Family Matters, part 3
Red Moon Rising, Book 6
Author: Ms Hunter Ash
Copyright © by Hunter Ash. All Rights Reserved.
Feedback welcome!!
Disclaimers: The characters
and show all belong to Joss Whedon, Fox, Mutant Enemy, Kuzui, and God
only knows who else. The storyline, however, is the sole property of
the author. This story cannot be sold or used for profit in any way.
Copies of this story may be made for private use only and must
include all disclaimers and copyright notices.
F/F romance: the story assumes a loving and sexual relationship between people of the same gender and even 3 at the same time
Spoilers: up to Red Moon Rising
and veers off from there.
Summary: Buffy, Tara, and Willow have to decide how to handle the Council and their threats while Xander recovers from an encounter with his drunken father.
Rating: R (US) 15 (UK) M (Aus) Pairings: B/W/T, G/J, An/X
* * *
Buffy and Tara found Willow sitting on a swing in the park, watching the children play while cautious mothers watched as well.
"Hey, Will," Buffy said softly as Willow swung absently.
Tara and Buffy frowned when Willow didn't look up right away.
Buffy knelt in front of Willow, not surprised to see tears in her lover's eyes.
"You're thinking of running again," Tara said softly, wrapping her arms around Willow from behind.
"I can't ask you both to leave here with me," Willow nodded, tears beginning to fall.
"That's what mates do," Buffy said softly. "I'll go to Siberia for you, Will."
"Me too," Tara agreed.
"Besides, running is my specialty," Buffy smiled and joined in the hug as Willow began to sob. "It's okay, Will. We'll be okay."
"You left the Council and now they'll get you again because of me," Willow cried.
"No, not because of you," Buffy said softly. "Because of all of us."
"Let's go sit in the shade and talk about this," Tara suggested.
"Okay," Willow whispered.
Buffy led them to some trees that were a little more isolated from the rest of the park and pulled Willow into her arms for a long and passionate kiss as Tara hugged both of them.
"We love you, Will," Tara said softly in Willow's ear. "You're not leaving here without us."
Tara sat down with her back against a tree and Willow sat down slowly, moving into her lover's arms on one side with Buffy on the other. The red-haired witch reached across Tara's ribs to hold Buffy's hand.
"We called the hospital," Tara said gently. "Xander is awake but groggy. They're going to keep him for a day or two."
"I called this morning too," Willow nodded.
"Maybe we should look at this as an opportunity," Buffy suggested. "I know nothing could make either of you happier than a chance at Oxford University. I know that Will also admired the Watchers until the Council messed with us."
"There's something that Mr. Travers didn't say that we need to think about," Tara said slowly.
"What's that, love?" Buffy asked, loving being snuggled with both witches.
"We now know about other Slayers and Watchers," Tara pointed out. "Giles didn't tell anyone because he knew they'd kill him and Buffy. Now we know."
"Either we cooperate and agree to this or they kill all of us," Buffy growled.
"And Joyce, Giles, Xander and Anya," Willow added. "Damn."
"Probably Brad just to be safe," Buffy said bitterly. "Okay, so we go on the run and hope the Council doesn't kill our friends and family or we go to England, away from family and friends and hope the Council doesn't plan on killing us there."
"Oxford," Willow muttered and Buffy couldn't help but smile.
The Slayer knew that Oxford, Harvard, Yale, all those prestigious universities called to Willow like Slaying called to Buffy.
"You know, it might not be so bad," Buffy said slowly. "They really want us back."
"Or dead," Tara countered. "I'm not sure which."
"It's not like we're going to prison like Faith," Buffy countered. "Education, job skills, future employment, training Slayers the right way, and we get to be together."
"We seriously considering this?" Willow asked with a frown.
"Tell me you don't want to be a Watcher and use all this experience we've gained," Buffy asked. "And you, Tara, what do you want with life? We haven't really thought about this and our future."
"I guess we figured that would come later," Tara shrugged. "I came to college to figure out what I want to do with my life."
"And found us," Buffy teased.
"Yeah, we're considering this," Willow said slowly. "I have a condition though."
"What's that?" Buffy asked.
"I want Giles and Joyce Mom with us for the first couple of months," Willow said, softly.
"Do you think the Council would go for that?" Buffy frowned.
"What about the gallery?" Tara added.
"Xander and Anya can take care of the gallery with enough instructions from Joyce Mom. The Council has promised us an apartment, well, they can make it a house somewhere," Willow said firmly. "Giles knows the Council and he knows Oxford, he'd know if something was out of place. Or we insist they send the teachers here."
"Sounds good," Buffy nodded.
"I'd hate to leave Anya and Xander for a year," Tara complained.
"We'd be leaving them if we had to run away," Buffy pointed out. "Unless we join a gypsy caravan, all of us couldn't get lost enough from Slayers and Watchers."
"Oxford does have a great ancient languages course and computers," Willow mumbled, closing her eyes.
"What about you, Tar?" Buffy asked softly.
"I like psychology," Tara admitted. "You?"
"I really don't know," Buffy shrugged, running her fingers through Willow's hair as their lover drifted off to sleep. "She was up so early."
"Didn't sleep well," Tara agreed.
"I never really thought I'd reach college, let alone live long enough to pick a major," Buffy explained.
"You always say that you're not much for studying and stuff but Willow told me your SAT score," Tara countered.
"I kinda like art and history," Buffy said shyly. "Guess Giles rubbed off a little bit, huh?"
"Maybe," Tara agreed and bent her head down and kissed Buffy tenderly.
Buffy sighed and snuggled closer to her mates.
"I wouldn't mind seeing some of the old power sites in England and the Isles," Tara said thoughtfully.
"We're going to England, aren't we?" Buffy asked with a small smile.
"It's the only way to keep Willow safe, I think," Tara said softly. "She won't let us run with her and I'd be lost without her."
"Me too, the only acceptable running would be to send her to Luperacalia but we'd never be able to see her," Buffy complained. "I can't face that."
"Then we're settled," Tara said firmly. "Close your eyes, baby. We've got an hour before visiting hours."
"Okay," Buffy agreed, her fingers intertwined with a sleeping Willow.
* * *
Willow winced visibly and Tara gasped when they walked into the hospital room. Anya looked up with a tear-streaked face.
"He's sleeping," she said softly.
Buffy walked in behind her lovers with the obligatory flowers and hesitated, taking in the bandages, swollen face, cast and all the tubes and IVs surrounding her friend.
Most of Xander's head was bandaged, covering all of the left side of his face, including his eye. What was left showing was bruised and swollen and they could see his taped ribs from his open hospital shirt.
"Oh God, Anya," Willow whispered as she walked over and hugged her friend.
"Brad came by earlier," Anya said softly. "He said that Mr. Harris will make bail this afternoon."
"Okay, we should go and get your stuff, An," Tara suggested.
"Where will we go? We can't stay in the RV forever," Anya whined and Xander stirred in his sleep.
"We're going to move Giles in with us since they're getting married anyway," Buffy smiled. "You guys will take over his condo. The payments are reasonable and it's nice."
"Complete with holes left from demon attacks," Tara joked and Anya smiled slightly.
"That would be good," she nodded. "I think Xander would like that."
"We'll get you guys whatever stuff you need that Giles doesn't leave behind," Willow smiled. "Until we move Giles out, we're going to rent a storage space for your stuff."
"We don't have a lot," Anya said shyly.
"Great!" Buffy said enthusiastically. "That means we don't have a lot to move."
Anya smirked back at the Slayer and glanced down at Xander as she stood up.
"What if he comes for my Xander?" she asked softly.
"Well, Willow's going to stay here with him while we meet Mom and Giles at your place," Buffy explained. "Willow will protect him."
"Okay," Anya said and bent to kiss Xander gently without waking him. She hesitated at the door as Tara and Buffy took turns hugging and kissing Willow.
"You be okay?" Tara asked softly.
"Yeah, I've got my laptop to keep me busy," Willow nodded.
"Let's move you out of that hell spot," Buffy encouraged, wrapping an arm around Anya's shoulder.
* * *
Giles smiled as he felt Joyce running her hands through his chest hair, followed by her lips on his nipples.
"Oh hell," he muttered, coming fully awake as her hand roamed down under his boxers and her lips found his.
"We've got a half hour," she murmured, moving his boxers aside impatiently. "And you're awake," she grinned.
"All of me is awake," he grinned back and rolled his fiancée over, covering her body with his. His fuzzy mind taking in the fact that she wasn't wearing anything. "Early morning ambush?" he teased as her hands pushed his boxers down, begging.
"Oh yeah," Joyce admitted, crying out in pleasure as Giles began working his way from her neck down to her breasts. It was something that Joyce had been overjoyed to find out about the stuffy appearing Englishman, he knew how to make love to a woman.
Giles always concentrated on her pleasure before his and Joyce had never been loved so completely as when she was touched by the Englishman.
"Rupert! Oh yes! Please, please!" Joyce cried out, gripping the headboard tightly.
* * *
Buffy's eyebrows rose in obvious teasing when her mom and Giles got out of her Mom's car. Giles looked slightly ruffled and her mother actually looked flushed.
"Hi, guys," Buffy said cheerfully, waiting on the sidewalk with Tara and Anya and a rental truck.
"Yes, hello," Giles said shyly.
"I take it you haven't gone inside yet?" Joyce asked.
"No, not yet," Buffy shrugged. "We figured that Mrs. Harris might respond to parental types better than us and Anya."
"Good idea," Joyce nodded, steeling herself as they turned towards the house.
Anya slipped the key into the door reluctantly and opened it slowly.
The group found Sally Harris sitting at the kitchen table, cigarette and coffee cup in hand.
"Get your stuff and get out before Senior gets home," she snarled, one eye almost swollen shut.
"He did that before he hurt Xander, didn't he?" Buffy ventured.
"Senior didn't do anything, I fell in the shower," Sally said wearily.
"Mrs. Harris, you don't have to live with this," Giles said softly with a frown.
"Just get out before he gets home and tears the place apart," Sally growled.
"Come on, Giles," Buffy urged. "We've got boxes in the truck."
It didn't take long to pack up Anya and Xander's things. Most of Xander's things were already in boxes when his parents moved him into the basement, making it easier for the small group.
The job didn't take as long as Giles had feared. With Buffy's Slayer strength, Anya's enthusiasm to get out, and Tara's hard work, the truck was packed quickly and efficiently.
"Okay, we'll drop off the essentials at your place, Giles," Buffy told the ex-Watcher and her mother. "Then we'll take the rest to storage."
"Buffy," Giles said, stopping the Slayer from getting behind the wheel. "I know it's only been a few hours but I was wondering if…well…"
"If we made any decisions?" Buffy asked, calling Tara over with a motion of her head.
"We're leaning to accepting the Council's offer with an added condition," Buffy said as Tara wrapped an arm around the Slayer's shoulder. "We want to talk to both of you after we pick up Will."
"Alright, I'm just worried about all of you," Giles said softly.
"Thanks, we know," Buffy smiled, hugging him and then Joyce. "We love you guys too."
* * *
Buffy, Anya and Tara found Xander awake but groggy from the pain meds. Willow was holding his hand and telling him jokes.
"Anya! Help me! She's killing me!" Xander smiled crookedly. "Don't make me laugh!"
Buffy and Tara grinned as Anya looked confused, unsure if to attack Willow or join in on the laughter.
"Good to see you, Xan man," Buffy said as she walked around and hugged Willow.
"Willow's been taking good care of me," Xander smiled, reaching out for Anya's hand. "She told me how you fought my mom."
"She tried to keep me from my Xander," Anya whined, holding his hand tightly. "You scared me!"
"Can't say I'm enjoying this either, Mrs. Harris," Xander tried to smile.
Anya immediately smiled and leaned down to kiss him gently.
"Did Willow tell you we've moved?" Anya asked softly.
"Yeah," Xander nodded slightly, watching Anya with his one good eye. "Brad called and said that the District Attorney will contact me about taking my dad to trial. There's enough evidence to get some jail time maybe."
"You okay with that, Xander?" Willow asked gently.
"Yeah," Xander closed his eye for a moment. "He almost killed me and he threatened Anya. I can't let him do this anymore."
"Xan," Buffy said softly. "Why didn't you tell me?"
Xander glanced away. "It was family stuff, Buff."
"Xander, I love you," Buffy said firmly. "We're family! No one hurts my family!"
"Thanks, Buff," Xander said softly. "I'm gonna have to testify against him."
"We'll be there, Xan," Willow said firmly.
"Not if you're in England," Xander countered.
Willow frowned. "I told Xan our options."
"Look, I understand that might be the only choice you really have but I'm not happy about losing my friends for a year or more," Xander mumbled.
They watched as Xander drifted into back into a drugged sleep.
"You gonna be okay here, Anya?" Buffy asked. "We need to talk to Mom and Giles."
"Yeah," Anya nodded, looking deep into Xander's face. "I will raise hell if Mr. or Mrs. Harris steps through that door."
"Okay," Willow nodded. "We'll be back after lunch if we can."
"Good luck with Watcher types," Anya nodded.
* * *
"God," Giles muttered after listening to Willow, Tara and Buffy and looked to Joyce for her opinion.
"How long would you be gone?" she asked softly.
"Maybe a year," Buffy admitted.
"Frequent visitors, you'd rack up a lot of frequent flyer miles," Willow offered shyly.
"I'm afraid they're right, Joyce," Giles said slowly. "Now that they know about the other Slayers, they either have to go back to the Council or we'll all be killed."
"I am still upset with you about that, Rupert," Joyce snapped.
"I know," he muttered, dropping his head.
"So, we get everyone married and then travel to Merry Old England for school," Buffy said, trying to be cheerful about the situation.
Willow frowned and turned to Tara.
"Tara?" she asked softly, catching Buffy's attention.
Tara's head was dropped and her hair was almost hiding her face, much like when Willow first met her.
"I don't know if I can go, passport and all," she said softly. "Something I remembered."
"What's the problem, Tara?" Giles asked, keeping his voice calm.
"I don't have a birth certificate," Tara said, glancing up for a moment.
"We can send off for one, urgent like," Buffy suggested.
"That's…that's not it," Tara muttered. "I…uh…"
"Tar?" Willow asked softly. "Come on, baby. What is it?"
"My family, it's my family," Tara stammered. "Maclay isn't my real name. Can we not talk about it right now?"
"If they're anything like Xander's family, I can understand that," Buffy grumbled.
"Don't worry about it, Tara," Giles smiled. "The Council can provide you with a passport and all documentation under any name you wish."
"Really?" Tara asked hopefully, her eyes filling with tears.
"Tara, you don't have to tell us your reasons but just know that you can trust us," Joyce said gently as Buffy and Willow wrapped their arms around their lover.
"I…just…just need to figure some things out first," Tara said slowly.
"Okay, baby," Willow said softly.
"Giles, why don't you call Quentin Travers? Let's get the details settled," Buffy suggested. "And I still want logical reasons why the teachers can't come here!"
* * *
The Head of the Watcher Council listened patiently and then nodded, much to everyone's relief.
"I agree and the Council will agree with me," he said calmly. "This is July, we will arrange travel for you all the last week of August."
"Xander and Anya still come visit once a month, right?" Willow insisted.
"Yes," Quentin nodded. "And we'll bring Mrs. Summers and Giles back here in November. I'll arrange for our education coordinator to drop by later this afternoon and discuss Oxford courses and required Watcher classes."
"You have the Educator with you?" Giles questioned.
"Yes," Quentin nodded, his eyes twinkling slightly as Buffy began to blush.
"You knew we'd fight back!" she exclaimed.
"Yes, I was counting on it," Quentin smiled. "Think of it as the last sneaky psych test we pull on you. I had to know if Robert Etheridge's report on the connection between the three of your and your dedication to each other was actually as strong as it is."
"You manipulative bastard," Giles muttered.
"Careful, Rupert," Quentin smirked. "I'm your boss once again."
"Oh, right," Giles nodded. "I'm sorry, that should have been 'you arrogant manipulative bastard.'"
"That's better," Quentin agreed. "Now, do you have any Scotch?"
"Yes, of course," Giles said, standing up to get the drinks. "Girls?"
"Not 21 yet," Willow muttered.
"Me either," Tara shrugged.
"That reminds me!" Buffy grinned. "When the heck is your birthday, Tar? I've never gotten it out of you."
"Yes, we'll need some kind of date to put on your papers," Quentin nodded.
"Oh, well, uh," Tara stammered, shifting on the sofa between Willow and Buffy. "It's tomorrow actually."
"What? You didn't tell us?" Buffy demanded playfully and then frowned when Tara ducked her head again.
"We don't celebrate birthdays," she said softly.
"Well, okay," Buffy looked over Tara's shoulders to Willow and found the red-haired witch frowning as well and looking confused. "Then we just sing Happy Birthday when you wake up, tickle you to death, make you eat ice cream tomorrow and that's it."
"Okay," Tara said shyly.
* * *
"Tara?" Willow asked softly, opening the door to their bedroom.
She could see Tara on the bed with her back to the door.
"It's okay, Will," Tara called softly and Willow quickly crossed the space and curled up behind her lover. "Buffy out patrolling?"
"Yeah, almost two months of vacation, she's anxious to get some field time in, as she puts it," Willow smiled, pulling close to Tara.
"You know my mother was a witch," Tara said hesitantly.
"Yeah, you've mentioned that," Willow nodded.
"She died when I was seventeen," Tara continued. "My father and brother were so strict. I wasn't allowed to even have a candle in the house or anything. Even a journal was forbidden."
"Wow, what did you do?" Willow asked, not wanting to push but be supportive at the same time.
"I got caught doing spells from books I found at the library," Tara's voice cracked and Willow hugged her close. "I…it was hard. I didn't have any friends in high school and horrible rumors kept following me. Some of which turned out to be true, I guess."
"Cordelia used to tease me since we were little," Willow said, empathizing with her lover. "Then she started dating Xander and felt what it was like. What did they say about you?"
"Called me a dyke," Tara said softly. "I didn't even know what that was! I went home and asked my dad and he hit me. He said he'd rather see me dead than that."
"Wow, real supportive type," Willow muttered, trying to keep her anger in check.
"The words they used most of the time was dyke freak," Tara whispered and Willow could feel the pain from the old wounds tearing at her lover again.
"When I turned eighteen, a lawyer showed up and said my mother had separate life insurance policies for my brother and me," Tara continued. "She left instructions for me to get out if I had any talent or desire. I left that day. I used magic to get a false ID, school records and stuff and headed for Southern California."
"And ended up in Sunnydale," Willow surmised.
"I thought it was small enough to feel safe but far enough away so they wouldn't come looking for me," Tara nodded.
"That's my girl," Willow said cheerfully. "Try to find someplace safe and you end up in a hellmouth town."
Willow could feel Tara smiling and grinned when Tara turned over and gently stroked Willow's hair.
"I love you so much," Tara admitted.
"I love you more than anything, Tar," Willow said, snuggling into her lover's arms. "They never found you?"
"No, I called and talked with my cousin once but it didn't go well," Tara said softly and wearily.
"Then we'll tell Buffy the 411 and we won't worry about it," Willow said simply. "In a couple of months, we'll be foreign exchange students."
"At least they speak English in England," Tara smiled.
"Sort of," Willow grinned. "Have you heard Spike swearing?"
Tara laughed and hugged Willow close.
* * *
"Hey there, Slayer!"
"Spike, I thought you weren't talking to us because we worked with the Initiative to get rid of Adam," Buffy complained as she headed for the cemetery gates.
"Well, you managed to get them out of town anyway," Spike grumbled, catching up with Buffy and beginning to walk beside her. "You done for the night? A little early isn't it?"
"Well, I've got two beautiful and loving women waiting for me in my bed, do you think it's early?" Buffy taunted.
"Hell no!" Spike agreed with a smirk. "They're both very hot, thanks."
"What's it like, Spike?" Buffy suddenly asked, turning to face the vampire. "I know you don't have a soul, so what's it like to be a demon who can't be a demon?"
Spike frowned.
"Is this a joke, Buffy?" he growled.
"No, you hang around like you're lonely," Buffy said thoughtfully. "You act like you have a crush on me and you were very devoted to Druscilla but that can't be love, so what is it? Afraid of being alone? Is that what a demon fears?"
"I think the joy has gone out of this conversation, thank you," Spike snapped and turned to leave.
"Spike, we're leaving Sunnydale for several months," Buffy said, stopping the vampire in his tracks.
"You just bloody hell got back!" he yelled as he turned, a panicked look in his eyes.
"We're going to England for Willow to get some training, the three of us are going to school," Buffy explained.
"Bloody hell!" Spike grumbled, stuffing his hands in the pocket of his duster. "What about the mouth of hell and all that?"
"There will be a Slayer trainee and her Watchers here while I'm gone," Buffy informed the blonde vampire. "You might not want to cross paths with them. I'm not sure they'd be as understanding of your chip thing."
"Bollocks!" Spike shouted. "What the hell am I supposed to do? I can't be me! I can't be a vampire! I can't be a man!"
"Spike, calm down!" Buffy shouted.
"Calm down you say!" he snapped. "I'm going to have a frickin Slayer breathing down my neck and I can't fight back!"
"I'll inform the new Slayer and Watchers about you but I can't guarantee anything," Buffy said quickly. "Maybe you should visit Angel in LA while we're gone."
"Oh that's all I bloody well need, to go visiting Peaches," Spike complained.
"Look, Spike, you've helped us in the past so I'm just letting you know what's going on," Buffy said. "I've got other things to worry about right now, okay?"
"Like what? Running off to England and doing what? Sitting around with stuffy old Watchers while Red does her magic lessons like some female Harry Potter?"
"Spike," Buffy's voice went low with warning.
"What? Beginning to feel like a third wheel, Slayer?" Spike smirked. "The two witches will be trained as Watchers and in magic. What are they going to do with you? A Slayer past her prime? Put you out to pasture with the other mad cows?"
Spike was suddenly looking up from the ground as he held a bloody nose.
"Bloody hell!" he shouted. "That was uncalled for!"
"Oh you called it, claimed it and even got change back!" Buffy growled, threatening a kick to the ribs. "Just because you're upset doesn't mean you can try and yank my chain! Xander's in the hospital because of his father, and we've got three weddings to plan before we leave the country. You are so not my problem!"
"I'll always be your problem, Slayer," Spike taunted as he sat up and lit a cigarette. "You have a weakness for vamps, a regular vampy fan, you are."
"In your dreams," Buffy snarled and turned to walk away.
"Hey, wait a minute," Spike yelled. "Three weddings? Who?"
Buffy turned with a grin. "Mom and Giles, Xander and Anya want to have a ceremony even though they're married already. Who else? Oh yeah, right. Willow, Tara and me are going to have a bonding ritual."
"No way!" Spike looked stunned and then smirked. "You mean come totally out of the closet, invite friends, family and coworkers to bless your twisted relationship? Who walks which bride down the aisle and who wears the tux?"
"Drop dead, Spike," Buffy muttered.
"Been there, done that," Spike taunted back.
* * *
Willow and Buffy were very surprised to find Tara already up and gone from the house when they woke up the next morning. Willow frowned and handed the note to Buffy.
"Guys, I've gone out for a bit, I'll meet you at the Magic Box. I'm going to help Anya and Giles for a while today. I love you both. Don't worry, I'm okay, I just need some time today. I love you, Tara."
"Well, Happy Birthday," Buffy muttered.
"What's wrong with her, Will?" Buffy asked, her voice sounding small and worried. "She talked to you last night? You were both asleep when I came in."
"Well, her mother died when Tara was 17 and her father was really strict. No magic allowed," Willow said thoughtfully. "She had a rough high school time, I mean, she was teased worse than I was and left when she was eighteen."
Willow looked thoughtful and pained. "It was so bad that she changed her name and came here."
"Well, let's go visit Xander and then head down to the Magic Box and find out what's up," Buffy suggested.
"Maybe grab something like a birthday present along the way?" Willow suggested with a shy smile.
"Great idea!" Buffy grinned.
* * *
The morning was spent grabbing something to eat on the way to the hospital. Once there they found Xander more awake and anxious to be out of the bed.
"They say I can go home if I have someone to help me," Xander smiled a lopsided grin.
"Well, Mom says you can stay in my room while Anya is working at the Magic Box and she'll drive you home when Anya gets off work," Buffy smiled.
"You guys are doing too much already," Xander protested.
"Not for my brother," Buffy said firmly and Willow nodded with a wide smile.
"Thanks, guys," Xander said softly.
"You bet!" Buffy smiled. "Have you seen Tara yet today?"
"Yeah, she dropped by with Anya earlier," Xander answered. "She looked a little scattered."
"We've all got a lot on our minds," Willow explained. "We're going to England, Xan."
"I figured you would," he nodded slightly, touching the bandage on his cheek for a moment. "It's the only choice that works for all of you."
"They'll fly you and Anya over once a month," Buffy said hopefully.
"Really? Cool!" Xander smiled and lost it when the door to his room opened and his father walked in with his mother behind him.
Buffy moved quickly, positioning herself between Xander and his parents, moving into a defensive stance as Willow moved to hold Xander down in the bed, trying to calm her friend.
"Leave and no one gets hurt," she threatened.
Alexander Harris Sr. looked the small female up and down and smirked.
"Senior, no trouble, remember," Sally said behind her husband.
"Too bad," Alex muttered. "I'd like to teach you some manners, young lady."
"I so cannot believe that a wonderful guy like Xander was raised by you!" Buffy growled and almost smiled when Alex Senior bristled, clenching his fists, her body tensing for a fight.
"We came to see our son," Alex growled.
"I believe you'll find there's a restraining order that says you can't see him," Willow said firmly.
"No court is going to tell me I can't see my son!" Alex Senior growled and his eyes flashed angrily when he realized Xander was pressing his "call" button frantically. "Junior, look, we just want to talk."
"No!" Xander shouted. "Look at me! I almost lost an eye! No more!"
"Easy, Xander," Willow urged, touching his arm softly.
"Look, just leave!" Buffy demanded.
Sally touched her husband's back as a nurse took in the scene and trotted back to the nurse's station.
"Come on, Senior, they're gonna throw us out in a minute," Sally warned her husband.
"Look, son, I'm sorry about the other night," Senior said slowly. "I had too much to drink. I'm sorry. Come on home and we'll forget about this."
"Forget about it?" Xander shouted. "I'm going to be scarred because of you! You called my wife a whore and me a bastard. Although you might be right about that because you sure as hell aren't my father!"
"You ungrateful prick!" Senior growled and found Buffy's hand on his chest, stopping him.
"I said 'leave'!" she said firmly. "If I have to make you leave, Xander might get hurt when I throw you around the room and I don't want Xander hurt. You've done enough of that already."
"Come on, Mr. Harris," a stern male voice said from the hallway. "The nurses tell me that you're not allowed in this room. Time for you and your wife to leave!" Willow looked past Buffy and the Harris' and saw an armed Security Guard with his hand on the butt of his pistol in the doorway.
Senior glared at Buffy, his eyes promising a future meeting and he was surprised when she didn't back down from his glare at all. Alex Senior broke off the staring contest and glared at the security guard.
"Alright, we're leaving. Junior, if you don't drop the charges you will regret it!"
"He can't drop the charges, Mr. Harris," Willow said bitterly. "Not that I'd let him. According to California law, you were arrested for domestic violence against your son and first degree assault with a deadly weapon, it's not Xander's choice if you're prosecuted or not."
"You'll all regret this!" Senior warned.
"Get over it and go buy yourself a beer, big man," Buffy taunted.
The Slayer watched until the Harris' moved into the elevator before turning back to the room and joining Willow in hugging a weeping Xander.
"You're safe, Xan. We'll get you feeling better and then we'll take on less scary stuff like vampires."
"It's okay, Xan," Willow kept saying. "You've got family, you've got us."
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