic tales that the Vikings love. They can't get enough stories about Greece, Egypt and other foreign lands. There's a natural curiosity that I find refreshing. They want to learn about other cultures, lands and people and not with the thought of conquering them like the Romans do. Of course the Vikings want to raid, grab all the riches and slaves they can but they don't want to wipe out a culture just because they think the Vikings are better than everyone else. I find that attitude very disturbing about the Romans.>
“Joxer, I brought them,” Apollo said softly as Virgil ran forward to hug his father, trying not to cry. Xena and Gabrielle had tried to prepare the boy, knowing about when Joxer was going to die made it imperative to explain to the boy but it also made it more difficult to face. It had been like a shadow looming over them; getting longer and darker by the day.
Joxer managed to open his eyes and lift his arm to touch his son. He smiled and looked up at Meg, his eyes bright with pain and the pain herbs the healers were giving him to make him more comfortable.
Xena closed her eyes for a moment. She had worked with the village healer when she was younger and had a talent for the herbs and workings. The warrior knew death when it was near and Xena had no idea how Joxer had held on as long as he had.
“I…love you…Meg,” he whispered.
Meg, tears running down her face, leaned over and kissed his forehead gently.
“I know, lover,” she said softly.
Joxer let Virgil crawl up next to him even though they could see it caused him pain. Asher held tightly to Xena’s hand as Gabrielle walked over and knelt by Joxer’s side.
“Joxer,” Gabrielle said softly, trying not to cry in front of him.
“I always…loved…you,” he whispered. “Meg knew.”
“I know, Joxer,” Gabrielle choked out. “You’ve always been the best friend I could want from anyone.”
“You always were a good man, Joxer,” Xena said firmly. “You won’t be forgotten.”
Joxer smiled a small smile and closed his eyes. After a few moments, Meg broke into tears and drew Virgil into her arms, over her protruding, pregnant belly.
Xena and Asher wrapped their arms around Gabrielle as she wept.
< Then we received word the next year that my mother had fallen and broken her hip. She wasn’t able to get out of bed and took fluid in her lungs. Gods, her husband wrote me that she died peacefully but I know how that death hurts, being stuck on a Roman cross produces the same liquid on the lungs. I guess it’s normal that you want all of your friends and family to go peacefully or quickly and I’m no different. I remember begging Artemis for a reprieve when we learned of Joxer’s illness. She asked me if I would beg for all of my family and friends when it was their time. I guess I will, I know I won’t get answers from the gods but I still think of myself more as human than immortal.
I would wish a warrior’s death for most of our Viking friends and a peaceful passing in sleep for our families. Someone asked Julius Caesar at dinner one night how he wanted to die, he replied “surprised and quickly,” or something like that. I understand that. I don’t want to go slowly like Joxer or my mother did.
Also earlier in that year, Meg had a daughter. A beautiful dark haired girl she named Rachel. It doesn’t make up for the loss of a husband but the boys and Rachel keep Meg busy. The boys are older and starting to take small responsibilities around the place, helping pick up things around the cabin, pulling weeds in the garden, things like that. Both of them are clever and can be terrors if you leave them alone too long to plan or explore. I still remember Xena balancing precariously along the top of the barn roof to reach Virgil as he clung to the metal guardian. Virgil had bragged that he could take on a griffin by himself and Asher dared him to find one and prove it. The little rug rat somehow got up to the top of the barn to grab the wrought iron griffin that watches over the farm. One look down and he became terrified and couldn’t move.
Neither of them could sit for two days once Xena got Virgil down safely. I thought I lost years off my life as we watched her reaching for the frightened little boy.>
Gabrielle looked up, keeping an eye on the two boys playing tag in the grass. Asher was older but Virgil was already lean like his father and had apparently skipped inheriting his father’s awkwardness. The bard thought he moved more like his Uncle Jett, the deadly assassin. Gabrielle shook her head with a smile.
"I wonder what happened to Jett and Jace?" she whispered to herself.
< Octavian ‘reluctantly’ accepted the title of August Caesar and Emperor from the Senate. We’ve watched the politics from Rome closely and know that he carefully orchestrated it during these long years of his reign over Rome. He always was clever and a perfect successor to Caesar.
I remember being surprised at my reaction when we learned that Antony and Cleopatra had been defeated once more by Octavian a year after we left them at Actium. The defeat led to their downfall and joint suicide. I was surprised, after everything Xena and I had been through, that I felt nothing over the death of Antony, my sworn enemy. And I felt nothing for the death of Cleopatra, a one-time friend. I knew then that Xena was right in keeping us in Germania and somewhat isolated here on our farm. We needed a break from saving the world and being heroes.
Of course, having two small boys to raise and running a small farm takes all of our energy. The hard work, cold winters, and long suffering from old wounds also took Iolaus from us two spring seasons ago. >
Gabrielle watched as Asher tried to tackle Virgil and missed, sending her young son face first into the dirt. The bard quickly capped her bottle of ink and jumped over the railing as he began to howl from skinned knees and bumped nose.
After settling the boys down, she returned to the scrolls.
<Then the winter came and Iolaus was in such pain from the old wounds. >
Gabrielle set the scrolls aside, unable to write any more right then as she remembered her friend.
Gabrielle smiled as she read her personal scrolls from years before. It had been a long time since she had read them and she had to laugh at some of the antics listed; she often wondered how two small boys could get into so much trouble that seemed years beyond their means.
The worst was when Asher decided at age 10 that he was big enough to ride Hercules’ horse; Uncle Herk’s war horse. With the encroaching Romans getting closer every summer, most of the tribe had been preparing for conflicts and skirmishes, the small family included. Even though Gabrielle could prove she was a free woman and a citizen of Rome, they all knew that most of the time soldiers attacked first and asked questions later. Hercules and Xena bought war horses from southern traders and had been working with Eddval’s warriors, teaching them some of the typical Roman moves.
Asher was fascinated by the horses and was a natural. Virgil was adequate for a 9 year old and liked riding but not as much as his foster brother. During their last trip to their Greek home with Meg, Asher had broken his leg trying to ride a horse too large and wild for him.
Gabrielle looked at the scroll, remembering the day Asher proved that he hadn’t learned his lesson at Meg’s.
Xena growled and grabbed Gabrielle around the waist when gentle persuasion failed and the bard wouldn’t move from Asher’s bedside. The warrior yanked the weakly protesting mother away from the bed and lifted the semi-conscious Gabrielle into her arms. She turned to Hercules and found he was already moving towards the bed to watch the boy.
Xena tried not to cry as she carried her mate into their room to their bed.
Asher’s injuries were deadly and they all knew it. Xena thought the broken ribs would heal but the trickle of blood coming from his ears and swollen head frightened them all into fervent prayers and Gabrielle into action.
For three days she had been at Asher’s bedside, feeding him her own life energy as she continually healed him. Xena knew after the first two candle-marks that Gabrielle was the only thing keeping the boy alive.
Xena fell to her knees next to Gabrielle, finally weeping.
They had let Gabrielle stay with him for three days until the bard was delirious from exhaustion and didn’t even have enough energy to lift a cup to her lips. She had refused to leave his side and both Xena and Hercules began to fear that Gabrielle would trade the last of her energy in a futile attempt to keep Asher alive.
Xena had gone outside and raged for a quarter of a candle-mark. It seemed she had to choose between Gabrielle’s life and one more day of Asher’s unconscious one. Even with Gabrielle’s god-given gift of healing, the boy was only holding onto life and not improving and Gabrielle was getting worse.
Xena, hating herself, life, and everything in the universe, had chosen Gabrielle over losing both of them. The warrior fell into an exhausted asleep, laying her head on the bed, next to Gabrielle’s hand.
It was morning when Xena opened her eyes, blinking against the sunlight coming in through their window. She realized sometime during the night Hercules had picked her up and put her to bed next to Gabrielle because she didn’t remember getting into bed on her own.
Gabrielle was sleeping soundly and her breathing was steady. The warrior dashed out the door and into Asher’s room and skidded to a stop, blinking in disbelief.
The boy was sitting up and chatting with Virgil and Hercules. He smiled at his mom and Hercules grinned.
“He woke up about half a mark ago,” Hercules shrugged. “The ribs are still broken but the head is fine. That last bolt Gabrielle sent must have worked.”
Xena said a rare prayer of thanks to the Gods and quickly hugged her son gently before returning to her mate.
< That was a full turn of seasons ago. I haven’t written in these scrolls for quite awhile. I haven’t had the heart to write the news. Reading over the scrolls, I realized that I wrote that Iolaus had died but not the details. I know now that I just couldn’t face it. >
Gabrielle looked up from the hearth as she poured hot water over the muslin bag containing the pain herbs as Xena walked in from the hall. “How is he?” she asked softly.
Xena’s jaw tightened and tears filled her eyes. “The pain and breathing are both worse. I don’t think he’s coming out of this one.”
Gabrielle’s head dropped, tears filling her eyes. “I could do some more healing,” she suggested.
“No, Little One,” Xena said softly, bending over and wrapping her arms around Gabrielle and lightly nuzzling the blonde’s neck. “It’s time; Herk is saying goodbye to him.”
“It’s too soon,” Gabrielle complained, letting the tears flow.
“It’s always too soon,” Xena added. “Come on, Gabrielle.”
Xena held Gabrielle for a few moments as her mate cried. Gabrielle pulled out of Xena’s arms and moved down the hallway to Hercules’ and Iolaus’ room.
Hercules was leaning against the headboard with his arms wrapped around his smaller mate, as Iolaus tried to sleep sitting up. They knew if he lay down, he’d drown in his own fluids.
Gabrielle and the others had tried to ignore the hunter’s hair going more gray than blonde and his body slowing down with each season. The wounds that he had suffered throughout his life, especially the crippling of his arm when Gabrielle had been taken as a slave, had settled into his bones and brought about an almost blinding pain in the cold season.
The last three winters had seen him struggling against pneumonia but he remained stubborn and wouldn’t agree to move further south when Hercules suggested it. Iolaus had demanded to stay and help raise the boys.
Asher and Virgil sat against the wall, watching their Uncle Iolaus struggle to breath.
Xena moved to squat down in front of them and took them into her arms as they tried to stay strong and not cry in front of their Foster fathers.
Gabrielle moved to sit down lightly on the edge of the bed, handing Hercules the cup of tea that would help Iolaus with the pain and his breathing.
“Thanks,” he said softly.
“I’m sorry, Herk,” she whispered.
“I told him it was alright to cross over,” he responded.
Gabrielle nodded and reached out to stroke Iolaus’ cheek and then moved to the end of the bed.
Iolaus coughed and clung to Hercules’ arms. He opened his eyes when the coughing finally eased up and attempted to smile at the group.
“Love you,” he whispered.
“We love you, Iolaus,” Xena responded. “You will be remembered, my friend, my brother.”
“I love you, Iolaus,” Hercules said softly. “Let go.”
Iolaus grinned a familiar smile and winced as he tried to breathe. Then he closed his eyes and his head dropped forward.
Xena began singing softly and Asher started a low beat with his hands on his legs.
After a few moments, Iolaus stopped struggling and then stopped breathing.
Asher got up and helped Virgil to his feet. Gabrielle followed the two of them out as Xena stood up and moved to help her half brother with his mate.
< I admit it was so hard. Even harder than losing Joxer. We had time to prepare for Joxer. Hellfire, we had time to prepare for Iolaus, we just ignored him getting worse every year. We were in such denial, even when Hercules would curl up in a chair with Iolaus in his arms.
I guess I’m able to write about this now because of recent events. May the gods smile kindly on Xena and everyone: we had to say goodbye to Cyrene and Argo. We received word from Torris last moon that Cyrene had gone to sleep one night and never woke up.
Gods, this is worst part of being immortal so far, watching our families grow older while we don’t. Now we’re losing them to the inevitable. Xena was devastated and I pretty much handled things on the road as we rushed back to Greece for the funeral. I think she would have run horse after horse into the ground to make it back in time to say goodbye to her mother if I hadn’t insisted we rest along the way.
We did make it back for the funeral. Cyrene was laid to rest next to her son. She was such an important part of our lives. She held me so many times, especially after Xena and I would fuss about something.
She was so remarkable. I never thought I would see Xena, the mighty warrior and conqueror fear anything until I followed her to home all those years ago. Losing her mother’s love and approval destroyed my warrior. I knew then what I was called to do and stood by her. When Cyrene forgave Xena for her past, I could see Xena’s spirit and heart soaring and knew we could face anything from that moment on. Even if Xena didn’t know it at the time, I still had to convince her that night that she needed a friend. Took her even longer to recognize me as a lover.
Gods, I’m going to miss Cyrene!
<Argo, the loyal and way too intelligent friend of Xena, in the body of a horse. We found Argo alive when we got to Amphipolis for the funeral but she went down and wouldn’t get back up that night. Xena spent the night with Argo’s head in her lap, talking and singing to her beloved horse. Argo’s spirit passed on at dawn. >
Gabrielle looked over the scrolls and wiped away several tears. She had more to add now. Her own mother had passed on from some illness that swept through the growing town of Poteidia after breaking a hip.
The bard sighed and leaned back into Xena’s arms as her mate walked up behind her and wrapped her arms around the smaller woman.
“Your Mom or my mom?” the warrior asked softly.
“Both, I haven’t written in my scrolls in forever,” Gabrielle explained. “I’ve barely even met my own nieces and nephews and we have no idea where your grandson is. It feels like it’s slipping away, Xena.”
“It is, time is going to take our families and friends, my love,” Xena said softly.
“I know, but it doesn’t mean I have to like this part of living forever with you,” Gabrielle muttered. “We haven’t seen Sasha in ages!”
“And Asher and Virgil haven’t made it home for the summer, I know,” Xena laughed softly. Gabrielle always got irritable at the first sign of Spring, none of them could wait to see Asher and Virgil for the summer months and they both tended to get a little impatient waiting for Hercules to return to the North with the boys.
“I’m sorry, lover,” Gabrielle smiled and leaned against Xena’s arm, loving the feel of arms around her.
“Maybe I can help?” a voice asked in Germanic from the doorway.
Xena spun with her chakram in hand and Gabrielle was on her feet with sai in hand, years of instinct and reflexes still strong in both women. Both got along with the Viking custom of never being too far from weapons, even in your own hall or home.
The dark-haired figure grinned at them, her blue eyes shining with amusement.
“Sasha!” Xena squeaked and Gabrielle laughed, sheathing her sai to dash into the taller girl’s arms as Xena followed, hugging both mate and daughter tightly.
Gabrielle smiled and stepped back to appraise her adopted daughter as Xena stepped to the other side, doing the same thing.
Sasha, at 24 summer seasons, was a full grown woman but both mothers still could see the small and impish child they had raised. The Viking had her mother and father’s black hair and Xena’s blue eyes. She had Ares’ smirk but had somehow grabbed Gabrielle’s strange sense of humor.
Xena’s eyes narrowed. “When did you stop aging?” she asked softly.
Gabrielle had been wondering the same thing.
“When I was sixteen summers,” Sasha answered easily. “When I was accepted as a Valkyrie in training and went through a ritual for it.”
“Let me guess,” Xena said ruefully, “a shamanic experience to the Underworld, facing several challenges and actual death.”
“Yes, Freya wasn’t worried,” Sasha explained, pulling off her travel cloak and hanging it on a peg by the door as she stepped through the main door. “I am the daughter of gods and demi-gods.”
“Don’t remind me of your father,” Xena growled and Gabrielle smirked.
It was about 20 years since Xena had last faced Ares, sealing him in a tomb, hopefully for eternity. It was also just recently that Gabrielle could even think of Sasha’s father without going into a rage.
“Yes, Mom,” Sasha grinned, pulling her sword belt off and hanging it on the back of a chair.
Without the cloak, both mothers could see that she was as tall as Xena, as lean and wiry as a hunting hound and with a tan that spoke of plenty of time outside, even in the winter.
“So, how many hearts have you broken this year?” Gabrielle asked, pulling down a small keg of mead for all of them.
“A few,” Sasha admitted with a grin.
“Marriage yet?” Xena asked. Sasha was well beyond the normal marrying age in the Viking North but the fact she was also a Valkyrie and a demi-goddess meant time had slowed down for her.
“No, not yet,” the Valkyrie responded. “The guys here?”
“No, we expect them any day now,” Gabrielle grinned as Xena brought goblets to the table.
“How goes the training?” Xena asked as Gabrielle began pouring.
“It goes well, I face the final testing soon.”
Gabrielle and Xena glanced at each other, both catching the hesitation in Sasha’s voice.
“What is it, Sash?” Xena asked.
“I was hoping I could stay around here for awhile,” Sasha said slowly. “If you’re still the kick ass warrior you’ve always been, I could use some additional training.”
“What is the test for a Valkyrie?” Gabrielle asked, her bardic curiosity showing.
“Can’t say too much, Mum,” Sasha shrugged, her eyes glinting in amusement at Gabrielle’s frustrated expression. “I can say that part of the test is to face the other Valkyries in a test of combat skills. I’ve been training with them for years, we all know each other’s moves, forwards and backwards.”
“You’re hoping I can show you some new tricks,” Xena smirked and nodded. “Good idea.”
“Maybe I can show you a few as well,” Sasha bragged and grinned at her mother’s raised eyebrows.
“Sounds like fun,” Xena grinned in return and Gabrielle shook her head.
“Who are you going to as a Valkyrie?” Gabrielle questioned. “Odin or Freya’s Hall?”
“Freya,” Sasha smiled and laughed softly as Xena’s smile turned to a frown.
“I know she gets half of the honored dead,” Xena muttered. “She’s also the goddess of sexuality, fertility and such.”
“Yes,” Sasha agreed, catching Gabrielle frowning as well. “Moms, I’m 23 summers old, almost 24. I’ve had sex with a number of men and women. Some in service of the goddess, some for my own pleasure.”
“Now I know how my mom felt when I grew up,” Xena complained with a rueful smile.
“I’m sorry about Grandma Hecuba, Mum,” Sasha said softly to Gabrielle.
“Thank you, Sash,” the bard nodded. Watching her grown daughter and reflecting on the news Sasha was chosen by Freya. Which was worse, sending your child off to war or knowing your daughter was sexually active?
“What is the rest of the testing?” Xena asked.
“Can’t say, Valkyrie stuff,” Sasha responded. “Some of it I won’t learn about until the test.”
“Sasha,” Gabrielle hesitated and saw Xena looking at her, wondering what the serious question could be. “You see the dead as a Valkyrie, right?”
“Yes, Mum,” their daughter grew serious.
“Did you….?” The bard hesitated.
“Iolaus crossed over to the Elysian Fields and will be waiting for Hercules if he ever dies. If he doesn’t then Iolaus will be given the choice to rest forever or come back somehow to Uncle Herk,” Sasha said softly.
“Thank you,” Gabrielle felt Xena’s hand reaching out for hers and squeezed.
“Now, young lady,” Xena smiled, raising her goblet. “To the gods! May they continue to keep busy among themselves!”
Both Sasha and Gabrielle laughed and raised their goblets as well.
Gods, those two are incredible! I thought Xena was good with a sword but Sasha is damned close to being able to beat Xena. She’s better at using the sharp end of a spear but I can still beat her with the staff part. Which tells us a lot: Valkyries aren’t accustomed to fighting Southern Amazon style with chobas and staves.
Instead of just Xena training Sasha, I’ve gotten into the action with staves, chobas and sais and they’re both working on more sword work. Sasha was right, she has managed to show Xena a couple of new things as well, especially fighting with sword and shield. My mate has relied on that chakram for so many years that she never really learned the details of fighting with sword and shield combinations. I practice daily with Sasha, it was one thing I learned in gladiator training – fighting with almost every weapon you could get your hands on. I’m not used to the larger Viking shields though. Gladiator shields for a fighter my size are barely big enough to guard the hand and arm.
Xena hasn’t said anything but I know she’s aware my nightmares are back. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised with the training and practicing, it's so much like what I went through in that damned school. I wake up thinking Lycrassius is reaching for or whipping me and Xena holds me, as always.
Will these damned memories haunt me forever? That was 25 winters ago. Would Lycrassis even be alive? He’d be somewhere around 55 winters. Old but not that old for a rich Roman; if he hung onto his riches, that is, and stayed out of politics.
It worries me sometimes to have Asher so far away from home and in Roman territory. He looks Northern and speaks Germanic, Latin, Greek and Finnish fluently and can pass for any tribe but I still worry. With Kryck lost to us, I worry like a normal mother, I guess.
I hate having him gone! I love it when both boys are here. I never really thought of myself as mother material when I hit the road with Xena but I do love it so. It somehow makes the losses of our family easier. I do admit that I haven’t a clue how I would ever handle losing Asher or Virgil. I don’t know how we survived losing Solan.
I remember being numb and reacting instinctively to the threat of Mars and Callisto. We really didn’t have time to grieve. Maybe that’s why it hurts so much to lose Iolaus. I know in a way both Xena and I said goodbye to our families when we moved North to get away from Casear and Rome. We knew the day would come when we’d get word that someone had died. I guess we’re human: ignore it and maybe it won’t happen.
I know I’ll always picture my mom in the kitchen and Cyrene moving between tables as she ran the tavern. Argo will always be dancing in a field, waiting for Xena’s whistle.
How in Tartarus are we supposed to survive watching everyone around us grow old and die?
Xena and Sasha broke out of the tree line, dashing towards the house in a dead out run. At first Gabrielle was startled and reached for her sais but relaxed when she realized mother and daughter were racing and neither was about to let the other one win.
The bard laughed as both dove for the steps, slapping their hands on the porch at the same moment. Mother and daughter collapsed onto the stairs, breathing heavily.
Gabrielle grinned. “Tie!” she announced and two sets of blue eyes glared at her, only causing the bard to grin even wider.
“I’m the one you sleep with, Gabrielle,” Xena growled. “Still think it was a tie?”
“No fair!” Sasha protested.
Gabrielle giggled, a familiar warm feeling spreading over her as Xena looked up, her eyes darkening with love and desire.
“How cold is that water?” Sasha asked, pointing to the pump Hercules and Xena had dug the year before.
“Cold enough to chill both of you off!” Gabrielle smirked.
Gabrielle turned back to her scrolls as the duo headed off to get cleaned up for dinner.
“When is this damned test, anyway?” she yelled to Sasha.
“Full moon!” the young Valkyrie yelled back.
“Terrific,” Gabrielle complained. “Just when the blood lust hits around here.”
Gabrielle ignored Xena’s worried expression. No matter how many years they were together, Gabrielle still resented her blood cravings.
“Full moon,” Gabrielle said thoughtfully. “Two weeks.”
The physical training also consisted of helping out around the farm now that Spring was approaching. The tilling of the small fields and everything that went along with getting the farm out of its winter hibernation ensured that all three women were exhausted by nightfall and barely able to eat dinner before dropping off to sleep.
Gabrielle made sure to call a halt to everything occasionally and force her mate and daughter to take breaks. Once even an entire day off lounging by the river behind their home. The bard loved it when Xena was actually relaxing, the warrior turned farmer was always on the move, ever since the first day Gabrielle had seen her. Getting Xena to take time to relax was a major event.
It gave Gabrielle a chance to see sides to her mate that very few others ever got to see. The playful and romantic mate that the bard treasured.
Xena grinned, watching Gabrielle lean back against a tree next to the river. Even if they didn’t physically age, it was still hard work keeping a farm going after all the years they had been here. The warrior was glad when she could get Gabrielle to take a break from the endless work. It softened the bard’s face like nothing else could.
The mother turned in time to duck being hit with Sasha’s latest catch from the river. Her daughter tried to look innocent, as if the flying fish had been an accident but Xena could see the same mischievousness in Sasha’s eyes that she had known in her brother and in Solan.
Xena had to admit, watching Sasha turn back to her fishing, she and Ares had a beautiful daughter together. The warrior was also very grateful that Ares had been an absent father in Sasha’s life.
Xena looked up at the sky and extended her senses, gauging the passing of the season. She hoped the warming temperature meant Hercules would make it back with the boys before the rainy season. It was known to turn the roads into impassable lanes of mud and made rivers raging obstacles of swift moving water.
Sasha turned her head to watch her Mom as Xena sat down on the bank beside her, picking up her own fishing pole.
“Mom, can I ask you something?”
“Sure, anything, kid,” Xena said easily. She was still adjusting to the thought of Sasha having sex with anyone, let alone many anyones but Xena was determined to be an open and communicative parent. She had been so thankful that Cyrene was understanding and supportive after they had talked and Cyrene had forgiven Xena for the past. One thing Cyrene had advised was open communication and a willingness to listen before lecturing.
“I’ve read Mum’s scrolls about how you helped get Hades’ helmet back to him with the help from one of your former lovers,” Sasha began.
“Yes, Marcus,” Xena nodded. “I was there when he died trying to protect an innocent and I was the one he turned to when Hades lost control of Tartarus and the Elysian Fields.”
“And you were with him for that time, knowing he was going to go back, knowing he was going to die again, right?” Sasha continued.
“Yes,” Xena’s eyes became thoughtful and pained. The first time Marcus died, it was early in her travels with Gabrielle and her attempt at redemption. Before she had discovered she had fallen in love with the bard. The second time, Xena knew she was in love with Gabrielle but thought Gabrielle had no clue and no interest in women or her, romantically.
“What was it like? Knowing he was going to die?” Sasha asked softly. “I mean, it wasn’t like someone who’s sick or watching someone die on the battlefield.”
Xena frowned. “It was hard,” she admitted, setting the pole aside as she sat her arms on her knees. “What I didn’t tell Gabrielle, what I never told anyone, was that I was the one who killed him when his time was up.”
Sasha blinked, absorbing the information.
Xena nodded at her daughter’s surprised expression. “Marcus could have kept the helmet and lived out the rest of his life, maybe even had been made immortal by the helmet but he chose the right thing.”
“And you killed him,” Sasha said softly, her expression thoughtful.
“Yes, I drove a dagger into his heart after Hades promised to reconsider Marcus’ case,” Xena explained.
“Did it help knowing that Marcus might end up in the Elysian Fields and be happy?” Sasha questioned.
“It helped me live with it,” Xena muttered. “Are you doubting your calling as a Valkyrie, calling heroes to the halls after their death?”
“It’s not just calling the heroes after a battle or violent death, Mom,” Sasha said softly. “It's picking which heroes will fall in that battle. I have to choose who dies.”
“You’ve already been doing this, haven’t you?”
“Yeah,” Sasha’s frown deepened. “I look at a warrior and know his past deeds and his skills and make my decisions, based on what Freya and Odhinn want from a hero. I haven’t gotten close to any of them.”
“And now you’ll have to?” Xena asked gently. “I really don’t understand the Vikings on this one. I’m not sure that should be left to Valkyries and gods.”
“I know, it all fits in with the Norns, somehow,” Sasha muttered. “I don’t know how and why it works except that it does. The heroes are happy; I’ve escorted many to Odhinn or Freya’s Halls. They are more than happy to be there.”
“It’s your own feelings that you’re having problems with?” Xena asked.
“Yeah, part of it is bringing pleasure to the warrior before the battle that will claim his life,” Sasha explained.
“Getting close to someone who is going to die because you say so,” Xena commented and Sasha nodded. “Not easy to live with, but the other side of that is you escort them to happiness.”
Xena shook her head. “Happiness and pain for you, not easy to live with.”
“No, but what is?” Sasha shrugged, reminding Xena of herself.
Xena and Gabrielle grinned when Hercules and the boys rode into sight two days later. Sasha laughed delightedly and ran to greet her foster father and brothers.
Asher grinned and dropped off his horse easily as Virgil caught his reins. Sasha lifted the boy high in the air and hugged him tightly. She looked up with a grin for Hercules and Virgil.
“I’m so glad you got here,” Sasha laughed. “I’ve missed you guys.”
“We’ve missed you,” Hercules agreed. “Your visit over Yule was nice but too short.”
Sasha sat Asher on his feet and looked him over closely. “Staying away from wild horses?”
“Yup, Mom Meg won’t let me anywhere near the war horses she keeps stabled for the Captain of the Militia,” Asher answered easily.
Sasha looked up into the shy brown eyes of her foster brother.
“And you, Virgil? Keeping him out of trouble?” she teased.
“Nope,” Virgil smiled back. “He keeps me out of trouble.”
Laughing, Hercules dismounted and hugged Xena and Gabrielle as they trotted over to greet everyone. Xena grinned and grabbed Asher by the head and rubbed it quickly with a fist as he howled in mock pain. Gabrielle took the reins of the horses so Virgil could get down.
She hugged Virgil tightly and then Asher, glad to see her son and foster son.
“How’s Meg?” Xena asked Hercules as she turned to hug Virgil.
“Doing well, really,” her half brother answered. “Having baby Rachel to care for helps. She says she doesn’t have time to worry about anything.”
“Good,” Xena nodded as the small group began moving towards the cabin.
“I’m glad you’re here, Sash,” Hercules grinned, wrapping an arm around the adult woman. “How long are you here?”
“Until the moon,” Sasha replied.
“She’s about to take the final steps to be a full Valkyrie,” Xena explained further. “Wanna help train our warrior?”
“Sure,” the demi-god agreed readily.
“Can we watch?” Virgil asked and Asher nodded, hoping for approval.
“Sure,” Gabrielle answered after a moment. The last thing Xena, Gabrielle or Hercules wanted was the boys growing up to be soldiers but knew it was very likely. Already the boys were training with the older boys in Greece in staves and tracking. They were naturals on horses, except for wild war horses, Gabrielle corrected mentally.
Xena caught Gabrielle’s frown and shrugged, figuring both of them were thinking along the same lines. It was time for the boys to start training with weapons and getting serious about it. Xena had been so pleased when Solan had turned away from being a fighter. Bitter thoughts of his death crossed the warrior’s mind. Her peaceful son had been killed by a fighter, a warlord and insane goddess named Callisto.
Asher apparently had inherited both his mother’s skills in fighting. He was fast as a cat, acrobatic like Gabrielle and as talented with a sword as Xena was at his age.
Virgil had inherited his father’s shyness and his mother’s blue eyes, other talents yet unrevealed apparently.
Gabrielle shuffled her feet as Xena growled. Sasha was making her goodbyes to Hercules and the boys while the Goddess Freya waited nearby under a tree.
Xena, finally unable to keep quiet, walked slowly over to the Goddess.
“Ysla,” Freya greeted, using Xena’s northern name.
“Freya,” Xena responded. “Listen, I know part of the test is to face the other Valkyries. I don’t have a problem with that but can you let us know the outcome? She is our daughter.”
Freya smiled gently. “Of course, Ysla. She will do fine, the test is meant to help bond them together, not kill the Valkyrie.”
Xena was obviously relieved.
“We don’t tell the trainees that, we want them fighting at their best,” Freya explained.
“You make the stakes high enough for the best performance,” Xena nodded, appreciating the strategy.
“It’s not easy,” Freya said firmly. “She will get hurt and will probably hurt a few of the others.”
“I understand. Thank you,” Xena said softly and turned to see her daughter hugging Gabrielle and the bard trying to hold back her tears. Xena understood the emotion; she was biting back her own tears.
Now she knew how her mother felt, watching her kids grow up into adults and go off facing dangerous situations.
Xena held her arms open and hugged Sasha tightly as Gabrielle wiped at her tears.
“Freya says that we’ll find out how you do but I know you’ll be great,” Xena said, trying to smile.
“I’m the daughter of Xena, Gabrielle and Ares,” Sasha grinned. “Can’t lose.”
“Gods, she inherited your ego,” Gabrielle teased and got punched playfully on the arm by Xena.
“I love you both,” Sasha said softly and moved out of Xena’s arms to stand next to Freya. The Goddess wrapped an arm around the young woman’s shoulders, the cloak of falcon wings covered both of them and they disappeared.
“Damn!” Xena muttered.
* * *
Sasha looked over her weapons with a critical eye. The sword was sharp, the spear shaft was made of seasoned wood with the head finely honed and firmly attached. The shield was well made and the bracers fit very well. A typical Viking Sax knife completed the assortment of weapons.
Sasha redid the laces over her boots and tightened her belt. Unlike the usual bright chain mail armor the Valkyries usual wore, this test was about skill, not show and terror. She and the other Valkyries were dressed in simple tunics, woolen trousers, boots and had their hair in warrior braids.
Unlike her mothers, Sasha had never faced multiple opponents before except when training with the Valkyries and she was nervous. She wasn’t going to show it though.
Sasha turned to face her opponents.
The Valkyries were grouped together, facing Sasha.
They all looked to Odin and Freya standing on a slight hill.
“Let the test begin, may the Norns bless your efforts,” Odin announced.
Sasha wasn’t surprised when the Valkyries spread out, forming a semi circle as they advanced on Sasha.
The would-be Valkyrie dropped her shield and dashed forward. She jammed her spear firmly into the ground and spun herself up and around it. Using her momentum she “ran” along the chests of her opponents in the semi-circle, knocking them back into their companions. Two went down with broken jaws when Sasha spun around again and caught two of them with her boots.
That left eight more battle-trained female warriors.
Sasha knew they wouldn’t fall for that trick again and barely got the spear up with both hands, taking two sword strikes on the iron wood. She quickly brought one end around across the jaw of one of the quicker fighters but winced when one struck under the spear, glancing across her ribs.
Sasha brought the spear up under the chin of another warrior and then back flipped out of the way. Landing on her hands, she kicked upward, just as Gabrielle had taught her.
Three more down from major wounds that bled freely.
Sasha ducked a sword strike as she bounded to her feet, grabbing up her shield with her boot, tossing it to herself in time to take another sword strike across it. The blow was strong enough to break the wooden shield.
The Greek would-be Viking dropped the shield and drew her sax before beginning to fight with both weapons as the remaining five Valkyries overwhelmed her.
Sasha knew she was in trouble in a matter of moments and used every trick her mothers and Hercules had shown her. She managed to break free from the group and everyone seemed to hesitate a moment, catching their breath. Two more fighters were down, one nursing a split skull from Sasha’s sword hilt and another one holding a bad stomach wound from the young woman's sax.
The remaining Valkyries spread out as Sasha tried to keep all three of them in sight. She had taken a deep slash and the loss of blood was making her lightheaded.
All three rushed her at once. Sasha, instead of leaping up, as Xena was known to do, or trying to defend against all three at once, dived forward. She rolled into the legs of the lead warrior, causing her to fall into the path of the other two. In a moment, all three warriors were a tangle of legs, arms and weapons.
Sasha slashed at each lightly, causing a small cut along their necks and stepped back to the sound of applause from Odin and Freya.
The trainee felt the goddess’ arms wrap around her as everything went gray from the loss of blood.
* * *
Xena bolted up in bed with chakram in hand.
“Easy, warrior,” a gentle voice said softly.
“Freya?” Xena whispered, her voice harsh with sleepiness and surprise.
“Yes, Sasha is safe and passed her first test, she did better than any other before her,” Freya said softly.
“Thank you,” Xena said softly and laid back down, feeling the energy change and knew the goddess was gone. Xena smiled, unable to keep the pride from dancing in her eyes and across her face.
* * *
Sasha stretched her aching muscles in the morning sun. She was stiff and sore from the fight the day before and the general healing from Freya. Sasha would carry scars, the goddess refusing to totally heal, leaving sore muscles and scars for memory.
The Greek Viking was surprised and pleased with herself but had blushed most of the night away as her companion Valkyries praised and teased her throughout the night. The group had celebrated almost until dawn.
Now the second part of the testing was coming up and Sasha felt her confidence fading quickly.
The would-be Valkyrie hadn’t been exactly truthful with her mothers. Sasha had been with a couple of women in sexual encounters before, both of them fellow Valkyries but she hadn’t been with a male. Unlike some of the rumors about the Valkyries, not all of them were sexually active with the heroes they chose. That was reserved for full Valkyries given the volatile nature of Vikings, emotions, and the power of life and death over the heroes. The trainee Valkyries, like Sasha and a few others, weren't allowed to be sexually active with the heroes about to die.
Sasha had no doubts about her sexuality. She desired both sexes but her training had taken up all of her focus and time over the years. Now she was being faced with picking a hero to die and giving him a night of sexual pleasure, precluding his endless night of joy in Valhalla or Folkvang.
The Greek Viking stood up from her stretch and stood facing the sun, absorbing its warming rays. She felt the hackles on the back of her neck standing up and turned to find Odin standing under a nearby tree.
Sasha approached him confidently.
“AllFather,” she said calmly.
“I am pleased with your test yesterday,” he smiled, adjusting the patch covering where his right eye once rested.
“Thank you, Father,” Sasha smiled in return.
“Your next test is ready, I will take you to a large settlement that is facing a battle in two days,” he explained. “We’ll watch the warriors and you’ll make your pick.”
Sasha tried not to let her nervousness show but Odin, watching her eyes, merely laughed.
“Don’t worry, you’ve escorted warriors to our realm before,” he said gently. “This will be more difficult, you’ll actually get close to one of them. You will do fine and I have no doubt you’ll pick a worth warrior for my Einherjar.”
“What are you looking for in this hero?” Sasha asked.
“Someone level headed and calm,” he told the young Valkyrie. “And a good fighter.”
“Of course, it will be done,” Sasha said, sounding more self-assured than she felt.
* * *
Sasha walked with Odin as they wandered through the settlement, listening to the debates among the warriors and the general talk among the women. Both were invisible to the mortals and so moved easily among the Vikings.
Sasha had learned from Freya and Odin that a lot more information could be learned from listening to the women than the men, sometimes. Women talked frankly and freely.
God and Valkyrie learned which leader was trusted, which warrior was favored by the young women, which ones were thought cowardly and who was overlooked.
A day and a night was spent among the Vikings.
At dawn the next day, Odin turned to Sasha.
"Have you made your choice?" he asked.
"Yes, AllFather," Sasha answered slowly. "Thorkell is a good man, a good warrior and level headed. He is admired by both warriors and villagers for his wisdom at such an early age."
"He could benefit the settlement by living," Odin pointed out.
"Yes, so could most of the warriors chosen by you and Freya," Sasha countered. "His brothers are also very much like him but not as good with warrior skills. They will be the asset to the clan."
"Good choice, I am pleased," Odin smiled gently.
"What happens now?" she asked.
"You approach him after dark," Odin explained. "It's your choice whether you reveal what you are and why you're seeking him out. Let the night happen and tomorrow during the battle you will point your spear and choose him to fall."
Sasha swallowed with difficulty.
"It is difficult the first time," he nodded.
"I know sexuality is different among the gods than mortals but I'm not experienced and I've never gotten close to one chosen," Sasha said slowly.
"It will be easier once it's over and you'll have the choice if you want to enjoy him once he reaches Valhalla," Odin offered. "All sexuality is your choice, even this test. You can walk away with no dishonor."
Sasha frowned.
"It's time to choose your path, young one," Odin said gently. "You will still be treasured among us if being a Valkyrie isn't your calling. You have until nightfall."
With that Odin was gone, leaving the young woman to wander through the village. She was still invisible to the inhabitants and Sasha found herself staying away from Thorkell at first but unable to keep her distance.
She spent the day watching as he helped the settlement prepare for the upcoming battle and reassured his mother and sisters that all would be fine. Sasha didn't listen to the reasons for the battle or even who the settlement was fighting, she didn't care. Odin and Freya had already decided who would win the battle and it really didn't concern Sasha and her choices.
The Greek Viking found that her assessment of Thorkell was a correct one. He was also gentle and loving to his family and clan mates.
Sasha sat down in the shadows, alone with her thoughts.
* * *
Xena held Gabrielle close as they watched the river passing nearby. They had decided to take the day off after hearing word that Sasha would be facing her final test the next day.
The boys and Hercules were off hunting for spring deer, leaving the two women the perfect chance to relax again.
"Careful, lover," Xena teased. "We'll get lazy."
Gabrielle laughed and nuzzled Xena's arm.
"Tonight is the moon," Gabrielle said softly.
"I know, that's the reason Herc took the boys to the hunting cabin tonight," Xena said easily. Even after all their years together, Xena knew that the Bacchae craving that hit Gabrielle once a month was still a source of pain for her bard.
"Alright," Gabrielle said softly.
"Gabrielle, accept it already!" Xena urged.
"Easier said than done!" Gabrielle snapped, pulling out of her mate's arms. "Even Artemis used it against me at my trial. How many Amazons now think I'm a monster?"
"Gabrielle, I can't do anything about that," Xena growled. "She was wrong to bring that up."
"Well, it happened and now I've got to deal with it," Gabrielle said wearily.
"The Northern Amazons know and don't care," Xena countered.
"That's not totally true, some of them treated me differently once they knew I was like the vampires they were fighting," Gabrielle protested.
Xena frowned. "How many times are we going to argue this?"
Gabrielle laughed softly, her body and face relaxing.
"God, I hope not!" Xena teased, pulling Gabrielle back into her arms.
Gabrielle met Xena's lips roughly, her body covering the warrior's. Xena moaned, feeling the bard's arousal rising. Xena loved spending spring and summer days with Gabrielle. Her mate had reverted back to her favorite mode of dress around the farm: small top that showed off her ample breast and beautiful upper body strength, a leather skirt with shorts underneath showed off the bard's fantastic leg muscles as well. Xena loved watching Gabrielle every chance she got.
Xena didn't dress in her traveling warrior clothing as much as she did in their early years. Cotton trousers were more practical around the farm most of the time but she still preferred a leather vest like top with bracers.
Gabrielle's tongue begged and Xena readily parted her lips as her own tongue played back with her mate. The bard's hands moved to the laces on Xena's vest and a leg went between Xena's legs.
Xena moaned and thrust up against Gabrielle's leg. Her own hands went to Gabrielle's ties and loosened them. The bard whimpered as she worked Xena's laces open, both women uttering a small cry as bare breasts touched each other.
"Oh Gods, Xena," Gabrielle whispered, her breathing fast and her pulse racing.
"Yes!" Xena urged, her hands moved down and tugged at Gabrielle's shorts. Her mate wiggled until they got the clothing out of the way. The warrior knew her bard's arousal was always intensified on a full moon and that Gabrielle usually wanted it fast and fairly rough.
That was a side that had surprised Xena at first until she really thought about it. Gabrielle's inner fire had been something that had drawn the warrior to the gentle bard. Peace loving aside, Gabrielle could be a tiger in bed and Xena had crawled out of their bedding many mornings bruised, scratched, but well loved.
The warrior knew this was one of those times and felt a playful streak come over her. Xena flipped Gabrielle over and pulled her skirt off. Gabrielle growled and wrapped her legs around Xena, wanting her warrior close.
Xena grinned and grabbed Gabrielle's wrists together and pulled them over the bard's head. Gabrielle's eyes widened in surprise. Usually on full moons Xena relinquished control to her, this was new.
The warrior moaned as she lowered her body on top of Gabrielle and the bard arched up to meet her. Xena moved her lips all over Gabrielle's face, neck and ears, never staying long in one place until Gabrielle was moaning.
"Xena!" Gabrielle begged as the warrior moved to her breasts with her lips and teeth. The warrior ignored her bard's pleading and Gabrielle's thrusting against her as she took her time to love her mate. It was something Xena loved doing and never got enough of.
Xena kept a firm hold on Gabrielle's wrists even as she moved down Gabrielle's ribs, tracing each one with her tongue and lips, leaving little nips as she went until Gabrielle was whimpering.
Once Xena crawled between Gabrielle's legs, she released the bard's wrists but she knew Gabrielle would allow Xena whatever her plan was as the bard clutched at the blanket underneath them. Her body was trembling and sweating as Xena moved to the bard's feet and worked her hands and lips along the inside of Gabrielle's legs. By the time Xena got to Gabrielle's sex, the bard was almost in tears with the need for release.
Xena was determined to take her time and gently spread Gabrielle's labia lips and ran her fingers through Gabrielle's wetness without allowing any kind of release. The bard whimpered and Xena smiled up at her love.
Gabrielle's face was flushed and her eyes were heavy with arousal and Xena thought she had never seen anything more beautiful than Gabrielle during their love making.
Xena felt Gabrielle's muscles shaking and groaned, her own body highly aroused from all the noises coming from her mate. The warrior couldn't hold back any longer and entered Gabrielle slowly with one finger, barely relieving the bard's need.
"Xena!" Gabrielle demanded, rising up, her eyes now Bacchae yellow showing need on all levels.
The warrior smiled and thrust into Gabrielle with several fingers and danced her tongue over the bard's clit.
Gabrielle's body arched and her head snapped back with a cry of surprise and arousal.
Xena pulled almost all the way out and thrust back in roughly, knowing Gabrielle was beyond the gentle loving now. She growled and felt Gabrielle's body thrusting back against her fingers as she entered the bard again.
"Xena!" Gabrielle cried out, clutching the blanket tightly.
The warrior prolonged her loving as long as she could, pulling several minor orgasms from her mate and then ran her tongue over Gabrielle's clit and entered her roughly once more. Gabrielle screamed as her body arched and then collapsed.
Xena gathered Gabrielle into her arms and gently rocked her mate, holding her close and whispering to her.
* * *
Sasha waited until everyone had finished with the evening meal before approaching Thorkell. She finally got her chance when he picked up his sword and walked towards the woods, obviously deep in thought.
She followed quietly until he came to a small stream and sat down on a rock, beginning to sharpen his sword. The habit reminded Sasha of her warrior mother and she had to smile.
The Viking was handsome with reddish blonde hair and beard and he was even taller than Xena and Sasha. She appraised his body with the critical eye of a potential bed partner and found that she was pleased with the firm muscles and lean body.
Sasha mentally shifted to where she was visible and stepped out of the shadows into the moonlight.
Thorkell spun with sword in hand.
"Easy, warrior," Sasha said calmly.
He took in Sasha's bright chain-mail armor, weapons, warrior braids and rich embroidery around the hem of her tunic and sleeves.
"Valkyrie," he said just as calmly.
"Yes," she nodded, no sense lying to him, she figured. Honesty always worked best, she thought.
"You are for me?" Thorkell frowned.
"Yes, for the battle tomorrow," Sasha answered softly.
Thorkell sat back down heavily on the rock.
"This is hard, Valkryie," he admitted, leaning on his sword pommel.
"Yes, for both of us," Sasha admitted. "I'm Sasha, Thorkell."
"Will my clan be victorious?" he asked. "Will my brothers live?"
"I can't tell you that tonight," Sasha countered.
"What can you tell me, Valkyrie Sasha?" he asked with a smile.
"That you are worthy to be chosen by AllFather," Sasha said softly, sitting down at his feet, wanting to take away the feeling of deity between them.
"Then my life has merit," Thorkell said calmly. "What happens tonight?"
"You aren't married or engaged," Sasha said slowly.
"No, I've had women but no one permanent," Thorkell answered.
"What would you do on the last night of your life with a beautiful woman at your feet?" Sasha questioned with a small smile.
"Will you be the one to come for me tomorrow?" Thorkell asked.
"Yes, I wanted to know you tonight before taking you to Valhol," Sasha explained.
"Are we mates?" Thorkell asked with a frown.
"No, we aren't soul mates but we can pass the time in pleasure or just talk tonight," Sasha explained.
"I would like to talk," Thorkell decided. "Knowing I'm going to die tomorrow, I'm not sure it will rise to the occasion tonight," he joked.
The Viking slid off the rock to sit beside Sasha. She grinned, somewhat with relief. The Greek Viking had no idea how to seduce someone or even if this was a seduction.
The two began chatting, it was awkward at first but discussion turned to Sasha's training and Thorkell's brothers and home life. Soon they were talking like old friend, throughout the early evening and into the night.
Sasha found herself laughing so hard she fell against Thorkell's shoulder as he giggled like a boy over a story he told about himself as a boy. The Valkyrie looked up into Thorkell's blue eyes and felt a flush spreading over her body.
Thorkell's eyes darkened and he leaned down, his lips meeting hers softly for a moment.
The sensation sent sparks through Sasha's body and she moaned, reaching a hand up behind his head, pulling him closer. Thorkell deepened the kiss and pulled Sasha into his arms and the Valkyrie melted easily.
The Viking pulled back slightly and looked deep into Sasha's eyes.
"You'll come to me tomorrow as a friend?" he asked softly.
"As a lover," Sasha corrected and pulled him back to her lips.
* * *
Xena felt Gabrielle come up behind her as the warrior sat in front of the fire. They had spent the evening reminiscing about raising the kids and missing Iolaus. Gabrielle had been particularly mellow and relaxed after the day by the river.
The warrior was content. Their sons were healthy and growing up quickly, their daughter was going to be a legend if Odin and Freya had their way and the warrior and bard were still together after so many years.
Gabrielle leaned over Xena, running her hands down the front of Xena's cotton tunic. Xena felt her pulse begin to quicken when Gabrielle's teeth nibbled her earlobe.
"Full moon?" Xena teased as she leaned back in the chair, stroking Gabrielle's arms as the bard hugged her, her hands dancing across Xena's breasts. "What are you needing, Little One?"
"You, my warrior," Gabrielle growled, her teeth moving to Xena's neck.
Xena felt her back arching slightly and her nipples hardening.
"Yes, Gabrielle?" Xena teased. "You needing something? Maybe me in front of the fireplace here, you ripping my clothes off? Your hand deep inside of me as your fangs sink into my neck, breasts and thigh? My blood flowing over your fangs and down your throat?"
"Oh Gods!" Gabrielle growled and moved around the chair with the swiftness of her gladiator past, pulling Xena to the furs in front of the fireplace and covered the warrior.
The bard pulled Xena's top off in a flash. The warrior grinned as Gabrielle growled and pulled Xena up and onto her knees.
"You want it rough, warrior?" Gabrielle hissed. "Like this?"
Gabrielle pulled Xena's trousers off and ran a hand between Xena's legs.
"You're wet, my love," Gabrielle growled, turning the tables as Xena moaned in arousal. "Thinking about earlier when you drove me insane? You want me to take my time? Just run my hands over you for the rest of the night without touching you here?"
Gabrielle cupped Xena's sex and felt the warrior thrust against her.
"No, please! Now!" Xena begged. Just Gabrielle's voice, husky with desire, was enough to send Xena into a frenzy.
Gabrielle felt her control slipping as her eyes changed to Bacchae yellow and her fangs extended.
She thrust into Xena roughly as her body covered Xena's from behind. The bard knew her warrior very well and even when giving it rough, Gabrielle knew how to pull more and more out of her warrior until Xena was thrusting back, her body begging for more.
Gabrielle whimpered and Xena moaned as the blonde felt her entire hand being taken by her lover. She stopped for a moment, letting Xena's body adjust to the sensation until Xena began rocking back into her lover, small noises building as the intensity built.
One advantage of being together so long, Gabrielle knew exactly how to please her wife. She rotated her fists and pulled slightly and then pushed as she plunged her fangs into Xena's neck.
The warrior's screamed and bucked against the bard. Gabrielle drank deeply as Xena continued to thrust against her hand until the warrior collapsed against the fur and Gabrielle followed her warrior down. She gently pulled out of her mate and wrapped her arms around Xena.
* * *
Sasha moaned as she lowered her body down on Thorkell, taking him deeper again and again until they were both whimpering as he thrust up into her.
It was almost dawn and Sasha found that part of the Valkyrie magic enabled both of them to continue having sex all night. She also discovered that sex with a loving male was very nice.
She collapsed against his chest, panting.
Thorkell held her tightly in his strong arms.
"I have to go soon," he muttered.
"Yes," she nodded, reluctant to let him go.
"Will it hurt?"
"I don't know," she admitted. "I've never died."
"Me either," he smirked and kissed her nose. "Oh well, Valhalla awaits!"
Sasha frowned and pulled back from her lover.
"What is wrong?" he asked.
"I've never done this before, not this close," Sasha admitted.
"The rest is simple isn't it?" he asked. "I go into battle, fall and you gather me up and I meet AllFather and the greatest heroes of history."
"It's not just that, I'm the one that points the spear at you, deciding your fate," Sasha explained.
"You don't think you can do it because we spent time together?" Thorkell questioned.
"I'm not sure," she shrugged, reaching for her trousers.
Thorkell reached around her and hugged her tightly. "You decided my fate and I am honored that you chose me for Valhalla, I am honored that you chose me as your first warrior companion, and I am honored to have met you. Finish it or we both lose."
Sasha nodded and reached for her tunic with a sad smile.
* * *
Xena spun around with chakram in hand, knocking the milking stool over. "Odin?" she muttered, not quite believing the sight of the AllFather in her barn.
"Yes, Ysla," the deity smiled. "Shall we join your mate?"
"Is Sasha alright?" Xena demanded.
"Forgive me," Odin said quickly, "Yes, she is fine."
Gabrielle spun just as quickly as Xena had with sai in hand and dropped the goblet she had been cleaning. "Freya?" she questioned.
"Yes, Gabrielle," the goddess answered softly with a smile. "Sasha is fine, this is a friendly call."
Freya looked toward the doors and Gabrielle waited patiently for a moment and smiled as Xena walked into the cabin with Odin following her.
"What's going on?" Gabrielle asked everyone.
"We would like you both to observe Sasha's final test with us," Odin explained.
Gabrielle looked at Xena and nodded. The warrior turned to the warrior deities.
"Yes," she said firmly.
Gabrielle stepped up next to Freya while Xena stood next to Odin.
In a moment they were all standing on a hill overlooking a small valley where two groups faced each other.
"Where are the Valkyries?" Gabrielle asked.
"On the other hill, watching for their chosen warriors," Freya said, pointing.
The two mothers spotted their daughter among the warrior women watching the opposing forces.
"Can they see us?" Xena asked.
"No," Freya said gently.
Xena, the experienced warrior, could feel the energy building below as the sun began to rise over the tree line. The forces began stirring and Xena knew they were building up their energy and stress, preparing for the first charge. Judging from the way the warriors were arranging themselves, this wasn't going to be a battle of tactical skills of the leaders, it was going to be an all-out crash between the groups.
It would be a slaughter and a lot of good warriors were going to die or be maimed.
Xena turned away when the warriors screamed on both sides and rushed forward. The former warlord found she no longer craved the first rush of battle. The sound of crashing metal, shouts, and sounds of horses screaming assaulted their ears. Xena wrapped her arms around Gabrielle as the bard turned away from the carnage.
Xena looked up and saw the Valkyries moving their horses towards the edge of the battle. She spotted Sasha's dark hair among the typically light colors of her companions. Most of the Valkyries had chosen white steeds but Sasha's horse was as black as her hair and stood out among the rest.
Gabrielle, feeling Xena's energy change, turned and followed Xena's finger and spotted Sasha on her magical horse along with the other Valkyrie.
* * *
Sasha found part of the Valkyrie magic was the ability to see every warrior clearly, as if they were standing separately from the others on the field. She easily found Thorkell among the second rank. Sasha knew that he couldn't see her but when he glanced her way she was startled. He turned his attention back to the battle and fought with skill and a tenacity that Sasha found pleasing.
Sasha found herself watching his opponents and waiting for a worthy one before calling his fate to its end.
The Greek Viking watched closely and found she had fallen into her role naturally. She realized she was honoring not only Odin in choosing a worthy warrior but she was also honoring Thorkell by trying to find him a worthy death.
* * *
"She's made the mental connection," Odin commented to Freya and Xena saw the goddess nod.
Xena hoped this path was the right one for her daughter; it wasn't an easy role to fill. Occasionally Xena had found herself in the miserable position of deciding someone's fate and hated it worse than royal functions.
Gabrielle watched the battle and Valkyries with a natural bardic curiosity. She was also afraid for Sasha's emotional state. The adopted mother knew she never wanted to be in the position that Sasha had trained for.
* * *
Sasha saw three opposing warriors rushing Thorkell; one with a sword and the other two with spears. She knew that Thorkell might be able to take them but made the decision without thought.
The Valkyrie raised her spear and pointed it at her warrior.
Xena and Gabrielle's breath stopped as their hearts pounded.
Thorkell shouted a battle cry, finished off the warrior he was fighting and turned to face the three rushing him. He deflected one spear with his sword but his shield shattered under the sword and the second spear got through. Thorkell shouted in anger as the spear sank deep into his chest and through a lung.
The spear caught on his ribs and he was left standing as the warrior tried to wrench his spear free. Thorkell coughed up blood as he tried to raise his sword to take the enemy with him when he saw the sword from the other warrior swinging for his unprotected neck.
The Viking fell, his eyes closing before he hit the ground.
Sasha spurred her magical horse forward with a shout and leaned down low off the horse, sweeping Thorkell's spirit into her arms, away from the battle.
* * *
"Odin?" Xena questioned in a whisper.
"Just watch," he said softly as Sasha took her horse to the opposite hill.
They watched as Sasha dismounted with Thorkell in her arms, tears streaming down her face.
* * *
"Thorkell?" Sasha called softly.
The Viking opened his eyes and blinked. Sasha helped him to his feet and he looked down at his unmarked clothing.
"I died?" he asked.
"That's why you're here with me," Sasha smiled, relieved that he was still the same man she knew from the night before and that he wasn't angry with her.
His eyes sought out the battle and then he shook his head.
"It is strange," he said slowly. "It doesn't matter for me anymore. Will you spend time with me in Valhol?"
"I would be honored, warrior," Sasha smiled and mounted her horse easily. She held out her arm and Thorkell mounted behind her, wrapping his arms around her and nuzzling her neck playfully.
Sasha laughed and spurred her horse towards the sky.
* * *
Xena and Gabrielle heard both Odin and Freya sigh and turned to the deities as their daughter disappeared.
"She passed magnificently!" Odin grinned.
"Sasha will be a credit to the Valkyries," Freya agreed. "She shows intelligence, insight, and a gentleness that will help warriors cross to our realm."
Xena and Gabrielle sighed and held each other tightly for a moment. Both felt tears filling their eyes.
"Your daughter is grown and has found a part of her destiny," Odin said gently. "It isn't an easy path but she faced it with courage."
"It's a special gift she'll bring to the Valkyries, one of gentleness and open emotion," Freya commented. "Part of Gabrielle's gift to her, I think. Sometimes a Valkyrie can become hardened to the emotions."
"Thank you for your training and guidance," Gabrielle said softly.
"Sasha will visit you soon," Freya smiled and raised her arms.
Gabrielle and Xena blinked and looked around at their yard as Asher and Virgil scampered out the door. It was barely past dawn and none of the males had missed them.
"Gods, we lead a strange life even when we try to be normal," Gabrielle muttered as Xena wrapped her arm around the bard's shoulder.
"Yup," Xena agreed. "Let's see if we can rack up a few more years before the next strange event."
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